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Everything posted by MindyD

  1. I'm not sure if this is considered therapy or service, but I have one friend that has a dog for her two autistic sons. It's helped her a lot with the boys and keeps them calm. The dog also keeps tabs on the boys so if one tries to walk off, the dog alerts the mom. I have another friend who has a dog for her diabetic daughter. The dog has been trained to pick up on her blood sugar levels and alerts them when her blood sugar is about to drop. The need isn't obvious, but has changed the lives of those families. As for the dog you saw, that's just gross. It sounds like the dog AND the family need more training!
  2. It is violent in a few parts, but it's one of my favorite movies and I first watched it in high school. I'm not sure how much is too much for you, so I'd just preview it. The violence isn't gratuitous in my opinion though.
  3. Late last night I told dh, "We have no groceries for lunch tomorrow, and I have a meeting so I won't be able to go in the morning...so what do you want to do?" (I actually have very real and reasonable reasons for not going to the store...one being that dh said not to until he gets paid again, which is today :tongue_smilie:) And he says..... "How about I take the kids to the grocery store, pick up something to make for lunch, and I'll take care of everything." :svengo: followed by :lol: because all I could think of was Ryan Gosling "Hey Girl" pictures! I then had to explain why I was laughing and told him I'd make him his own captioned picture.
  4. I had to take it 2 out of 3 pregnancies. BRING A STRAW! It's a lot easier to drink with a straw because you don't have to taste as much of the sugar. Other than that, bring a book to read, and tell them if you need to lay down. They will understand and have a place for you. I've also heard that some doctors will let you eat a candy bar instead of the drink. A doula also told me I could eat a hardboiled egg before the test. It's straight protein and won't affect your sugar levels like carbs will. HTH!
  5. Thanks! This book was on my amazon wish list but I kept putting off buying it.
  6. I wouldn't say that Christians GET all the good stuff, it's just that Christians make or direct the good stuff. Sounds like the opportunity is ripe for good secular curriculum and groups if someone is willing to start them. Personally, I'm seriously considering starting a homeschool co-op in my area in a few years, once my youngest is school age. Although I AM a Christian, I'd like to start a co-op that is open to everyone.
  7. They have them at our Target in SC although that's not much better than Detroit! However, I have to say that I did buy the abridged Moby Dick for my son to read. I'm just being honest with myself. I know I'm not going to read that to my son nor will I make him read the unabridged version on his own. This way, he gets the story and we can talk through the basic themes. I think I skipped over all the rest though because I'd rather he read the whole book. I'm with you 99%, but Moby Dick is apparently where I draw the line! :tongue_smilie:
  8. Does your church have smallgroups? That's the only other suggestion I can think of. I think it just takes time to get to know people in a church. Our church sounds similar to yours and I agree that it's hard to get to know people. I haven't figured this one out either so I'm not much help. I miss actually knowing the people I go to church with and being friends outside of church.
  9. I enjoyed them. They are disturbing and depressing though. They have some very interesting themes.
  10. I've had Subway flat out tell me no about changing drinks or sides with their kids meal. If I'm paying for the meal, I don't see what the big deal is. I stood there and explained how the drink and chips I wanted for my child's meal cost exactly the same or LESS than what they listed. Eventually she did give me what I asked for but she wasn't happy about it. By the way, this was right after they'd made the switch to the kids meals they have now. Incidentally, I haven't bothered going back. As for CFA, I LOVE them! But I have to agree that if they charge me more for the same kids meal I used to buy just because they don't want to offer fries or sweet tea, it will drop on my list of places to go simply out of principle.
  11. I think it's one of those providential serendipity things (my friend came up with that term). Do I believe that God really made the numbers work out that way for that reason? No. Do I think it's kind of cool? Yes. It wouldn't be such a big deal if everyone else didn't make a big deal about it. He's a Christian, and the real deal. He actually lives out what he believes. I can respect that.
  12. I got them about 2 years ago, and now I have a small cavity on one of those teeth. Not thrilled about that since it's supposed prevent cavities. Anyway, I'm not super impressed with my experience.
  13. Southern Baptists always have macaroni and cheese. :tongue_smilie:
  14. I live in SC and will be going to the Greenville one. I've heard a lot of homeschoolers around here say that they're going to the Teach Them Diligently because it's the Christian one. It boggles my mind. Somehow it just seems so UN-Christian to be motivated by disagreement and bitterness.
  15. Just keep your friend list very small. It's tempting to accept friend requests even if it's out of guilt because you don't want to say no, but it's your information you're sharing. It really is the only way I've been able to keep up with a few people.
  16. Hmmm, I think Boston Legal is really funny a lot of the time. It's also really offensive at times and has lots of $exually explicit talk. You can look it up and preview the shows the counselor wants her to watch and see if you're comfortable with it. It really depends on the episode. Some are fine. Some just...aren't. HTH!
  17. It's really not a big deal. I found out I had a uti when I went to my first prenatal visit but had no symptoms. I couldn't take the antibiotics I needed for that particular infection until my second trimester because it suppressed my ability to absorb folic acid. I never had any symptoms. As for GBS, it's really okay. They just give you an antibiotic during labor. Some people will say it's unnecessary, but it's a simple thing to avoid so I have no problem with it. I've had mine in the hospital anyway so I already had an iv. Don't worry about it at all. :grouphug:
  18. So last week I shouldn't have threatened to take away the Christmas presents? Because I totally did. :tongue_smilie:
  19. I dealt with this with all 3 of my kids. Actually, I'm still dealing with it now with my youngest. Not sure why it's so severe with mine, but it's definitely cradle cap. I need to buy the tea tree oil.
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