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Everything posted by linguistmama

  1. The audio version has been a lifesaver for us this year! DD6 has it on her mp3 player and we listen to it in the car a lot. I worried how much she would retain without doing the activities. But when we watch documentaries on netflix she often says, "Hey, I learned about this in history!"
  2. I don't do anything special since having kids. There's no way I can stay up until midnight, too tired! :lol: DH usually goes to his older brother's house.
  3. We don't and I only use it for certain things like looking up an obscure character from the Wheel of Time series to get their background story. Not for actual research.
  4. For us it is a decision made between the couple and God. I think there are many valid reasons not to have children, each family is different. I have known for several years that there are 3 children for our family. #3 will be born next month. :) In our case I have had HG 3 times and I am the statistic in the studies showing that it gets worse for some women with each pregnancy.
  5. I would speak to the landlord. When we lived in a different apartment complex our upstairs neighbors got a dog that barked for hours a day. :glare: The complex did not allow pets and after hearing the dog bark for such long periods I called the property manager. She was awesome and told me that she thought she had seen the neighbors out walking a dog and I confirmed her suspicions. Our property manager told me she would leave us out of the conversation and say that she had seen the neighbors outside with a dog and needed to do an inspection (which was true). I would stress to your landlord to try to leave you out of it. Maybe the landlord drives by and sees a dog in the yard and decides to inspect the duplex because of that. And be familiar with the dog laws in your area so you could call animal control. If it is running through the neighborhood then any neighbor could have called as far as the dog owner knows.
  6. We do as much electronically as possible with mint.com. It pulls the info from our various accounts and has it in one place. Statements and bill reminders go to my email. I can get email payment reminders from mint.com or from banks and utility companies. I can pay online at a company's website or use the bill pay from my bank. We only get a small amount of paperwork now. I have a small file drawer with labeled folders for the few paper things we need to keep. The last 2 times I was pregnant I also had hg and it was difficult to deal with the paperwork. But this time it is so much easier because there is little paperwork and I just get online at the beginning of the month and pay bills for a few minutes.
  7. No, but several extended family members on DH's side should have spent time in prison.
  8. I'll be checking our local classifieds to see what ereaders are going for. So far they are almost full price. For dd1's birthday or next Christmas I want to get her an ereader. Our library has some good kids ebooks like The Magic Tree House series. :)
  9. Everything was a hit here, thank goodness! I ordered 2 Strawberry Shortcake playsets from amazon that I thought were about the same size, 1 for each girl. We didn't open the amazon box until yesterday and one of the sets was 3 times the size as the other! DD2 is very jealous and fortunately dh was able to get to Toys r Us and get something to even the presents up. :D
  10. It never has for us and my girls have Medicaid. We aren't in TN. But we've used 2 different homeschool charters and it's never come up. Medicaid sends me a letter every time we don't get a vaccine on schedule saying that they must be vaccinated. They conveniently omit info regarding vax exemptions for our state. :glare: So my advice would be to know your state's rules. We only communicate with Medicaid via letters they send us and info that I have turned in to their office. No one comes to our house or cares that we homeschool. We get the same letter every year stating that they are eligible for free lunch at school. :)
  11. I'm sorry they are such jerks! I would put off telling them as long as possible.
  12. Several of our boxes have taken longer than usual. For 1 amazon sent me an email saying the package would be delayed due to weather. Thankfully everything is here in time for Christmas!
  13. Anything that it is too late or expensive for Christmas gets bumped to the birthday list.
  14. Very cool! I really admire Lavelle Edwards and his wife serving a mission too.
  15. I feel your pain! Before my thyroid started causing me to gain weight I sometimes got comments like that. My dad has gained a little bit of weight now that he's older, but he used to be so skinny that people would stop on the street to stare at him!
  16. :grouphug: Sounds like it's her and not you! :grouphug: I wish I had a wonderful sister like you to help out after I have this baby.
  17. Gah! In one of the video clips they mentioned that some characters would go off to war and die! NOOOOOOOOOO!
  18. Yeah, it would be really nice to just load the ABF truck and have dh be able to do a lot of van driving since dd3 will be little. My past two post partum periods have been fine, but who knows for this next one. Our church will be able to help dh with loading and probably unloading at our whatever the destination ends up being. Thank you Hive!
  19. Did you have to call them? When I google I'm seeing Upack by ABF, not separate companies. I will look into buying a trailer too. It would be nice if we could resell it to recoup some of the cost.
  20. I would like one to for school and entertainment, but we won't have one for awhile. :tongue_smilie: But I think in the future it will be a lot more affordable like other types of technology. I remember seeing how expensive android phones and kindles used to be. Now a new kindle starts at $79! I would like to get dd1 a kindle eventually and I'll be checking craigslist after Christmas to see how much they cost then.
  21. Thanks, everyone! We only have 1 vehicle so that will help. DH could drive a truck if needed while I drive the van. We will be going through everything pretty ruthlessly to see what won't be worth it to move. :) I will look into the upack too.
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