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Everything posted by linguistmama

  1. I read this blog by a homeschooling family in Mexico: http://homeschoolenpuebla.blogspot.com/ I also read this yahoo group that has families in various Spanish speaking countries: http://mx.groups.yahoo.com/group/Educando_En_Familia/ I don't have much practical advice because we're in the US. DH is from Mexico and I read these sites to learn about resources in Spanish. There is also a bilingual board here that might be helpful.
  2. What a great idea! We have a computer cabinet that looks similar, I may steal that from DH later. :)
  3. We're using PR1 this year and I really like it. I plan to do all 4 levels, but not the Latin Road. I really like what I've seen of MCT and we may switch to that after level 4. I like both so I'll have to work it out somehow. :)
  4. We school on the living room couch or kitchen for art/projects. Dd has some clipboards to provide a hard work surface for writing. I used to think we would someday want a schoolroom, but I really like the simplicity of the couch :)
  5. I love amazon too! We don't really have much we need to stock up on this year that would be dirt cheap at Walmart like pencils etc.
  6. I noticed that too because I went to BYU. Makes me feel all special. :)
  7. I LOVED them! They are a little too dark for my oldest right now, but I plan on sharing them with her in the future.
  8. :iagree: Plenty of fun books and time at the park etc. I really like the Sonlight book lists. We just check the books out at the library instead of buying them. I would also read as many homeschooling books as you can. I read books for all different philosophies, unschooling, the Liping Ma book on Asian math, CM and TWTM etc.
  9. Ooh, the copy of Villette that I read had an interesting part at the beginning. I did know that Charlotte taught at a boarding school like her heroines, but this intro claimed that she was in love with the headmistress' husband at one school and that this was the inspiration for Villette.
  10. I've read Villette and didn't like it nearly as much as I liked Jane Eyre. I prefer the Bronte sisters to Austen because of the drama :) The Tenant of Wildfell Hall was very captivating. Anne wrote it.
  11. Is there a way to make sure you could see the doc you prefer at this practice? Quackery ahead :D I believe that in the book you mentioned they recommend IV chelation. I used the Cutler method on myself and it made a huge difference in how I feel. The Cutler method is small doses at regular intervals. He doesn't like the IV method because he thinks that it will pull the toxins out, the body won't be able to detox it all and what is left circulating will be redeposited in the brain. He also believes that there are fewer side affects by using a little at a time. I have no experience with the IV method, it may be wonderful, but I thought I would put that out there since you are asking for info. Feel free to pm me. Sometimes topics can get heated. We also love homeopathy. :tongue_smilie:
  12. I don't mind being called by my first name by my friend's children. If someone else wants to be addressed as Mrs. X then I would help my children to remember that.
  13. My oldest is six. I joined the board a year ago when we were starting K.
  14. Do you know why she wants to go to school? I've had friends with children who wanted to have a lunchbox, ride the school bus etc. It might be a bigger issue or it might be something that could be helped by buying a lunchbox.
  15. I don't expect a doctor to know everything about every drug and illness. But when we go in with something that is fairly common I expect them to be helpful. Both of my kids have had food allergies. Regular doctors dismissed it. When we saw an alternative doctor it was one of the first things he tested for. Yeah, 15 different food allergies, that might be affecting them a little bit! It is not unreasonable for me to expect a ped to have some basic knowledge about allergies.
  16. I wish we had a good doctor. I've read examples here that make me jealous. We pretty much have to diagnose ourselves and decide what treatment we need before going in. :glare: I like to get my own copy of lab results and one time a doctor charged me $15 to print it as part of my medical records!
  17. This is why my children get to watch an hour of tv in the afternoon. ;) Even the 3yo will leave me alone. I love the ideal of listening to audiobooks etc, but it would take awhile for my 3yo to be able to do that and I need me time today.
  18. I had understood that these were things that newbie's family or friends said to them in a rude way, not that they were questions from the newbies. IRL I have no issue with answering questions when the person is not being over the top rude. My brother asked over and over again in a combative way if we homeschooled because we didn't want our children to learn about evolution. After responding politely several times that it didn't enter into our decision and telling him why we do he wouldn't let it go. It was therapeutic for me to put that on a vent thread.
  19. Thanks for the suggestions and sympathy! I'm not looking forward to this part of having a baby. DD1 was posterior and so painful, but no afterpains. DD2 was a quick, easy birth with hypnobabies. The afterpains tried to make up for it. DH asked me if he should take me to the hospital!
  20. We used one last year. The K12 charter had a website where they listed the requirements. Does the one you're looking at have a website? We aren't in Ohio. In ours testing was required starting in 3rd grade, we marked daily attendance, had to complete 80% of the curriculum, email a one sentence progress report weekly and speak to our teacher on the phone once a month. Our teacher was great, she was also homeschooling her own kids with the same program. Usually I see more hoops to jump through in other states. We're in UT which tends to be lower regulation in all kinds of matters homeschooling or not.
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