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Everything posted by linguistmama

  1. Yep, I'm planning on teaching the rest of the Spalding spelling rules with WRTR and then just applying as needed. I knew I couldn't be alone here. :)
  2. We dropped PR1 this year and I still can't decide on a spelling program for next year. I've read WRTR and am waiting on ILL for SWR. I'm sure I could teach those after having watched the PR videos. Dd usually spells words correctly in her writing. When she doesn't I teach the word similar to PR, discussing which letter or phonogram we use instead and which sound it makes in that word. This seems to be working well so I'm wondering if we should just stick with this instead of a formal program. It makes so much sense to incorporate spelling when she needs to use it. Comments? My oldest is only 7 so I'm open to hearing opinions while I'm deciding. :)
  3. I found this wonderful site from the Mommy Maestra blog: http://www.pacoelchato.com/primaria2k/primero It's books that are used in Mexican schools for grades 1-6! I'm excited to have some History and Science reading to use along with what we do in English and some native literature to read. :D The site also has links to some good educational websites.
  4. Any suggestions? I've done borax, Comet with bleach and straight bleach. But the ground in footprints are still there from muddy feet even after taking a bath. :glare: I miss porcelain!
  5. Someone should start making kilts with a little tea time patch on them! :lol: I bet they would sell well here on the boards :)
  6. http://www.kiehls.com/Ultimate-Strength-Hand-Salve/522,default,pd.html?start=2&cgid=body-moisturizers I really love the above hand cream, although I wish there were a natural version. We use it on the rest of our body too. My mom is a nurse in a cold climate and it keeps her hands healthy instead of dried out with all the hand washing she has to do. With other moisturizers I had to use them everyday. I only need to use this one once a week so the cost is worth it!
  7. Next year I have the option of getting 4 math books from our charter. They can't be workbooks so I am thinking of getting some of the Singapore HIGs and/or textbooks. We use MM which we like, but I would love to supplement with some ideas from Singapore that might help me in my teaching. DD will be in 2a/2b next year so I am wondering what the best combination would be. Just the 2 texts and 2 HIGs for Singapore 2a/2b? Or should I have them get me any of the level 1 texts or HIGs? I'm just not sure if there is anything from level 1 that we would be missing out on if we only get the level 2 books. For instance I don't understand exactly how the bar method works. :blushing:
  8. I've found OPG to be much more complete and in depth than 100 Easy Lessons. Does your library have them? I found it really helpful to compare the two.
  9. Thanks! I had a $2 promotional credit and no idea what to buy with it :) How do people find out about deals like this?
  10. We use R&S as well as some beginning readers from Scholastic's Club Leo. I could have just made some flashcards and used books in Spanish though.
  11. The above post reminded me that I got the Notes to Parents and Lab Sheet Annotations from paperbackswap.com :)
  12. Another vote for MM. I really like that it has hands on suggestions and workbook pages. We use BSFU, but my second choices would be RSO or Elemental Science since those are both do the next thing type programs. I'm looking for more Spanish curriculum options for native speakers. R&S is very helpful, but it is mostly a reading program with a little bit of spelling, writing and grammar. Reading would be the easiest for me to do on my own!
  13. For base 10 flats do I just get any set or are some better than others? For instance is a set with more pieces better as with the C rods? And just an fyi that currclick has Miquon pdfs. I'm looking forward to being able to print it out for each child :)
  14. We had to reload it once since it froze and then it was fine after that.
  15. Oooh! I hope I can go if we are still here. I'l have to see how the baby does at that age since I probably won't leave her with dh all day. I'm excited to see what speakers they'll have. Maybe I will leave the baby for a class or two at a time since it's close to home. I think it was about $40 last year and I liked it. Not spectacular, but it was nice t be with so many other homeschoolers and I liked the classes I went to. Someday I'm going to travel to a conference to see SWB and MCT. I was so jealous of those who got to go to the one last year!
  16. We have a Britax Frontier and Boulevard in our middle van bench and they fit just fine. The middle bench in our Windstar is about as wide as 2 captains chairs pushed side by side so there is plenty of space. If you post your van model and year on car-seat.org they should be able to give you examples of seats that will fit.
  17. We've used some of the Choll read aloud suggestions. Here is a link with Sonlight books in WTM 4 year cycle order.
  18. Has anyone used materials from either of these publishers? We really liked Rod and Staff Spanish 1, but level 2 doesn't seem to be stepping things up in grammar or spelling. The reading and reading comprehension is good, but I would like something that is all in one with spelling, writing and grammar as well as reading. If you've used either publisher what did you think of the curriculum and which programs did you use?
  19. That seems like such a weird reason. :confused: When I was taking biology in junior high our teacher explained that we would not be doing blood typing for ourselves and our parents like the school had in the past. He said that one year a student showed a blood type that could not be the result of his parent's DNA. Upon asking his parents about it they told him he was adopted.
  20. In our area it is common for people to expect that you want a child of the opposite sex if you have 2 or more of the same sex. We're having 3 girls and have been asked if we'll try for a boy later. But the same thing happens to a friend of mine who has 3 boys, of course they must be trying for a girl next time! :glare: My friend is done having children just like we will be this month. :) My only consolation hearing comments about wanting a boy are that if we had 3 boys it would be assumed we wanted a girl, girls aren't really seen as inferior.
  21. Congrats! I hope you got pregnant last month so you can see the same midwife! I understand, my midwife was the only one I clicked with and luckily she was available for this coming birth.
  22. I voted for keeping it long. I'm keeping mine at the current length because it's easy to pull back and comfort during labor is more important to me. But after I have the baby I'm excited to cut it shoulder length again!
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