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Everything posted by tabrizia

  1. I agree, actually I would suggest using a cheaper program and buying the Readers over using the program without the books. The books are wonderful, probably one of my favorite parts of the program, and yes they are half or more of the lessons in the book.
  2. In general between 12 days and 3 weeks makes a good vacation for our family. We don't often get it, but if going overseas we prefer at least 2 weeks, since that gives time for travel, recovery from jet lag and time to take it easy for a few days rather then rush rush rush. I would plan on at least 10 days with travel for somewhere like Rome, especially if you are going anywhere else in Italy.
  3. Are you going over while the family sits Shiva? It really depends on the family how it works out there. There is no wake at Jewish funerals.
  4. Seat work takes anywhere from 20 to 45 minutes. We also do lots of reading and read our History and Science outside of the seat work time. We normally start around 9:30 and are done by 10:30 with seat work. He does about 2 to 3 pages of Math, 1/2 - 1 lesson of AAR and some writing daily. He will also do iPad Apps throughout the day, but I don't count those in time spent on schooling.
  5. That is what we do. I started 1A with DS, but when we were almost finished I didn't feel he had addition and subtraction down well enough so I pulled up some of the MM pages and we went through them, until I was comfortable moving him on. We just started 1B this week, but I have MM in the PDF form to print out any extra sheets for him to do if I think he needs some extra practice on any of the concepts we are working on.
  6. Glad to see all the support, I am hoping that we eventually will get this subsection of the boards, since it will help a lot of us out a bunch. (Just checking up on my thread).
  7. We do, and have for years. Every once in awhile we sleep in the same room, but it is rare. DH's snoring makes it really hard for my insomniac self to sleep. I am far happier and so is he if we sleep in seperate rooms. At the moment DH tends to sleep with the baby and I have the Master Bedroom to myself till sometime around 1 or 2 am when the two biggers come in and snuggle up.
  8. I've had 2, with a VBAC in between. I was told that it wasn't safe for me to have anymore due to various issues during the last one. That being said I think it really varies based on the individual. My Mom had 3 and was told that she shouldn't have anymore back in the early 80s, but her third one was full term twins, which she was also fine with. I think in general most OBs are not that comfortable after 4 or so, but obviously people can and do have more kids via C-sections.
  9. DS is 5 and not wearing character underwear, but that is only because the boxer briefs he likes don't come themed, if they did he would wear character undies still.
  10. DS has been recieving speech at school since slightly before he turned 4. We started his evaluations when he was 3 1/2. For the first year and a half, until K this year, he had private sessions at first once a week and the following year twice a week for 30 minutes. He always did the extended school year speech program both years (which was only 4 weeks, but it was something at least). This year in K he goes 2 times a week to a speech class with 2 other kids. He is improving though I do debate a private class occasionally. He is enjoying it and seems to be improving fairly decently, still. We drop him off the speech teacher grabs him and the two other Kindergarteners and they go to the speech room. She then brings him back to us at the front office when he is done and gives me or DH a 2 minutes sumary of what they have worked on. It is working well. He will need to be re-evaluated next fall, but he will likely continue on with speech for a few more years. We have had a very positive experience with speech so far. I loved his teacher last year, who has since moved on. She even visited DS in the hospital when he was there after his accident a couple of times. We have never had an issue with the fact he is being homeschooled.
  11. We normally go every 2 to 3 years. It is going to actually be 4 years between the last time we went and our upcoming visit though, just due to life. We have had weird gaps though, like we had a 5 year gap with a quick Disneyland trip in there, then 3 trips in 4 years, then our current 4 year break. Our average trip stay is between 12 and 14 nights, plus an addition 3 days for travel (we do the trip down in 2 days and the trip home normally in 3 days). We also go off season which is going to be a total benefit of homeschooling. Being able to go when the crowd levels are low is so nice and makes for a great and relaxing trip. We normally get a 10 day ticket and have off days from the park every 2 to 3 days while we are there for relaxation and to explore other places of interest. Really my ideal is to go yearly or more often, but it isn't currently in the budget.
  12. Actually wearing a baby counts as tummy time and helps develop those muscles. That being said when my were itty bitty I wore them in the house as needed. If they were fussy I'd wear them, if I needed them away from their siblings I wore/wear them. Other then that they hang out on the floor or when really little in the swing, depending on where they were happiest. Now DS2 is rarely worn in the house, normally only when super fussy, other then that he is on the go. In general though none of mine were worn more then 3 or so hours in the house a day give or take, maybe a bit more for DD because she would only nap in the carrier and only fall asleep for bed in the carrier for a few months, but normally it was 3 hours or less and not all at once.
  13. Well the elder two were suppose to go this summer at 3 and 5. My Mom was going to fly up get them and fly back with them and I would have followed with the baby at the end of the week to take them home, or she would have flown them home, we hadn't decided which way to go before DS had his accident and my Mom came and took care of the younger 2 for 3 weeks instead. That being said I don't think they are likely to go this summer at 4 and 6 due to minor issues with DS1. If you are not comfortable with him going at his age it is fine to say no.
  14. I think it depends on family culture, and how close the relative is. I would not name my child the same name as one my siblings used, and would hope they won't use a similar name to one of my kids either. I won't deleberately use the same name one of my cousins used for their kids either, but I have a bunch of cousins especially on my Mom's side, so if one of them ended up using one of my kids' names or even my or DH's name I probably won't think much about it. Second cousin and beyond, meh whatever.
