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Everything posted by linguistmama

  1. Yesterday was T-Tap and 25 minutes of fast walking on the treadmill. Today should be the same.
  2. I have been able to organize my time much better and I love using Evernote and other apps on my phone to help keep me organized. It's been going so well that I have started working out everyday and we are doing a lot of reading out loud and audiobooks. Each of those things is a MAJOR accomplishment for me as they have always been a struggle.
  3. Shoveling snow is hard work! We got a treadmill and I walked a mile in 25 minutes. Not too far, but the supposedly zero incline is not a zero incline, I'm tired. :)
  4. I would dread zumba as well even though it looks cool :). I've done T-tap and 30 minutes of walking for 4 days now. We're thinking about buying a cheap treadmill since dh runs at a gym and I have been walking back and forth in the living room and kitchen.
  5. I did the same thing again too. It feels good to do this for myself. I like hearing what others are doing too for inspiration.
  6. I need some accountability and a group of others who excercise so finding this thread is perfect. I'm a beginner though as far as difficulty :) Today I did T-Tap and then walked for 30 minutes.
  7. We have never mummified a chicken either. (I will now wait for an imminent banning). Last year when we were doing SOTW 1 I had hg so there was no way! History only got done because we had the cds to listen to :) My other confession is that my girls love to do arts and crafts and I am not good at that despite owning very nice art supplies. We have joined some homeschooling groups that do craft activities so my guilt is somewhat mitigated.
  8. Lisbeth, my girls and I do not see one of DH's brothers. I know that this brother and his wife probably think that I am being snotty and think I am better than they are. They are LDS, but not following the commandments about not abusing spouse and offspring. :( It was not an easy decision, but I couldn't deny my intuition or the repeated promptings I received to stay away from them. It bothers me to think what they must tell other family members and that those family members may think badly of me. But, when it comes down to it my responsibility is to my children first and not everyone will understand that. I am also sure that some of the family members probably get it. Hugs! :) In our area all the missionaries are in apartments.
  9. We had a somewhat similar co-signing/loan situation with dh's brother and brother's wife so you have my sympathy on how frustrating it is. Is your dh good at having a serious talk like that? In our case my dh had done that, but his brother's wife was still trying to spin things to her advantage. I mention this in case it is helpful in your situation, if not then ignore. :) I had to print out years of bank statements and other documents to show my sister in law that we knew exactly what the situation was and were not going to be taken in by any excuses. When I pulled out the huge stack of paperwork she quit arguing. My point being that we had to get across that we meant business. I didn't want it to end up affecting our credit.
  10. I put coconut oil on the ends before I get in the shower to protect them and use leave in conditioner. I haven't been about to get no poo to work so I switched to a sulfate free cleansing conditioner. It gets my hair clean, but is very gentle. Another tip is to only put the shampoo on your scalp, not the ends since the scalp is what is oily. This site has a ton of people who are into long hair: http://www.longhaircommunity.com/forums/indexvba.php
  11. Having my notes in Evernote out of my head is helping me so much. I have always wanted to read aloud more and it has always been a struggle. I look longingly at the Sonlight and Angelicum book lists. I have been able to focus on it more now that my brain has some space and it is getting done! DD1 was sick for several days last week and instead of me checking out I put on The Blue Fairy Book audiobook and we got through the whole thing. We also read aloud more. I've also wanted to delve into the Circe threads and have been able to start doing that too. It is wonderful to see how much better this system is making my life. I feel so much more in control.
  12. I'm a convert as well. I was baptized when I was 17 after waiting for years for my mother to give her permission. She gave me antimormon things to read and my grandmother was very against it as well. I have been very surprised by how my mother has become much more courteous after seeing how committed I am. I don't bring up religion or church at all, but she has asked to come to my oldest daughter's baptism etc. It's taken years! It does seem similar to homeschooling in some ways. When it came down to it I knew the church was true and my family's opinion didn't change that. I was also pleasantly surprised by some family members making positive comments about other Mormons they knew when they learned I had joined the church. Good luck!
  13. Woohoo!!!!! I would love to see pictures too if you want to share. :)
  14. Swellmomma, you are awesome! I finished my brain dump and processed it into my Evernote GTD system. I did a weekly review last week also and am really liking the system so far. I have my daily routines in the home routines app because we get stars and we are getting a lot done! The house and everything is running more smoothly
  15. Good for you! I love having folders in my gmail. I'm putting The Power of Less in my Books to Read note in Evernote. :coolgleamA:
  16. Good for you! I love having folders in my gmail. I'm putting The Power of Less in my Books to Read note in Evernote. :coolgleamA:
  17. I have a big church binder that I hate because I hate to carry heavy stuff and a big bag around. My bag already has indispensable things like snacks, water, coloring books, toys and diapers. I'm so excited to scan all the pages in the church binder into Evernote! This will make my life so much easier.
  18. Misty kindly gave me a free copy of her ebook :). Definately worth $2! Many things I already knew, but lots of good new tips and instructions. We have a yucky cold and my oldest was too sick to do school. Baby and I are doing a little better so I went through our files. It is so nice to have a usable, decluttered file cabinet.
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