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Everything posted by vonfirmath

  1. When my parents sold their house, the first offer had some special financing that can be difficult to work with (wanting changes to hand-holds on porches etc) but they were about to accept the offer because they were moving when they got an all-cash offer for a family with the only stipulation of being able to move in quickly. So they accepted the all cash offer and signed documents my mom's last day of work, spent the night in the hotel and moved out of state the next morning.
  2. This is why O- is so desired! My mom is always being called. Unfortunately, I did not inherit this 😞
  3. Magic School Bus is what my kids school did
  4. I have a 2018 Honda CRV that has served us well. I purchased it in 2020 because my Aunt and Uncle have had CRVs for -- close to 10 years and really love them and I was tired of replacing our used Chevrolets every 3-5 years. The OEM battery and tires on CRVs are not thought to be great and we've already had to replace both. But otherwise it keeps chugging along. We'll see as it gets older but I have high hopes for it!
  5. vonfirmath


    Yikes. You make me wonder if my lecture last week to my 15 year old about serving sizes was unfair 😞 (Though I did reiterate I want him to be full -- not hungry. He just does not need to fill up entirely on one item. Have a serving or two of protein, then eat an apple, some salad -- etc. Other things before going back for more protein. And pay attention to how many people need to eat off the food before eating most of it. If there are 10 biscuits for strawberry shortcake left and you leave only a spoonfull of strawberries, people are not going to get strawberry shortcake for desert. Etc.)
  6. My sister got her first henna while visiting the middle east. Her friend there had her get together with other ladies (local) and they did henna together. So henna is not just an Indian thing.
  7. I eat Life cereal when things get difficult. It makes a great snack
  8. This is because a company has to deal with the taxes in every state they have someone living. My husband looked into this for a friend who wanted to hire him and let people live wherever they wanted. He ended up deciding it was too complicated.
  9. Sometimes it is hard to see all the uses of a pick up trucks. Few people can afford to have a pick up truck that is used ONLY for the times it is strictly necessary. But that pickup truck is being used to tow a camper at least one weekend a month. Or to connect a trailer and help a troop go camping multiple times a year. Etc. I know with our CRV, I can only carry 3 people and go camping (AND I can't take the troop goods if I've got 3 people in the car). But thankfully we've got a truck in the troop that helps handle more storage needs when needed. Another guy with a troop cleans up the church grounds every other weekend and hauls off the trash. Plus we borrow it for our Christmas parade when we have a float. Etc.
  10. *laugh* Note: Having it explained makes NO sense to me. I don't know what Lean is or Purple Drank. A full bladder needing to pee I do know
  11. Yes. In our family my son and I. When we had Covid only my husband and daughter got it.
  12. Does the apple watch need a separate cellular line? OR is it useful without that? This all sounds interesting but the last thing I need is another bill.
  13. I like this better. Putting a cable all the way around the tree could end up killing the tree. https://laidbackgardener.blog/2021/08/19/dont-strangle-your-tree/?doing_wp_cron=1689167295.1224539279937744140625 It sounds like it might be okay for very temporary. But make sure to remove it to prevent the long term damages
  14. Ah. I prefer utilities/credit cards to be paperless. I have a spreadsheet that has all my due dates on it and the "usual" amount for the bills. Then I budget by paycheck. With each paycheck, I go through paying bills upcoming. When I go to pay the credit card bill, I log on to the account and download the statement to make sure I set it to pay right. The statements are stored by month in a folder on my computer. Paper gets lost around here so I much prefer emails/account invoices. ETA: Note I have a paper calendar for each month I mark what day is payday and the other dates. I use the spreadsheet as a "master" to fill out the paper calendar. Then the paper calendar to make sure I'm covering what is needed before the neext paycheck comes.
  15. Agreed. I'd NEVER even click the link on such a thing. Text is my absolute LEAST favorite way to get information
  16. My sister is going car shopping with my nephew and finding the same thing -- hard to find cars available without the extras they do not want to pay for. OF course, if you wait it could be several months waiting.
  17. Maybe look at the system school libraries use for checking in and out books? Our church has a system where you sign in on a computer and get labels. The child wears one and the parent holds the parent label to show to the teacher to pick the child up. The person picking the child up has to have that day's label/ a picture of it (so if one parent drops off and the other picks up, parent one can take a picture of the label and send to the other parent) ETA -- they use this for Sunday school and for the weekly AWANAs program we offer. (Our old church had a similar system that could be accessed from the parking lot. So a family could "Sign in" as they arrived and have their labels waiting for them when they went into the building)
  18. Honestly, living in Texas, we keep our house at 78 most of the time. It's just too expensive to run it more and we're fine at 78. When I was growing up (in Houston) we did not run AC at all most of the time -- too expensive.
  19. Or does she berate him when she gets home if he does not do things the way she would? So he's trying to minimize that.
  20. I don't remember making these growing up. Luckily we have had a few who knew at camp when I had to teach it unexpectedly
  21. This is what I have decided I put up a Magic kit from Melissa and Doug on our Buy Nothing. AFter a week of no interest, I tossed it.
  22. Towels/blankets and stuff often pet places want. Pillows I often throw out. But someone that makes stuffed animals MIGHT want to repurpose the filling if you put it on your local freecycle.
  23. If it is hurting you, put baby powder on it (cornstarch-- there's also one similar that smells good I get these a lot because it is hot and sweaty and then I rub -- or my books rub together and cause it. But if you have not been messing with it and don't have book hardware that is rubbing and its there for weeks -- I'd go to a doctor. My regular doctor is who I mention things like lumps too and then she makes a referral to a specialist.
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