  15. Do you really want the link to the studies that debunked the whole violent video games have a negative impact on those that play them? Yes there are some studies that say the opposite, but I can find just as many that show there is no negative to violent video games and negative impact on teens and children that play them. I do agree that some people have addictive personalities and that video games can play into those traits, just like any addictive type behavior. Then again scrapbook is addictive to some people as well. Yes there are negatives to video games, but as far as I have found there are more positives then negatives to videogames even violent ones. That being said, I think every family has to do what is best for them. If that is no videogames great, if that is 15 hours of videogames a day, I might look at you a bit strangely but go for it. If that means limiting play time to 30 minutes a day or just letting your kid have general free reign on them, go for it. We are huge gaming fans here, not only video games, but also board games, D&D and other games, about the only thing I have never done is LARP. In general it is a fun way to spend some time for me, DH our kids and most of our friends. I like killing orcs in my downtime, and I actually have no issues with my 5 year old playing games where he defeats enemies as well, though I have no issues with those that don't let their 5 year old play games where you fight and defeat enemies. We also don't play video games when friends are over, that is play time, not video time. That being said, I have met some extremely close family friends through gaming online and there are great communties out there of gamers. I would never tell someone that they should game though, it is really up to what they feel is best for them.
  16. DH: Perplexus Epic and the 3 board games I got him Me: My new wireless headset for gaming, this thing rocks! And the cool dice DH got me. DS1: Skylanders Giants (his Hanukkah present) and the Imaginex Batman Jail DD: Her dress up fairy outfit with wings and her magic wand. DS2: Imaginext Castle and Knights and all his big brother and sister's toys.
  17. Really I would not worry about it then. As long as he has other outlets and isn't gaming 24/7 he should be fine. He likes gaming, it is the same as someone who likes to read or even watch tv. Sure you can watch tv 15 hours straight, but you aren't likely going to be allowed to do so. You can read 15 hours straight, but you likely aren't going to be allowed too. You could game 15 hours straight, but in general you aren't going to actually get to do that often or ever. As long as he is okay about stopping when you say it is time, he has other interests and he is happy, I just won't worry about it. There really is nothing wrong with gaming for 2 or 3 hours at night as an adult. It is probably more interactive then sitting there and watching tv for 3 hours a night or even reading for 3 hours a night. Teaching him to regulate his time now, so he only plays for a certain time and then does other stuff seems fine. It is really not much different then complaining when told it is time to stop playing Legos or Reading or any other leisure activity.
  18. :iagree: , really I can deal if I go to someone's house who hasn't toddlerproofed, as long as they don't mind me moving dangerous to a toddler things out of reach. Depending on how their house is, I may or may not go back again with the toddler, but I can deal for a few hours, even if I don't get to visit because I'm chasing the toddler. It is more enjoyable if there is at least a semi safe area where I can hang with the toddler and watch them and still interact with other people, since if I am just chasing the toddler the whole time, well not much point to me going, but it is really up to the host. If I am staying over someone's house, if they are able to toddlerproof at least the room we are staying in, and semi-toddler proof, and not mind me moving things out of the toddlers way, I am happy. I don't expect them to toddlerproof their whole house, heck my whole house isn't toddlerproof either. It is nice though if I am staying there to know that there is somewhere that I can take my eyes off the toddler for a few minutes at least. If it isn't possible, I am likely going to stay in a hotel, which I can easily make toddlerproof, for my toddlers at least. Really it is up to the host how far they want to go to make their house comfortable for their guests with toddlers, and I respect that. I also realize I have the right to decline an invitation to visit the person again, especially with said toddler, if I have no time to socialize with said person I'm going to visit and I have to watch every breath the toddler is taking to make sure they are safe. A safe area is always a benefit and totally appriciated, but as long as the host isn't bothered by my minor toddlerproofing to make the area we are in safe for my toddler, I am happy either way.
  19. Yep, not sure where DD's costumes are, we bought them, I remember putting them in a certain place. DH moved them somewhere, and I have no clue where that might be. I know where all the other gifts are and they are marked off on the spreadsheet, but I can not find the costumes for her, fortunately we still have a few days.
  20. I so did not worry about the baby getting the same number of presents last year. Now he is 21 months old, and yes he got the same number of gifts as the 3 and 5 year old because the other two would count and notice. The toughest part for him was getting him stuff he would like that we didn't already have, since he is the 3rd almost 2 year old. I went up in age on his gift so he is getting a bunch of stuff that he should like, but was labelled for 3 - 8 rather then for 18 months +. That being said I am done as of Sunday. There are a couple of things I could think of that I would be tempted to get, but the gifts are bought the spreadsheet is checked and I refuse to visit any stores online or in person until next year! Well other then the grocery store.
  21. I was actually really good this year. We do both Hanukkah and Christmas which means the gifts get a bit insane anyways. This year I used a spreadsheet. I didn't actually deviate much from the list for the main presents. Now the stockings, erm I think I have enough for each kid to get 3 stockings, I went to Etsy, and that was a bad choice! Of course my in-laws are also bringing gifts and they go for the quanity over quality option, so the 5 or 6 gifts per kid (plus stockings) I have are likely to have another dozen things added to them.
  22. Amaryllis Aurora Hazel Viola Are my top 4 choices from the names listed. DD was suppose to be Hazel, she was Hazel up until 10 days before she was born in fact. Then my Grandmother died and we changed her name to honor my Grandmother instead. I adore Hazel though.
  23. We don't do Santa, but they still come out Christmas Eve because seriously 3 kids under 6 and a dog, I want them still wrapped Christmas Day.
  24. No problem and I noticed someone else answered right before I answered. It is one of my favorite, little known features of Prime.
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