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Everything posted by linguistmama

  1. Yum! I have some butterfingers and snickers that dh got last night.
  2. I haven't had rude comments. A former coworker told the story of one of his wife's csections where he said, "Wow, it's just like gutting a deer!" :eek: This one is just a funny since my 4 year old nephew said it. DD1 was 5 days old and he looked at my belly and asked when the other baby was coming out. :)
  3. A local homeschool mom had a surprise baby when she was 45 or maybe a few years older.
  4. Have you talked to your care provider about it? I had an epi with my first and directed pushing that lasted a long time and was not all that productive. My second birth was much easier and pushing only lasted about 15 minutes. There was no stopping it and going with my body worked much more efficiently.
  5. I would pack the bag, especially since I think I saw you post in another thread about having short labors. DD1 was a hospital birth and I was packing a bag in between contractions with a posterior baby. :tongue_smilie: DD2 was a homebirth, but I packed a transport bag just in case. Other women I have known who had a hospital birth packed things that would make them feel more comfortable like their own nightgown, bathrobe, music etc. Can you get a tour of the labor and delivery section of the hospital?
  6. We bought my oldest a cheap mp3 player for her most recent birthday and she loves it. She is very careful with her things and loves to listen to music and audio books. We didn't invest in an Apple product since I figure it may get lost even though she is careful and we didn't have one we were handing down. Later we will give dd2 dh's old mp3 player since he can listen to mp3s on his phone now.
  7. Thank you for doing this! Having a flowchart makes it much easier for me to use volume I. And I love to plan ahead. :)
  8. I add salt at the end and mine take about 6 hours on high. We are in a mountainous area with hard water. Maybe not as high or with water as hard as other areas since the beans do get cooked through.
  9. I soak the beans in the crock pot overnight and then add diced tomatoes, diced onion, corn, rice, cut up sausage and plenty of salt and cumin. I don't have exact amounts. I just add things until the crockpot is almost full and the proportions seem right to me. :)
  10. Yeah, I thought about how odd it will be to have a temple in Utah that has such small grounds.
  11. Have you tried Red Raspberry Leaf tea? It makes a huge difference for me, everyone is happier if I remember to drink some. :D
  12. Hooray! What a cool name. DH has a sister who died and we may use her name for a middle name for dd3.
  13. You can buy a glucometer OTC. If I eat poptarts or just pancakes I get shaky sooner than 4-5 hours later. Eating a significant amount of fat and protein with carbs helps me feel good as well as eating at least every 3 hours. For breakfast I usually have 2 pieces of ww toast and 3 eggs (when not pregnant). I need that much protein to help me feel well. Basically, I, for the most part, try to eat what I consider healthy. As much whole food as possible and protein and healthy fats. We limit the junk, although with pregnancy nausea we're falling off the wagon a lot. :tongue_smilie: But I've found that if I eat healthy most of the time I can have high sugar things sometimes and not get shaky. I think a glucometer could be a good investment given your family's history. It can help you see better how different foods, amounts etc affect you. I've never gotten one because with diet changes I feel well.
  14. I was so glad they mentioned the Temple Patron Fund because I had never heard of it either!
  15. DD2 put a ton of applesauce in her hair once. I figured I could just rinse it off, but no, the tiny bits of pulp took forever to wash out. :glare:
  16. :grouphug: I think you absolutely did the right thing! I have issues with my mom too and it's tough, :grouphug:
  17. Yeah, I didn't see her walk out with him and she's had health problems in the past.
  18. For the first time in a long time, maybe ever, my girls were mostly quiet! It was weird to realize that I was getting to listen to each talk without reminding myself that I could watch it again later when they were asleep. :D I smiled when President Monson said it was such a great conference. It's so cool to be able to think, "When isn't it wonderful?" I worry about dd3 a lot and it is comforting to hear that God loves us and our trials are necessary. I about fell over when they announced the new Provo temple! I wonder if they will make changes to the current Provo temple. DH and I got married there before they put the Moroni on top. Someday that will date a lot more. :)
  19. :grouphug: It's so hard when not even family understands. I once told my mom, who is an RN, that a friend of mine was going to have her daughter evaluated for autism. My mom responded that kids get diagnosed with any old thing in today's world! My friend had good reason to ask for an eval, it could help her get needed services to help her child.
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