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Everything posted by TheApprentice

  1. Learning Language Arts Through Literature.
  2. I'm considering this course for my ds this fall. For those using the course, did you purchase any of the supplemental materials? Are they over much, or really helpful?
  3. You can also check out Oak Meadows. We are using it for World Geography this year for ds 9th grade. We are using NROC for American History this year.
  4. I will give a credit for literature (we are using EIL) and half credit for composition because he is taking a separate course for that. He is also doing Vocabulary for the College Bound Student and Easy Grammar Ulitmate Series Grade 9, but these two are just for his learning pleasure. ;) No grades but is still expected to do well.
  5. We are using FLL3 currently, and my son requested to continue FLL4 next year. He will be a 5th grader. We plan to go with Hake afterward. It it very teacher intensive, but I've seen a lot of growth in his grammar; so we are sticking with what's working for as long as possible.
  6. Here's what my ds,10th grader, will be doing this fall: Math - Saxon Advanced Math/Art Reed dvd's Science - Spectrum Chemistry Language - PA Homeschoolers AP English Language Literature - Excellence in Literature (American) American History - Oak Meadow or NROC Japanese 1 - Irrashai Looking at and Understanding Great Art - Teaching Company Understanding the Worlds Greatest Structures - Teaching Company P.E. - League basketball and weight training Just some other options for you to consider that I have used in the past, or will use with my middle ds: Tabletclass for Math Derek Owens for Math and Physics (distant learning) Thinkwell
  7. We go 4 weeks on, 1 week off. It works perfect for us. When we first started we were doing 8 weeks on, 1 week off. Bad idea. This is our 2nd year with 4/1 and I think we'll continue it this way.
  8. I felt like I needed to post this because it was just so refreshing.
  9. I'm not familiar with Evan Moor's, but when I purchased Super teacher, the idea was to use it for reading comprehension and spelling. My ds needed shorter stories to improve his reading comprehension, so I would say it was successful in that regard. The spelling words were too simple, so I switched to k12reader for spelling (they also have comprehension worksheets). This is what we'll be using next year, and K12reader is FREE. I would suggest looking into that before paying for super teacher.
  10. I placed my order last week. I received an e-mail from the author, Paige, telling me she was refunding me a portion of my order because that would have been the discount if I had ordered it as a package (which I had not). I then reviewed my order again, and saw that I had inadvertently purchased an extra student workbook (I only needed one). I e-mailed her yesterday asking if she would take this workbook off my order completely. She responded to me this morning saying that she had. Often times, customer service makes all the difference if you use a particular curriculum or not. I was very pleased with Elemental Sciences customer service. This was my first experience with Elemental Science, and I feel like a very happy customer. :thumbup1:
  11. We have food names here: :001_smile: Cinnabun, (brown and white cavalier king charles), and Snickers (brown, black and white cavalier)
  12. At 2nd grade, my ds used McGruffy Math and absolutely loved it. Math was fun and always the first item to be done. Short lessons, which are perfect at this age. We switched to MM3 in the 3rd grade and he had no problems making the switch.
  13. StephanieZ, sorry to hear your son dropped the course. I know mine and your son tried to connect for homework, but couldn't quite get the timing. Every time my son responded and sent yours an e-mail, it sat in the outbox for hours/overnight. My son is going to stick it out. :scared: So he needs to put the time in, especially considering the cost. But free is better, so it's good that you got out so that you could get your money back. :thumbup: It's good that you found something else for him.
  14. For K-4: I read books and watched videos from the library. Currently we are reading: Under your skin, your amazing body. Fork 5 -8: My boys have read: "What's Happening to My Body" and "What's Going On Down There". Both books have warranted lots of discussions. These have been covered very informally. For my high schooler, This is for .5 credit: Intellego Health for 9-12 grade (unit study approach curriculum by CurrClick) and he is also reading "Changing Bodies, Changing Lives". For PE credit, all three boys play league sports and my oldest has added weight training as part of his PE.
  15. What kind of assignments did you have your dc do? I want to purchase an American History spine, have ds watch Hippocampus videos, read some real books/original documents. But I'm not sure how to make it worthy of a high school credit? :confused1:
  16. :lol: And they don't care/notice. According to my boys (ages 10-15) and their friends, I'm the nice mom, and they come over all.the.time. Aren't I lucky. :scared:
  17. Another for Derek Owens. :hurray: And it's self-paced. So while it is $58 a month, the cost will be determined by how fast your dc can work through it. We also asked for the text as a reference (but is no longer required) and he sent us one of his copies. We also rented the lab equipment instead of purchasing it. It is algebra based, not calculus based. Ds enjoyed the course, although the later chapters got a little difficult, especially the section about circuits.
  18. I'm a whole to parts person, but apparently, ds is a parts to whole person because he is actually doing very well in this section. We just finished Week 26, and he's feeling very confident in his new skill.
  19. My son and I just saw Julius Caesar (The Marlon Brando version). Very well done.
  20. Thanks for the perspective. :001_smile: I do feel like the choices I've planned are for the best, at this moment (with a couple of minor changes, like switching out AP Lit for AP English Language), so I guess that's going to cost me. Still cheaper than private school, still a better choice for him right now that public school. (We sort of can afford it, but not really)
  21. No matter what it is, a class, team or other activity, they are always informed that they have to see it out. So if the class is 8 weeks, they'll be going for eight weeks. If they committed to helping someone out over the weekend, that's what they'll do. If it's a sport for a season, they'll finish out the season. It's always been that way, no matter what the age. I don't have a money tree outback, nor does it fall from the sky for me, and they understand that.
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