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Everything posted by linguistmama

  1. We have tended to question if we need someone else to help us do something, whether that is homeschooling, car repairs etc. And there are some things we would not have because of cost if I were not able to make them. I made myself several nice baby carriers for a fraction of the cost of a similar carrier. But, in the future I look forward to buying eggs from a neighbor and produce at the farmer's market. Some things just don't interest me enough on their own for me to do them myself. Homeschooling and homebirth are top priority. :)
  2. I should look for a bell. Our library let's 1 child ring the bell to start story time and my girls love it! They would probably also love uniform skorts and I'd be very happy if they hold up well. They love dresses and wear biker shorts underneath so they can hang upside down at the park. We had desks for a little while when the girls were jealous that one of their friends did. :)
  3. Yep! I feel bad, and rightly so, when I yell at my kids. I can't imagine getting to the point that these parents did.
  4. Yes, I would ask the midwife about her schedule and if she usually fills up quickly.
  5. For me "school at home" would mean not making choices. If my children went to ps we would not be able to decide what days to take off, when to start our day, what materials to use, etc. Instead we can choose what works for us whether it resembles ps or not.
  6. :iagree: I also hope that our homeschooling will look a lot like what you are doing, op. It sounds like plenty of fun social activities with great academics. It's very helpful for me to read about a good balance for logic stage as a mom whose oldest is 6. :)
  7. If you do better taking a break at the end of pregnancy then I would do that. We'll be having some big changes at the end of this pregnancy and I was sick over the summer and we didn't get as far ahead as I wanted to. My plan is to do as much as we can whenever we can. :001_smile: DH graduates in December and will most likely have the van to commute for a new job in January. We will most likely move closer to his work in February. The baby is due at the end of January and I'm trying to remain calm about the whole thing. :eek: I try to remind myself of all the wonderful things we have going for us, we are so blessed in so many ways.
  8. I love some of the names from 100 Years of Solitude, Aureliano and Amaranta. But some of the characters are really depressing so I wouldn't want that association. :) I love other traditional Spanish names like Astrid and Remedios, but dh said they are the Spanish equivalents of Eunice etc. And it's a good thing we don't have all boys since there was only one name we could agree on. Every Spanish boy's name that I put out there, Antonio, Alejandro etc, dh had a horrible story about one of his cousins with those names!
  9. I always think of Ursula from 100 Years of Solitude. Very strong character, but everyone in the book has issues. :)
  10. I've gotten alphabet books, easy readers and intermediate readers from Scholastic. They were in the Club Leo flyer.
  11. :grouphug: I hope it does pass for you soon! I had high hopes for zofran for this pregnancy, but it was a dismal failure. Phenergan makes me very tired, but it does allow me to eat and not feel horrible all the time. Just in case you are wanting to try something else even though it would probably make you even more tired.
  12. I will be forever grateful that my hg medication was invented! We would only have had one child otherwise. Last night I dreamed I cleaned the toilet and today it came true. :) My library has overdrive now so I can check out books on my phone. Right now I'm reading Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and it's awesome. What could be better than the Bennet sisters kicking some butt?!
  13. Ours is a surprise, but we were planning to have a third child. We're done after 3 hg pregnancies and a strong feeling that this is the right amount for us. :)
  14. I'm due the end of January. :) With dd2 I was on another board's due date club, but the site is a lot different now and I don't relate there as much anymore. We're having girl #3, hopefully at home.
  15. A chiropractor is very helpful for me along with rest. With dd1 I had horrible right hip pain that caused a bad limp. With dd2 I went to the chiropractor and had very little pain. I plan to go later in this pregnancy too. I went a few months ago and have been pain free so far. :grouphug:
  16. We also love BSFU. If it weren't working for us I would use RSO or Elemental Science. You could also check out books from the library. The Let's Read and Find Out About Science series is very good. Many library books have activities/experiments.
  17. I would also only use phonics or spelling. In your case it seems like AAS would be enough. I would do either handwriting or copywork. For K we did handwriting and we just do copywork now that DD1 is forming letters well. I think I would worry about grammar after you get into a routine with the other LA pieces.
  18. That's terrible! Often there are no words so I say that I am very sorry for their loss.
  19. I plan to go through Khan Academy to refresh my math. I was also able to read the 3 Prentice Hall Science Explorer bundled books for middle school. It was stuff I had learned about before, but I needed to refresh my memory so that it can come up in conversation. Science is my weakest point so I started with that. Next, I need to work on writing and math. I want to be doing well with subjects through 8th grade and then look into which high school science etc to go through. I've mostly used the library and ILL to get things to help me. And I hope to have dual enrollment at cc available for my girls when they are older. When I see a book suggested here I try to make a note of it and see if I can ILL it. I'm really grateful for the suggestion of the AG writing books since I know I will need help with the teaching aspect of writing. :)
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