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Everything posted by Perry

  1. This is the same one I have. I agree, it works great! When it isn't broken. :)
  2. We are on our 4th dishwasher in 12 years. I think they're all cr*p. Our current one is a Bosch, which I was very happy with until it stopped working last fall. It was less than a year old, so was under warranty, but it took 4 tech visits and 2 months to get fixed. Good luck. I don't think anyone makes a good dishwasher anymore.
  3. She doesn't like it when we ask her to enunciate, and usually says "oh, forget it" when we ask her to repeat. It's really hard to understand her, especially on the phone. Have you been able to successfully fix a mumbling child? Is it worth taking her to a speech therapist? I can see this becoming a problem in her life, as people get very frustrated with her.
  4. Me too. Although I doubt if anyone would really describe me as nurturing...
  5. Why would your relatives ever need to know? :confused:
  6. I much prefer texting over email, because scammers primarily use email. I recently sold a bunch of stuff on craigslist, and anything over about $100 invariably drew scammers. It was really annoying.
  7. We're clicker training our 12 week old puppy, and for the most part it's going well. The major problem we're having is that when we play with her she jumps and nips. Those little teeth are sharp and she's ripped jeans and shirts. My son was playing with her tonight and she really got him on the bare leg. I know it's playful, not aggressive, but I really want to nip this <ha ha> in the bud. She's only started doing this in the last week or so. We are doing the standard-- turning our back (which is how she ruined my shirt) and ignoring her, leaning into her instead of stepping away, giving a sharp "eep" when she nips, having her sit, etc. Today I started using the clicker to mark four feet on the floor. It's not working. If anything, it's escalating. Any tips?
  8. Well, I will have to dissent and say I don't think the answer is that clear at all. There is a very interesting article here, which suggests that antibiotics for strep may actually do more harm than good. The issue is that you have to weigh the risks and benefits, including the risks of treating. When you have a very rare adverse outcome (and in this country new cases of rheumatic heart disease are rare) it becomes more likely that the risks of the medication are higher than the risk of the illness. <snip> The comments are interesting too. And there is a follow up here Antibiotics for Strep: Addressing Readers’ Concerns, if you're interested in this sort of thing. :) BTW, we always treat our kids when they have strep. However, we don't test every single sore throat they get.
  9. I was thinking that too. I'm guessing the difference is that humans don't really pose a risk to anyone else (they don't normally bite :)) but a dog could bite at any time, and it's just not worth the risk.
  10. Yes. It's horrible. It's why we started homeschooling. Link
  11. I'd pay $1200 for a puppy I wanted. I have met a couple of horrible Maltese dogs, but I don't know their background. Awful, nasty, mean little devils.
  12. :iagree: This is the one to read if you're interested in science and evidence.
  13. I suspect this is one of the reasons the rates have increased so much. People (particularly women) are much more aware, and doctors are biopsying many more moles that would have gone unnoticed for longer periods of time. Not all melanomas are aggressive. Some may linger for many years without spreading. Although I also believe tanning beds are a factor.
  14. Since you all did so well on the other thread, here's another one. These trees line a street in my town. I've never seen them anywhere else. They are very distinctive looking in the winter, with branches that stick straight up in the air. They look like a regular tree when they have leaves. Any ideas? Click to enlarge
  15. We prune it every spring, but I don't know if we're doing it wrong, or not enough, or what. I think it really needs to be cut back, but I'm afraid I'm going to kill it.
  16. Thanks everyone. After checking some of these suggestions I think it is a Serviceberry. We've lived here 10 years, and it has grown quite a bit. It used to flower pretty much top to bottom, but now it really only flowers on the top half, and the flowers are sparse. I though maybe we weren't pruning it right. I'd love for it to flower more densely again.
  17. If you click on the picture, it gets bigger:)
  18. I don't think we're taking care of it correctly, but I can't research it until I know what it is. It has white flowers in the spring, then light green leaves in the summer.
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