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Everything posted by Perry

  1. I have both Chi and Sedu flat irons. I much prefer the Sedu.
  2. Gilead The Glass Castle Mitford series Ladies No. 1 Detective Agency series
  3. I'm in! I want to lose 15 lbs by August. It will be my 35th high school reunion. :eek:
  4. You might want to look into Scan Cafe. I had about 750 slides I wanted to have scanned, and to have them done locally was almost $1 per slide. We have a decent scanner, so I tried to do it myself, but quickly realized that even doing 3 at a time it was going to take f o r e v e r. Asta recommended Scan Cafe, and I ended up using their services. It cost about $150 for all 750 slides and the quality was great. I highly recommend them. I'm so glad I didn't do it myself. I know I would never have finished it.
  5. I so look forward to your "What My Boys Said..." at this time each year. I hope you haven't stopped! :toetap05:
  6. Just to reassure the OP, the kind of strep that is really dangerous to newborns is Group B strep, which is different than the Group A strep that causes sore throats. Strep throat is no fun during pregnancy and I wouldn't want to be around her, but it doesn't really endanger your baby. I think the email is fine.
  7. Oh, sorry, I meant they don't carry Jackson skates. They do sell other brands.
  8. Oh, rats, ds' are 3s and 4.5s. I don't think Dick's sells them. Our Dick's doesn't anyway, and their website doesn't have any. My ds' coach is a certified dealer, so we got them through her. If you go to the Jackson website, you can search for a dealer near you. It is hard to find boys' skates.
  9. I'll be there then too! My girls will be competing in the National Dance Team Championships Feb 4-5. :hurray:
  10. Vets stick themselves accidentally all the time. From Occupational hazards reported by swine veterinarians in the United States They don't say how common the adverse effects are, but they are generally local. There isn't really much you can do about it besides clean the area well and then keep an eye on it. There is a small chance of a localized infection, so if it starts to look infected, see your doctor. As far as any kind of systemic infection-- very unlikely, but not impossible. Pigs can carry some viruses that can theoretically be transmitted through blood, but the pig would be sick. If your pigs are healthy, don't worry about it. And pigs don't get AIDS. :) My grad research was on swine influenza and other pig zoonoses (infections transmitted from animals to people), so I have some background. I'd go with what your vet says.
  11. Yes, she is. She will probably be given antibiotics as prevention.
  12. While blood clots are nothing to mess around with, that is way overestimated. Link
  13. Yes, exactly. I had an exceptionally colicky baby, who had terrible problems going to and staying asleep. We were very attached, and she was held pretty much non-stop. But at one point, we had to do CIO, or I was going to end up committed. It took 3 days (using Ferber's techniques) and her sleep problems (and mine) were cured. There is just no way that that is comparable to a chronically non-nurturing experience. I do believe that chronic neglect leads to changes in the brain and long-term damage. But not a couple days of CIO. The article posted by the OP links to this one, which states This really angers me. If they don't understand the difference between correlation and causation they shouldn't be doing research. It is much more likely that kids who have ADHD are much more likely to have persistent crying episodes, poor school performance, and antisocial behavior. It's genetic! Although I also recognize that neglect and poor parenting can cause similar issues.
  14. While one comment doesn't qualify as bulllying, trust me that ds has had longstanding issues with being bullied and teased. I am not going to go into detail, but ds is socially awkward and this is an ongoing problem. This isn't the worst comment that has been posted. I realize that kids talk to their friends this way and it is in fun. When someone who is not your friend calls you a loser, it isn't a joke.
  15. The school wouldn't want to get involved. Someone posted a video of one of ds' classmates being taunted and mocked to the point of tears and an angry outburst. Since the video was clearly made at school, I emailed the counselor with the link. He called me and while he was outraged, he said the school didn't get involved with facebook issues at all. Even though the video was made in a classroom, during school hours. :confused:
  16. A female classmate of ds posted this on his fb: :angry: Ds used to be a pretty good figure skater, but he quit 2 years ago because of the bullying and teasing. Help me think of a response.
  17. This is true of just about anything in medicine though. Diagnosis and treatment is much less clear-cut than people seem to think. It might be even more difficult with mental illness, but it certainly isn't limited to psychiatry.
  18. Sure! The more you handle them, the friendlier they are.
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