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Everything posted by TheApprentice

  1. Hello and welcome. Did you want secular or christian? My first suggestion would be to read The Well Trained Mind. But here are a few options to look into to get you started: Math: Foresters Algebra Math Mammoth (secular) Saxon (secular) Singapore Math (secular) Christian Light Education (CLE) Math (christian) Teaching Textbooks (secular, but a bit pricey) Art of Problem Solving (Math curriculum that is a bit challenging) Derek Owens (secular) Grammar: Rod and Staff Grammar (christian) CLE grammar (christian) Growing with Grammar (secular) Hake Grammar (secular) History: Story of the World (christian) Mystery of History (christian) History Odyssey (secular) Science: Elemental Science Real Science 4 Kids Real Science Odyssey My Pals are Here Full Curriculum's: Oak Meadow (secular) Sonlight (christian and can get pricey) KONOS Unit studies
  2. It's more of a "Christmas Time" for us. I have family coming in on Christmas day, the day after and that Saturday. We will have a huge Holiday dinner Sunday the 29th. I will have family staying with us until Dec. 2. So it would be hard for us to get back to normal on the 26th. This is how it usually works around here. :001_smile:
  3. We're taking 3 weeks. Dec. 16 to Jan. 6. We'll have family in town from the 25th to the 2nd, So that partial week in January would be a total bust. So the first full week in Jan. it is.
  4. We are done for the semester (as of Friday 13th). :hurray: The only hiccup is that my 10th grade ds has to finish a mid-term paper for his AP Eng./Comp. class this weekend and turn it in Monday, :sad: He's almost there. :001_smile: There's been a lot of work for ds this semester. High school is definitely different from K-8.
  5. :grouphug: :grouphug: So sorry for your dog, but glad that he will be ok. I would have the owner pay the the vet bill, via by request or small claims court. I would also report it to animal control.
  6. The timing does kind of stink, but I think you have to stick to your punishments. The intent/implications of his actions are huge. And then he lied about it. I wouldn't give in. This has to hurt where it counts for him in order for him to get the seriousness. Sorry mom. :sad:
  7. To me, this looks to be a bit excessive, and I see burnout for both you and your son. English 1: I would do WWS 2 and (grammar or vocabulary) I would not specifically focus on spelling in highschool Physical Science: Since the prerequisition for Apologia is pre-algebra, you could look into Derek Owen's Physical Science, which I believe you can take concurrently without a problem. Foreign Language: I would just pick one. If your son is college bound, he would only need 2 years study of one language, so you have time for Swedish. Fine Arts: Pick one, which would allow more depth in the topic. The beauty of homeschooling high school, and this is only my second year, is that I allow my student to have an opinion on what he wants to learn because he needs to be proactive in his education at this point. Is this the curriculum your son wants to try? I would just be open to dropping courses if he gets too bogged down. And I would definitely make doing something extra curricular a priority. Remember this is a marathon, not a sprint. Good luck. :001_smile:
  8. I would probably try a new curriculum. He seems to have an interest in the topic, and I would not want to quash that with trying to trudge through a curriculum that isn't working. We are currently using Elemental Science Physics for 4th/5th grade, and ds loves it. They will have it offered in the spring for 7th/8th graders. There is also Real Science 4 Kids, and they offer a Physics curriculum for middle schoolers. If he just wants to do some physics experiments, you can purchase some from the HometrainingTools website. I would try to keep the interest up.
  9. what can I do to help my son boost is score in the Writing portion. That was his lowest score, and he will be taking it again as a junior next year. I was thinking that he could do something like Hake Grammar 8 this spring and thru summer, but I don't know. He will just have a lot on his plate in the spring, and I'm unsure if "cramming" for the purpose of the PSAT is worth it.
  10. We are using Excellence in Literature. This program focuses on context material before reading the novel, reading the novel and then writing author profile's, short assignments and essays. This is not a short answer/fill in the blank type of program. There are samples at the back of the guide for each type of assignment.
  11. DS 15: "I'll let you know when I'm angry." DS 13: "Stop treating me so young" and "You're stubborn" DS 10: "Yes, Yes, Your stubbornness"
  12. If the books are to be read for pleasure, then I think it's not reasonable. Why can't a child/person read material that is simpler at times. I do it. Why does the child have to always be "challenged". And it seems the teacher is over-stepping. Too much control over the student's life. JMHO
  13. I I have this going on with my older son. And he's 15. I think most of stems from personality. He doesn't have tantrums and such, but if he gets more than one wrong on a test, he has negative feelings about his abilities and feels physically sick to the stomach for a while. He just puts a lot of pressure on himself. We talk all the time about this, and he understands what I'm saying, but when it happens, it's like a knee jerk reaction. It's gotten a little better, but it's just his make-up.
  14. We are using Derek Owens Physical Science, which can be purchased. There are a few labs, but they aren't done every chapter. My son, too, is not all that excited about hands-on activities, so this is working very well.
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