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Everything posted by Perry

  1. I just ran across this while looking for some information on dd's school website. :lol:
  2. I'm glad it turned out to be nothing to worry about. Something like 20% of the population has benign anisocoria, so I was guessing that's what they'd say.
  3. Have you used this program? Was it worth the money? It looks really interesting. I'm going to read her book, but from what I've read about it, it doesn't give many specifics. If I send you a picture of my face, do you think you could point me in the right direction? I think I'm a type 2/3. I looked at the website a few days ago when someone linked it here. I LOVE her haircut, and had my stylist cut mine that way yesterday. It isn't quite the same, but I really like it! Thanks to whoever posted the link!
  4. Click on your name (next to your avatar) in one of your posts. A drop down list will come up, and one of the choices is to see all your posts. You can do this for anyone, not just yourself.
  5. I would skip the optometrist and go to an ophthalmologist. We have some fantastic ones in CR (and one that I would avoid). I would definitely see one here first. Let me know if you need a recommendation.
  6. :iagree:Acetaminophen overdose is very common and it isn't hard to do. However, people don't die immediately from an overdose. Instead, acetaminophen overdose causes liver damage, which can lead to liver failure and death over a period of days to weeks.
  7. I am all for paying people a reasonable wage. However, if that happens, the price of food is going to go up. Americans don't like that. Can't have it both ways, though.
  8. Absolutely. K-12. Because they would have liked it, I would have liked it, they would have received a better education, and I would have been able to work.
  9. Well, there is some evidence that weather conditions do play a role in virus transmission, at least for influenza. Layperson's article: Also, it's thought that a cold wind, exposure to cold air conditioning, or driving with the window down can all be triggers for Bell's palsy. Although BP is rare in kids, so it's adults who should be wearing the hats. :D
  10. Who sleeps with all their phones on the kitchen counter? Mine is right next to my bed, especially if dh isn't home.
  11. I recently read an article about how diet soft drinks mess up carb metabolism and cause cravings, but now I can't find it. I think the stuff has caused a lot more harm than good. Good for your mom! :hurray:
  12. I don't think enough is known to consider it safe.
  13. Ours has done that for years. Sometime in the past couple years the fee went up to $2.00.
  14. I found this site to be really helpful. I had my dd do the self-report and I was really shocked at how many she checked. We started her on Ritalin last spring, and it has helped tremendously. I wish I wouldn't have waited so long.
  15. I haven't seen it yet, but CDC likes it. I'm relieved to hear that it's very well done, believable, and accurate.
  16. This was our experience too. She still isn't doing nearly as well as she is capable of, but our relationship is better. Taking things away as punishment didn't help and actually made things worse. Starting her on Ritalin made a big difference. I knew she had ADD years ago, but held out on treatment until last year. Wish I hadn't waited so long. :001_huh:
  17. Jann, can you elaborate on your grading system? I will need to start giving my 9th grader grades for the first time this year, and I haven't figured out a good system. If you give 10% for completing hw, is the other 90% quizzes and tests? Does anything else count? How do you handle tests? Do you allow retakes?
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