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Everything posted by YaelAldrich

  1. This actually might be Borderline Personality Disorder, NPD's cousin disorder. It's similar but when I hear "All of their actions are with the goal of stopping themselves from feeling bad, insecure, lonely, worried", this seems more like BPD.
  2. Me too! They have increased since December or so. I'm on the DNC and NoMoRoBo lists but we now get 6-10 a day. So frustrating!!!!
  3. Went to Israel in December and alas measles is running through the Jewish world there (and here in the US), so I got my titers checked. I figured they would be since I had gotten the MMR in 2001 after finding out I wasn't immune to rubella during that pregnancy. I assume the kids were fine. No one got measles. Though we got lice - again.
  4. Strangly enough, we love the Dermasil Dry Skin Treatment lotion found at the Dollar Store of all places. I use Trader Joe's Moisturizing Cream too.
  5. Nopers. That's a big time Title IX problem right there. If she doesn't want to go alone to report it (and I hope she does) she should get others from the class to go with her. My husband (a tenured professor) reported two professors, one for similar behavior and one who made it a point to attempt to sleep with his (male) students on an overseas trip as well as force them to work on his election campaign. If she needs to talk to someone about this, my husband would be more than willing to help her understand her rights. I'm sorry she is having this experience. There are so many good professors out there; these really stink up the profession.
  6. If she really wants to go to grad school and she hopes to get it paid for by the university (i.e., not professional degrees), I'd work rally hard to get everything squared away. I know in the grad schools my husband have run, US citizens have an easier time getting funding. $1000 Is cheaper than grad school.
  7. I took ponchos to Israel in December in the middle of the rainy season. You look like a loon but you are dry!
  8. GF is really common in Israel since so many Jews are celiac. You should be able to get GF stuff all over the place and restaurants cater to that segment (at least in the kosher/Jewish restaurants). The grocery stores also have plenty of stuff. Everything labeled in a grocery store is labeled if it has gluten and in English as well. You can ask, "Ain glooten b'zeh?" and things are labeled ללא גלוטן
  9. I had a salad tonight - power green mix (1st salad) and roasted, slivered almonds and caesar dressing with a piece of shnitzel on top. Then I still had dressing left over but no more kale/spinach mix so out came the iceberg lettuce from taco night last week. More almonds and it was dessert! Sorry no pics. But it hit the spot!
  10. Our house salad is power mix (baby spinach and kale), sliced on the bias grape tomatoes, chunks of cucumbers, sweet peppers, and avocado, salt, garlic powder, balsamic vinegar, EVOO, TJ's unsalted roasted slivered almonds. Feta if we are eating diary/vegetarian. My other salad that I do make regularly in the winter is the power mix, tomatoes, thinly sliced Granny Smith apples, roasted sweet potatoes (with olive oil, salt, and Frontier brand berberre spice mix) , salt, honey, dijon mustard, rice vinegar, garlic powder, pepper, sugared pecans. I love a good Caesar, but I never make it at home. Now I want a Caesar salad.
  11. Bringing a meal to my husband's great aunt and husband so we can visit her after too many weeks away. Wanted to make an awesome tuna noodle casserole - any winning recipes out there? I can go shopping so weird ingredients are OK. Thank you for helping me!
  12. Look for a local to you museum that has reciprocal admission to ASTC Museums. You will save SOOOO much money this way and can go for free to almost every museum on your list plus others like the Zoo. I disagree that driving there is bad. If you can do large city driving, people are not so rude and the grid street system is easy to maneuver (looking at you my hometown of Boston!).
  13. Merry Christmas from one of the Jewish Hive!
  14. Thank you. We've got prayers going up on both sides of the aisle so to speak (my natal family is Christian; I converted to Judaism). 😄 I pray with all my heart that she will survive and thrive. She doesn't want to suffer like she watched my sister after the wonder drugs stopped working. After all of us walking along my sister with her Stage 4 BC while my father started his battle with prostate cancer (that still continues), we're all blindsided by my mother having cancer out of the blue.
  15. She's 58 and other than some pre-diabetes and needing a little thyroid medicine, healthy as a horse. She swims over a hour a day, walks around 30 minutes a day and eats well. I don't know, but it is one of the questions I want to pose to the next doctor. I doubt I can donate as I too have chronic Hep B and my little sister died two years ago. But maybe one of her relatives in Korea??
  16. No, it hasn't metastasized as far as they can see from the thorax and abdominal MRIs from last week. There are a couple of medium sizes spots on the right node and one small one on the left lobe. But nothing in the lymph nodes or other parts of the body. I saw the five year survival rates aren't all that great in her case. Sigh.
  17. Bought a custom made/custom color Natuzzi all leather sectional from a little old Italian lady who was downsizing to move to FL from Boston. I had been searching for the right piece for a couple of months on CL. I think she paid over 8-10K for it. I paid $1000. It fits perfectly in my small living space and I used its color (a seafoam green) to decorate my house. Totally different then the browns/blacks I had been seeing all over the place. She'd barely sat on it and even the one spot she sat you could hardly tell since she was so little! Best decision ever.
  18. Since my sister died almost two years ago from breast cancer (at age 38), I've been spending much more time with my father who has recurrent prostate cancer (that thank G-d has been mostly held back by hormone blockers) and mother who was pretty healthy. Just found out two weeks ago that she has some tumors in her liver. Flew down for the post MRI appointment. They are still not sure which type of cancer it is. They will do a biopsy this week I hope. They know they cannot do surgery because of the size and placement of the tumors for now. They are recommending chemo to shrink them and to hopefully boost the size of the less affected lobe so they can possibly do surgery at some point. Anyone here have any experience with liver cancers and what I/we might be in for? I'm trying to stay strong but with the knowledge I'll likely lose all my natal family sooner than later is throwing for a real loop.
  19. Pepperidge Farm puff pastry (found in every regular grocery I've ever been in) is vegan.
  20. If you want to cover your hair while you wait for your colorist, please try the videos under Wrapunzel on YT.
  21. How to pronounce Massachusetts town names.  
  22. I hope you can find one. If you run into trouble, let me know. There is an amazing sesame paste from Japan that I bet doesn't have cross contamination issues.
  23. May the Omnipresent bless and keep you. In Judaism we have a idea/story that Elijah (Eliyahu) the prophet comes to earth to test out people and their sincerity in the commandments G-d gave us. Your family passed with flying colors!
  24. I'm not sure you can find a non CC halva but try! You can also make a halva spread which is world changing in brownies. Here's a recipe.
  25. Oh! But I found they have TTO wipes. They don't have any citrus in them. Maybe you can use these?
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