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Everything posted by linguistmama

  1. I don't remember daily goals being addressed in the book. I'm thinking of having a daily goals list in evernote with things like; make sure everyone picks up after themselves right away, remember to notice when I feel full/control my portions to help me loose weight etc. I would probably put a note on my daily schedule to check the goal list at each mealtime.
  2. Mystie, how does the detail in your ebook compare to your gtd series? I'm thinking about it, but we are also in stick to the budget mode so I make sure to research every little bit :). I'm part way through my braindump and am rereading gtd to make sure I understand everything. I can't say enough about how much better I feel having done a partial braindump! I am more present and in the moment with my kids which is often a struggle for me. My brain just had so many things going on all the time. I'm going to work on the brain dump, processing it and updating our filing system. One of my bright spots is that I bought the home routines app, even though we almost never buy apps. I love checking the box! I even set up a checklist for each girl's morning routine and they love getting stars. I also like how it lines up with the flylady zones, but also lets you modify them. I need some outside motivation like someone else setting up the basic zone structure, but it is just a jumping off point since I need to modify it for my own life. Another bright spot was organizing the toys and cleaning out the girl's rooms. They like being able to get out the bin with dolls and clothes instead of everything being randomly shoved in a bin. And we managed to get our weekly cleaning done even though several of us have colds. Even vacuuming the stairs which is my nemesis.
  3. http://www.mint.com It is free and has an online version and apps. It downloads bank info, lets you categorize and set up a budget. :001_smile:
  4. I was surprised to learn that we all like brussel sprouts! :confused1: and :hurray:
  5. I'm so sorry! That is so much to deal with! I would also suggest a hotel, even a cheaper Motel 6 type of place.
  6. Felicity, hugs! And hugs to everyone else too! Our Sunday went ok since dh was there to help me. We switched from 9 to 11 and we have Sacrament meeting last. I'm in the rs presidency and I often have littlest dd with me since dh's calling often conflicts. I was really worried about how she would do before when we started at 9, but the angels must have been hard at work since she did fine. But now starting at 11 she will be tired and I'm worried I'll have to be in the hallway with her during rs. Dh had her yesterday and she did ok with him so I'm crossing my fingers! I'm so grateful I can just drop the other 2 off at primary and they happily stay. It has taken years and I wish I could have read other people's experiences like I can here. At the time it seemed like I was the only one whose child struggled with going to nursery and primary. In 6 months we start again with little dd.
  7. My oldest will be getting baptized this year and she and dh thank you for your efforts. :) Thanks for the thoughts about teaching. I will be pondering how best to help our teaching in RS.
  8. I would love a social group too. I'm the RS councilor in charge of the teachers so I would especially like to hear about ways to make sure the teachers are sensitive to how they come across.
  9. I know they still have the keys. The reason it bothered me was that this particular person preened his feathers each time someone addressed him as bishop! I totally get being accustomed to calling someone bu the title.
  10. That's a weird way to address the letter! In a previous ward one of the men was still adressed as bishop by a lot of members even though it had been years since he was a bishop. We have our ward Christmas party this Saturday. I'm excited because DH and I can afford to give each other Christmas gifts this year. :) It was pretty lean while he was in school.
  11. I'm pleased to say that this is really working for me! I've tried to menu plan in the past and it never lasted very long. This is the longest I've stuck with anything, great or really pathetic, right? :) At first I was worried that it would cost more, but we are actually saving money. DH used to make a lot of his own food and did his own shopping. Now I do most of the shopping so we are spending half as much on impulse buys since only one of us is going to the store. We all look forward to dinner now. DH even asked if we could have the pork loin again for Christmas, lol! I told him I would look for a past ham recipe and past side dish recipes. We've all been really happy with how good the food tastes, it's easy to make, but not boring.
  12. Both books are waiting for me at the library. :) I hope they will help me have a better overall plan. Flylady and the Fresh 20 help with meal planning and cleaning, but I also need something that ties everything together. We spend quite a bit of time being involved at our church and the girls have several other outside activities. We love all of it and don't want to give anything up, but I need to be more organized so life isn't so crazy. Sometimes, I feel like my brain is going to melt!
  13. We have an HE top loader that I love! I like that there are no smell issues, but it still uses less water and electricity than a conventional top loader.
  14. Melatonin has saved my sanity here! My 7yo takes 1/4 mg before bed. She likes the sublinguals that come in orange or peppermint by Source Naturals. They are 1mg, but I cut the pill up because she doesn't need that much. She falls asleep quickly. I have heard that some children need to take it an hour before bedtime. I started it when a friend and a pediatrician recommended it so I felt very comfortable giving a small dose. It is a hormone and I hope that eventually dd will not need it anymore, but when desperate I would certainly give it to a child before I was able to see a doctor. I hope it works for you, little sleep for years on end is torture!
  15. We loved the pork loin today! Everyone was sad that they were too full to eat anymore of it. :)
  16. I did try to search, but couldn't find the answer. For R&S English 2 I just need the TM right? I would to do a lot orally so I'm not sure that we would need the student book.
  17. I just joined this weekend. I really needed something planned out for me as dinner gets boring otherwise! I am not a very good cook either so something quick that tastes good is a lifesaver for me. I agree that the meatball recipe had too much salt.
  18. I need some kind of general writing resource to help me in teaching writing. We like WWE, but I need help as a teacher. I could still write a 20 page research paper, but I have a hard time breaking up all that writing knowledge into manageable steps for children. Is there a manual that would be helpful with guidelines like, don't start every sentence with the same word, etc? I'm looking at IEW for this reason. If I can borrow the dvds from a friend or the library will buying the workbook for TWSS be enough? Or would I need to watch the dvds each year?
  19. We want to install a swing style baby gate at the top of our stairs that mounts to the wall. It seems like a pressure gate would not be secure enough. The problem is that the wall has had so many nail and screw holes in it that it is damaged. It won't hold the new screws even with those plastic pieces designed for the purpose. I've been googling, but must not be using the right terms as no solutions are coming up that do not involve replacing the entire drywall section. Is replacement of the drywall the only option? Is there some kind of spackle that dries really hard, or something? :tongue_smilie:
  20. Getting the loaner would be free. Doing the loaning on the other hand would cost an arm and a leg!
  21. Please, please write it!!!!! I would love a secular science that is done a la SOTW. My oldest is 7 so I have time while you write it. :D
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