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Everything posted by Perry

  1. See the little checkmark just to the left of the thread title? Like this: If you click on that, it will take you to the first unread post. If you've read every post in a thread, there won't b e a check mark.
  2. Possibly RSD (reflex sympathetic dystrophy, also called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome). I would try to find a neurologist or rheumatologist knowledgeable about RSD. Good luck. :grouphug:
  3. My 15 year old has an interview for a summer lifeguard job. She doesn't have any idea what to wear. I am fashion challenged, so I'm no help. Any suggestions?
  4. That's how I feel when I'm pregnant... :)
  5. Cha Cha's Chicken Chili This is the one I always make, but I leave out the jalapenos. If you make it, be sure to read the comments first. Most everyone agrees that it's too hot as written.
  6. I have the same problem as Joann, with my cotton t-shirts getting holes around the belly button area. It must be mechanical, because it's only in one spot, and I figure the fabric must be different, since it seems to be a new problem. I'm wondering if this is more likely to happen to those of us whose belly might be just a little on the protuberant side, :o as this would cause more rubbing on counters, etc. It never happened when I was skinny, although if it's because of a change in fabric this wouldn't matter. So, I'm posting an anonymous poll for those of us that wear cotton t-shirts. :) Give me a minute.
  7. :iagree: I would say something to the mother. I think it's more likely to continue if no one calls her out.
  8. But the original article posted *is* misrepresenting it. That said, I don't like it. The great majority of those injuries and deaths occur on the kids' own farm, and this law wouldn't fix that, since it doesn't apply to them. I think it will create more problems than it will solve.
  9. Have you ever flat ironed your hair? I have very thick, frizzy, wavy/curly hair, and I hate-hate-hate it. A few years ago, my stylist flat ironed it for me, and it was the first time I ever looked in the mirror and actually liked the way my hair looked. I've been flat ironing it ever since. I also found a different stylist who really understands curly hair, and gives me a much better cut. So I do wear it curly sometimes and I don't absolutely hate it. :) So if you haven't been flat ironing, you might want to try that when your keratin treatment wears off. Get a good flat iron though. The cheap ones really don't get hot enough to do a good job. I've been tempted to do the Brazilian treatment thing, but have been putting it off. It's so expensive!
  10. Black bean and salsa soup Very quick and easy Cowboy caviar Great with Tostitos. I make this all the time.
  11. I had to do this when my dog ate some sparklers. Make sure you do it outside! It's fast and messy. :)
  12. But doesn't that just protect students' educational records? I don't think it applies to teachers at all.
  13. What the heck are they doing with all the tuition set aside money?! I know not all states have this but many do. In Iowa, a minimum of 15% of tuition at the public schools is mandated to go to tuition set asides for scholarships, although it's actually more than that. That's quite a bit of money! Based on this, 1 of 4 students should be getting a full tuition scholarship at U of I. I know that's not happening though.
  14. Who writes the New York state exam? Any chance they did this deliberately as a protest against that ridiculous ban on certain "offensive" words that left them nothing to write about?
  15. My favorites are Kael or Kale Kellen Kavan Koen Keane Kerrigan Kirby
  16. HIPAA is only relevant for information regarding health. I don't think there are any laws that say you can't identify a teacher, especially when they're an idiot. :) After all, they're employed by the taxpayers.
  17. :iagree: He's young. He made a mistake. He realized his mistake and apologized. Sounds like a keeper to me. Or at least someone worth giving a second chance.
  18. It could be claudication, which is a symptom of poor circulation and atherosclerosis. You should see your doctor.
  19. I saw a picture of myself in shorts a few years ago. :eek: I don't wear them anymore.
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