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Everything posted by linguistmama

  1. I'm assuming candy is not a good answer? :tongue_smilie: We actually have leftover chicken and vegetables from last night. :D
  2. That's good to know! I've tried watching some things on netflix that were rated PG, but that I would have classified as PG13 or R. I should just post here and ask when I wonder so I can get an accurate picture of the movie adaptation.
  3. I would bet that it's extremely rare! My first 2 weighed the same and were the same length. They looked enough alike that they could have been mistaken for identical twins at a passing glance. I get the feeling that dd3 will be bigger at birth.
  4. I'm curious about the online deals. Do they usually start at the same time as the in store sales? I'm interested in saving money, but not the crowds. :)
  5. That's cool! I figured that at least the hypnobabies would help me stay more calm and relaxed even if I had a posterior baby etc.
  6. I went to a bridal shower for a college friend and everyone else was over an hour late. The hosts husband opened the door when I knocked and said to come on in and that everyone would be there soon. The hostess was not even home yet! I think I was the only person who was not a close family member. It was very awkward.
  7. I think a class would be optimal, but I had a great experience using the home study course with dd2. In my books they stated that it might not work as well with a posterior baby or pitocin since those situations can be a different level of pain. DD2's birth was quick and easy and hypnobabies was a huge part of that! :D I had an epidural with dd1 and with dd2 it was nice to have no pain, but feel what was going on. I will be using it again for dd3.
  8. With dd2 I felt great after birth, except for the afterpains, and was ready to get back into life pretty quickly. I was going crazy not leaving the house and in my case my hg was no longer an issue so I felt wonderful. :) I bled for about 3 weeks. Everyone is different, but I would slowly ease back into things if you are feeling well and just make sure to check in with yourself to see if you need to slow down.
  9. That needs to be a sticky! Go Rock Star Bill! We have c-rods, but I think this thread is finally convincing me to get some books about how to use them. :)
  10. Thank you for this suggestion! I'm pregnant with our last baby and we will have 3 girls. I worry about people asking if we are going to try for a boy in a tone of voice that implies we are not happy with our girls. I don't want the girls to feel like they are less than.
  11. I'm taking notes on the Tide working! That is something my 3yo might do. :tongue_smilie:
  12. That's so cute! DH knows me well and will often start to clean if I seem stressed out. He knows how much clutter bugs me. When I went into labor with dd2 he immediately started cleaning the kitchen until I needed him for labor support. :)
  13. That is the first thing I thought when I saw the thread title, I bet she feels a lot better! She's so cute!
  14. I tried to use the infant carrier with my oldest, but she hated it! With dd2 and now dd3 we use a convertible seat from birth. I see other babies at church who are content in the infant seat because that is their personality. The moms didn't train them to sit in it.
  15. I don't think money solves everything. In the case of the poster whose daughter had contact with peanuts and the school didn't follow procedure that is a HUGE safety issue and there is no excuse. But more money would help teachers be paid better and the district could hire more of them so class sizes wouldn't have to be so high. More money would help children who need an aid in the classroom, need to be challenged etc. Teaching should be a highly respected profession and the pay should reflect that. They do a very difficult job!
  16. Wow! I remember my parents discussing him when I was a kid, he's been there forever!
  17. OP, in your case there is no way I would call her! DD1 was posterior and labor was very painful. I was too busy screaming and calling my parents didn't even cross my mind. Once I got my epidural we called family. :) DD2 was a planned homebirth and my mother was worried about it. Labor was very quick and easy and even the midwife missed it because I didn't realize how far I had progressed. :lol: So we called family afterward. With DD3 we will probably call afterward because I can't handle family freaking out about our birth choices during the birth.
  18. :iagree: Seriously, that name! If we felt strongly about not celebrating Halloween we'd just do something else for fun instead of risking a nickname like that. :)
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