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Everything posted by TheApprentice

  1. :iagree: The natural consequence is punishment enough. He's 7. I would probably have a talk that sounded more like, "This is why we have this rule, so that our clothes don't get messed up. You'll just have to wear these and next time maybe you'll remember not to put them in your pocket. But there are no guarantees. ;)
  2. We are using this year, just 5 more lessons to go. My 4th grade ds has done very well with it. Next for him is The Great Latin Adventure, which is a bit more grammar based. But GSWL was a fabulous introduction.
  3. BA in Communication MS is Psychology (this I use daily, by the way :thumbup: )
  4. Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome. Very Funny. It's a classic.
  5. When your kids say, "Mom, you just went to the bathroom."
  6. I have this posted in the Logic Stage board as well. I have the 8th edition of Lial's Algebra that I've had for a couple of years and want to use it for my upcoming 8th grade son. Looking at the text, the "teaching" portion is long, and the practice section has 65-70 problems. Way too many for my ds. How did you schedule this course with your dc and manage to complete the text? I'm concerned about the time commitment needed. If it takes too long, I will have a mutiny on my hands. Did you start with this course, found it was too much, and switched to something else? If so, what was it. Ds's past: MM6 and CLE 700.
  7. I have Lial's Introductory Algebra that I've had for a couple of years and would now like to use for my upcoming 8th grader. Looking through the text, the "teaching" part of the lesson is long and the practice set contains 65-70 problems. :scared: I must break this up for my son or I will have mutiny. How did you manage to break the lessons up and still finish the text? Did your ds/dd find it too "busy" and you changed to something else?
  8. We have 3 more weeks to go until we are finished. Both of my 10 and 12 year old sons studied Early Modern History this year using History Odyssey. I want to wrap it up with some kid friendly dvd's about this time period. We have Netflix and I've ordered The French Revolution, American Revolution, The Gold Rush, and we'll watch a few episodes of "American, the story of Us", which we own. Are there any dvd's you've watched that your kids enjoyed?
  9. Derek Owens offers distant learning classes. My son finished Physics this year. It is Algebra 1 based, not calculus based, and it worked well for him.
  10. Yeah, I hadn't heard/read that it was a concern before either, but she was my umbrella reviewer and that is what she said. Anyway, I'll just carry on as I'd planned. :001_smile:
  11. My son tested and enrolled as a 7th grader. The child just needs to take it once for the upper level offerings. I'm not sure it's worth it. We've participated in one family activity, and that was when he first enrolled. It's been 2 years. To me, the classes and camps are just so overpriced, and I'm having a hard time justifying the cost. But that's just me.
  12. Do colleges mind this? I was told today that most colleges don't want to see 0.5 credit on the transcript. For example health and government were done in a semester each. Why wouldn't I put 0.5 credit on the transcript? What's been your experience? Has this ever been said to you?
  13. My ds 10 is 60 lbs. and 4'5''. Skinny but healthy. He is ALWAYS moving.
  14. I feel like I'm out of my league, but I'm in. We'll be using Spectrum. Putting a chemistry "curriculum" together is just too overwhelming for me. I need the labs laid out, answers to question and tests right there for me.
  15. The Art of Problem Solving offers a programming course (Python). The Landry Academy is an option, as well as Coursera (Free).
  16. It can be a bit nerve wracking as we move to the next level (middle school and high school). This was my first year of high school. :scared: But your plan looks really good. An option for writing is "Winning With Writing" (from the same publishers of "Growing With Grammar"). I plan on trying it with my 5th grader this year.
  17. Lightning Literature may work as an English Credit. You can also check out Landry Academy courses. I'm not sure if they are still offering any discounts, but they offer quite a bit of courses.
  18. Thanks for all the feedback. It wasn't on my radar, at all, until I attended this seminar, so I will definitely do some research. My impression, based on you all's information, is that it may be easier as a liberal arts major. My son is leaning more toward, computer programming/architectural engineering. This may not be the right path for those interests.
  19. Our local CC had a seminar last week for home schooled students. The speaker was going on about how easy it would be to receive an Associates degree while still high school age, save a little money in the process, then transfer to a 4 year college (I'm not sure if the student would be classified as a freshman at that point). Is this a viable option? What would be the pros and cons? Anyone's child gone this route?
  20. My oldest is not very athletic. And I'm looking for job opportunities for him, so that he too gets out of the house and off his computer. He too is 15. We have to accept our kids for who they are. Your daughter's opinion should carry a bit of weight at this age. If she wants to quit, I'd let her, but then she would have to offer up what she would do in its place that would have her working with others. JMHO :001_smile:
  21. Yep. Sadly, that power is just to enticing. Goes to their heads.
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