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Everything posted by linguistmama

  1. This is the only one that worked for me. The shipping was very high so I ordered it with a few friends to split the shipping. It also took several weeks for it to arrive. But it was totally worth the wait, worked very well even on hot summer days. I made my own for a little while, but couldn't find a recipe that didn't end up drying my skin out really badly.
  2. I have the ingredients for a lemon cheesecake posted here in another thread. I've been telling the girls that we'll make it later, but I should make it today because the lemons will go bad eventually. Pumpkin cheesecake sounds good for Halloween. :)
  3. :iagree: I'd be very surprised if a splurge/150 once a week would make that kind of difference if your numbers were fine the rest of the time. We're having baby #3 and I measure in the middle of normal fundal height and from a 20 week us. With my other 2 girls I measured on the small side of normal and they were both 7lbs and 19 inches long. Since the beginning of this pregnancy I've gotten the feeling this baby will be bigger. Later you can tell me it will all be ok. :) I've met woman who had 10 and 11lb babies at home even.
  4. I forgot all about El Chavo and El Chapulin Colorado! We also really like Cantinflas. There is an animated version for kids and movies with real people on youtube.
  5. Sounds like your library is awesome! When watching a dvd we usually put it on the Spanish soundtrack. Youtube has tons of videos. We love Pocoyo since it is originally in Spanish, not translated. You can also search youtube for the Spanish version of English cartoons. We've watched Handy Manny, Scooby Doo etc in Spanish.
  6. I have the first 2 levels and there doesn't seem to be much verb conjugation. I assume that will come later. I would imagine that R&S assumes the child knows spoken conjugations already. The first level focuses on reading and writing. It has some basic grammar like when to use a period, capitalize letters etc. Copywork and dictation are used along with some basic spelling. In the second level there is more grammar, vocabulary and reading comprehension. On the Santillana site they also have this curriculum for learning Spanish as a second language. Alte, I think I read on the bilingual board that it's possible to order materials from the sales rep in your area. I noticed on the site that it says they only sell to educational institutions. I'm excited to see if they do sell to homeschoolers.
  7. We use Rod & Staff Spanish. We are bilingual and I wanted a program for native speakers. If money were no issue and I could figure out which books to use I would have ordered from Santillana USA. I prefer secular curriculum, but R&S is cheap and very thorough. I also like that it's all in one. I have alphabet books, first readers and intermediate readers from Scholastic which are very helpful and our library has a decent Spanish section.
  8. I never tweet, but I follow SWB and Jim Gaffigan. Lots of wisdom and humor from SWB and Gaffigan is really funny! Are there any politicians you would want to follow? Or authors? I followed Paulo Coelho for awhile, but he posted tons in 3 different languages and it was too much. :)
  9. :iagree: I would be beyond furious, especially since I don't want my kids to have the metal fillings!
  10. Was it a regular MD? I think some supplements can be a waste of money, but if you are taking the right forms of the vitamins from a good company I don't see the problem. For instance magnesium oxide isn't absorbed well etc. The Weston A Price Foundation recommends Nordic Naturals and they are WAY into how good fish oil is for you and taking a high quality oil.
  11. It's one of the best ideas in the book! I haven't been able to get my 3yo to leave mommy alone for an hour so my girls get an hour of screen time instead.
  12. I asked about using DM after MM a little while ago: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=275280 Will you post Maria's response if she's ok with that?
  13. A friend of mine had a PP doula who was still in training and was free because of that. If you already know that people will be bringing you food could they also help out a little while they are there? Like take the toddler outside for 1/2 an hour or load the dishwasher etc?
  14. That recipe looks fabulous! I don't have a 10 in spring form pan only a 9 in square pyrex. Any tips on modifying it? Using a little less crust and filling?
  15. :iagree:I'm not swayed by the arguments that claim the mercury is inactive etc. Not when there is a better option now.
  16. I'm eclectic. We use curriculum, but that doesn't mean we don't have plenty of time to explore other topics of interest. I had planned to unschool and dd kept asking me to teach her in a more formal way. It took a while for me to feel comfortable with what is working well for us. Many of the unschooling sites I had read set up a false dichotomy, if you are parent directed at all or use curriculum then you are killing your child's love of learning and autonomy. That hasn't been true for us at all. :) We are also more relaxed than some classical families. The great thing about homeschooling is that each family can find what works best for them, from very rigorous classical to unshooling.
  17. :drool5: Yes, I'll pm you my address so you can bring some over for a taste test. :lol:
  18. Do your girls like having you read library books? The Let's Read and Find Out science series is really good and has a lot of books. You could even use the SOTW activity book lists to just read library books. We also use the Sonlight lists to check books out and they have a great variety of read alouds and science and history books.
  19. Was the child born here? DH is from Mexico and we attend a Spanish speaking church. Many families at church speak mostly or all Spanish with their children. I have heard some of them say that their child will learn English in school. But the reality I see in their children is that they have picked up English anyway because they hear it from neighbors, at the store etc. My dds speak English as well as Spanish because we have English only speaking friends even though we speak Spanish at home except for some homeschooling subjects.
  20. OP, we're having girl #3 and I can see my kids saying things like that! Screaming is problem at our house too. :) My oldest's nickname is cuco like cuckoo clock. DD2 used to call her caca. :D After we found out that this baby is also a girl DH had a moment imagining his future. "Oh, man, there will underwear and bras all over the house!" I couldn't resist and told him to imagine us all 4 of us having our periods at the same time. :)
  21. What a pain! DH's older brother and his wife went to a routine immigration interview years ago. INS got him mixed up with someone else and were going to deport him! Luckily they got it straightened out.
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