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Everything posted by linguistmama

  1. We have a basket of math manipulatives that only come out during school time in addition to the other suggestions.
  2. I've sent PMs for buying curriculum. I've also sent PMs to a member in my area with links for area yahoo groups or area activities. I don't want to be overly open on the internet.
  3. We haven't had cable for almost 2 years because we are happy with Netflix and Hulu. If we ever have cable again it would be an interesting adjustment. We're so used to watching something on our time table that we might have to record shows to watch later. DD6 watched a movie at grandma's and was surprised that she couldn't see it again right away. :)
  4. Yes, nice tease! I saw that title and told dd we would have to put off her read aloud for a few minutes. :)
  5. I've found reading through the flylady site helpful to get ideas. I never signed up because I heard that the emails were annoying. Right now DH does the bigger jobs like cleaning the fridge etc. And he does basic things if I need him to like wiping down the kitchen if I'm too tired to. In the past each day had a room assigned to do deep cleaning. Monday was kitchen, Tuesday the bathroom etc. Eventually we'll try to get back to that. I'm also trying to include my kids when doing routine tasks. They help me with laundry, dishes and vacuuming. My goal is to get them used to it while it seems like a fun game to them. :) I got more serious about them picking up their clothes and toys. For several months I had to help them a lot. Now I can tell them it's time to clean up and just check when they're done for the most part. We don't have outside help and usually we clean after school is done for the day since it doesn't take us long with only a 1st grader.
  6. I remember that case. I was pregnant with my oldest at the time!
  7. DH didn't ask my father. We are LDS and my family is not so my parents were not at the marriage in the temple. Also, as someone else mentioned there's no giving away section. Faithmanor, holy cow, that's terrible! My parents were more than generous about our wedding considering they couldn't be there. I think a lot of their generosity was due to their own wedding. My mother's mom decided at the last minute that she did not like the veil that my mother handmade. Grandma was ripping it apart the day of the wedding!
  8. I've taken hg meds all three times. 1 Took meds the whole time. At about 7 months I was able to reduce the dose, but could not stop completely. 2 Took meds until 5 months when homeopathy fixed it and I stopped meds 3 Homeopathy didn't work. Still currently taking meds at max dose at 6 months. Several weeks ago I missed a dose and felt horrible for the next week. No more trying to reduce for me. Just grateful to be getting closer to holding my baby. :)
  9. No, dh didn't ask my dad. My dad would have been surprised and said that dh was asking the wrong person :) DH was worried that my parents would think badly of him, he's from Mexico and didn't have a high paying job. He was worried they wouldn't think he was good enough for me. DH asked me what I would do if they told me not to marry him. I told him it wouldn't matter, I was an adult. My parents didn't meet dh until the day before the wedding. DH made a very cute speech to them about how much he loved me and looked forward to building my dreams etc. My parents were beaming at the end. DH wasn't going to ask permission, but the speech was a way to show them that he understood how much they cared about their daughter and wanted her to be happy.
  10. Awesome! My girls had vision checks last month and the doctor was very positive about homeschooling.
  11. Yep, it sucks, but it sounds like you will have to flat out refuse. They may try to convince you by saying things that they are only guessing at, like ultrasound shows the baby is big etc.
  12. Would the biophysical profile be a different day than the induction? You don't have to show up to an induction, but it might be harder to say no if they do the profile and then want to send you right to the hospital. I don't know how to refuse the pitocin after birth if they really insist. When I got the hospital records for dd1's birth it said that I was given pit in the iv after the birth. I didn't even notice. :grouphug: I'm sorry the midwife can't even really answer your questions with any evidence!
  13. :grouphug: I think it's very normal to feel that way about someone who treated you like that.
  14. I often did tights or babylegs under pants because the pants will ride up when their legs are bent and with tights they don't have exposed skin.
  15. We love to watch documentaries about whatever history period or science topic we are learning about.
  16. That's awesome! I was so exhausted the last time we flew with the kids that I don't want to do it again until they are teenagers.
  17. I'll admit that a V, iud and condoms doesn't sound like overkill to me anymore. :tongue_smilie:
  18. No, I think it is very natural and realistic to be concerned, not paranoid. Our baby #3 is a surprise although we were planning to have another later. Has enough time gone by that the iud would be an option now? We have known for years that there were 3 children for us and I have had hg all three times so DH is getting a vasectomy. I could try a copper iud, but a vasectomy is the most effective option for us. And I have to say that I will feel more comfortable with intimacy not worrying so much!
  19. I'm so sorry! And I'm on team, wow you got math done?! :grouphug:
  20. We also use MM and like it. It has instructions written to the student that I read and explain to DD. We tried some Saxon last year and it is very scripted, too much for us. Each lesson also took a long time.
  21. If he's ok with it then I think it is fine for him to take a turn. :)
  22. I wouldn't make my husband get one. But it is much less invasive and more effective than a tubal. I'm on hg pregnancy #3 and we are for sure done! Hormones do not agree with me and this baby, while very much loved, was either a condom failure or an nfp failure. I could try a copper iud, but a vasectomy is more effective. Essure hasn't been out long enough for me to trust it. I think it is good for doctors to discuss the permanency of sterilization because many people do change their minds later. DH and I have discussed this and it is easier for us since we are older and it's for health reasons. Even if I died and he remarried he is at an age where he would feel done. Having had hg all 3 times I am well aware that it often gets worse with each pregnancy and it has for me. I was actually surprised that the urologist didn't push for dh to wait longer. The practice does have a 30 day waiting period from the initial consult to discuss vasectomy to the actual operation.
  23. We got Costco coupons in the mail today and there is one for Nutella!!! It better be there when I go!
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