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Everything posted by Perry

  1. Dd went through a period where she couldn't stand toothpaste. Our dentist said toothpaste isn't necessary, and to just brush with water. It's the mechanical action of the brush that is important. The main purpose of toothpaste seems to be the fluoride, and if someone is drinking water and getting fluoride treatments at the dentist they are probably getting plenty already. If you google "is toothpaste necessary" you'll find plenty of information.
  2. Are you sure they were real guns? My son and his friends are really into airsoft wars, and they walk and ride around the neighborhood with their guns and gear to get to the fields where they have airsoft wars. The guns are very realistic looking, but they are supposed to have an orange tip. It was probably alarming to some of the neighbors at first but they all know what's up now.
  3. Mainly folliculitus or a particular type of yeast, but if they've entered puberty and have some facial acne, it's probably acne. They just seemed young to have back acne already. I'd still recommend a dermatologist, as back acne can be harder to treat than facial acne.
  4. Do they have facial acne? And have they started puberty? It 's unusual to have body acne without having it on the face, and back acne only occurs after puberty. There are other things that can cause spots on the back that look like acne but aren't, and they are treated differently. I would have them seen by a dermatologist.
  5. Influenza in general can cause neurological complications, and a higher rate of neurological issues were seen with swine flu than regular seasonal flu. I'm not sure if they've documented a loss of IQ, but it's certainly likely. And personality changes are definitely documented. One Article *encephalopathy (defined as altered mental status, or personality changes in patients lasting more than 24 hours and occurring within 5 days...)
  6. My male cat used to have frequent urinary tract problems. We changed to canned Innova several years ago and haven't had a problem since. His weight is also better. Here is a great article about cat nutrition.
  7. The Language Police, by Diane Ravitch, is a fascinating read about this. It's not a new problem.
  8. Here is some information about amenorrhea. It's in medical jargon, but you can probably decipher most of it. The most common cause (after pregnancy) is anovulation (50%) and as others have mentioned, can be caused by changes in exercise or diet. Did you tell your doctor about your new exercise? If so, that is probably why he wanted to take a wait and see approach. Definition Previously regular cycles: 3 months of no Menses Previously irregular cycles: 6 months of no Menses [*]Causes: General Luteal Phase dysfunction [*]Anovulation Unopposed Estrogen leads to long cycles [*]Hypoestrogenemia (Most common) Able to conceive [*]Causes: Axis Associated See Hypogonadism Axis 1: Hypothalamic or Central [*]Axis 2: Pituitary Hyperprolactinemia (25%) Sheehan's Syndrome (rare) Hypothyroidism (1%): Prolactin-like effect [*]Axis 3: Ovary Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (8%) Turners Syndrome (1%) [*]Premature Ovarian Failure (10%) [*]Oophoritis (rare) Chemotherapy or Radiation Infection (e.g. Mumps, Tuberculosis) [*]Axis 4: Uterus Asherman's Syndrome (5%) Endometritis There is a very standard approach to how to evaluate amenorrhea. It's a clinical choice when to pursue it. Here is the general approach to evaluation of secondary amennorhea (secondary meaning you've had periods in the past; primary amenorrhea, or never starting periods in the first place, is a different approach). Findings: Short Stature, Web neck, Shield chest Anovulation (50%) Post-Hormonal Contraception (Post-Pill) Insufficient Progesterone
  9. Sophie. DD named her. I started calling her Soph the pet. Took me awhile to realize why. :lol::lol::lol: Wonder where Soph has been, anyway?
  10. Thanks! I have had a terrible time getting a good picture of her. She's in perpetual motion, so everything's blurry, and she's pitch black, so she looks like a big black faceless blob in most pictures. This is the best I've got so far: She's a mutt. Mom is a Golden Retriever, dad is part Great Pyrenees and part mutt. She has webbed feet, so I'd guess she has black lab in there somewhere. No puppy mills involved; just an oops on someone's farm.
  11. I didn't realize this was going to be a problem. We got our last dog when my cat was just a few months old, so they grew up together and became best buddies. I've had friends bring their dogs over and the cat has never had a problem with any of them. Our dog died 2 years ago, and we got a new puppy recently. I figured the cat would be happy to have a new buddy. Well, the puppy (Sophie) loves the cat, and the cat hates the puppy.Sophie is very playful, and really tries to engage the cat, but he wants nothing to do with it. The dog's body language is clearly non-threatening and the cat has to know that. If he really felt threatened, wouldn't he run and hide? He doesn't do that. He just hisses, growls, and bats the dog. I didn't realize cats could growl. So, what do I do? Will they work it out on their own? Is there anything I can do to help them to be friends? This is going to be very stressful if they don't learn to get along.
  12. Although I always give doctors the benefit of the doubt, I have been to some rural areas where the doctors are truly incompetent. And since there are so few of them, you're just stuck with what you've got. If this is your situation, there really isn't much you can do about it. It's very hard to get doctors in some places, and getting good ones is just about impossible. About the only thing you can do is go elsewhere.
  13. I agree with your mom. I did the exact same thing last month. I was leaning hard against a table, felt a pop and had immediate pain. I've had broken ribs before and am sure that this was a cracked rib. Google "cracked rib leaning" and you'll see this is not an uncommon way to crack a rib. The doctor can give you pain medicine that will work better than over the counter stuff. Naproxen isn't really any better than ibuprofen. I didn't go, because I don't like to take narcotics, and my kids are big enough that it wasn't a problem for me to get plenty of rest. If my kids were younger and more demanding physically, I'd definitely get the meds. The heating pad helped my pain. They may offer you an xray, but I personally wouldn't get it done. It wouldn't change anything; even if they didn't see a fracture, they would probably assume there was one there they can't see and would treat you with pain meds anyway. They aren't always easy to see on an xray. I would skip the radiation, assume it's cracked, and take the meds. I also wouldn't go near a chiropractor. If they tried to adjust something that was already cracked, they could cause a way bigger problem. Just MHO. :)
  14. It's on clearance at Bed Bath and Beyond right now. It's really cheap! I haven't taken it out of the bag yet, so I can't vouch for quality. But I really like the print.
  15. Both reddish brown and brown. Walls are SW Latte I can't post a picture of it here, but it's sort of a dark tan neutral color.
  16. If you had latte walls, and this bedding, what accent color would be good? My bedroom is too brown. My whole house is too brown. I need some color!
  17. What a jerk. It says more about his character than hers. She might not be a rocket surgeon :) but that's not really under her control. OTOH, he chose to post a humiliating video of her.
  18. :iagree: I once saw a baby like this and it turned out she had a hair wrapped tight around a toe, cutting off the circulation. I'd take the baby to the ER.
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