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Everything posted by acurtis75

  1. When we get sick we take probiotics (primodolphalis sp?) to shorten the duration & it seems to help. They are refrigerated and we get them at the local grocery store. Also, osscillicosium (also not sure about that spelling) seems to help. It's in the pharmacy in the natural or herbal remedy section,
  2. $80 over budget at Ikea isn't bad at all. I've mentally redecorated my whole house and office with Ikea stuff. Now we just need to make the money to do it:lol: If it makes you feel better we were supposed to close on a house 8/1 but it is already delayed until at least 8/16 so in the next three weeks we will be traveling twice (a total of 9 days out of town), closing on a house (hopefully:glare:) and moving right in the middle of when we are supposed to be schooling. Just to make things more interesting dh decided we should move our office too so we're looking at locations and making plans for that too. I keep thinking one of these years we'll be set organized and ready to go but so far it's always crazy.
  3. New favorite comment "and you thought the birth cycle of a frog from a tadpole was a miracle" but that last point was amazing.
  4. I'm watching beach volleyball online on the nbc olympics app. Apparently they use the local announcers. This is so much more entertaining than the American announcers. I have giggled several times. They are very serious about this job. At the end of a close first set the announcer said, "Now for the real test. Cometh the hour, cometh the woman...who will prevail" or something along those lines. It's like Shakespeare and beach volleyball all in one.:lol:
  5. I'm very sorry to hear about your dad. I'm in Texas and that is the business dh is in. If you pm me I would be happy to get you some information because there are rules about providing information in a public forum that it viewable by other states.
  6. In addition to a Macbrook Pro or a pn apple desktop I would get an iPad with maximum memory if you can. More and more textbooks are available for it and it's convenient to carry to class for note taking.
  7. I just looked at my Mint.com pie chart and the percentage wasn't bad (15% of gross) but the actual dollar figure was shockingly high. I will be looking at a food budget ASAP. We are self-employed and the numbers are gross and include business and personal expenses so if I considered personal "take home" pay to compare apples to apples it would be more like 30%.
  8. I live in Houston but went to the FEAST conference last year and really enjoyed it.
  9. We saw it on the live broadcast and giggled. Most parents can relate I think. Fortunately no one is video taping me while dd participates in various activities, it did remind me of playing video games too.
  10. It is different if your period is off. I would say 2 weeks from day 35 sounds about right for testing. That was about when I got my positive result.
  11. I've tracked my cycles for several years because we practice NFP. My cycle lengths are irregular and range between 24 & 36 days but I've occasionally had longer ones. Towards the end of June we were traveling and my cycle was a few days late. I had some spotting and thought my cycle was starting and we thought we were safe:tongue_smilie: Apparently thanks to travel I ovulated way late and what I thought was the start of my period was actually ovulation. Now I'm seven weeks pregnant and still not totally over being shocked. I have in the past had really long cycles that I never had an explanation for so the only way to know is to test. Fwiw I waited until about day 40 and then took 4 tests because I kept thinking it must be a mistake. In the spirit of full disclosure...I don't consider this a NFP failure. I didn't cross check all the things you are supposed to before deciding it was safe. We were on vacation, had a little champagne because it was my birthday and were apparently feeling less cautious than normal.
  12. No idea why this old thread just shows up but I never realized there was no link in the original so just in case your friend hasn't had the talk 5 months later...here's the website. It is a biblical counseling site and there are links to resources about drugs and other issues in the resources and bookstore section. http://Www.nanc.org
  13. Dh and I are both going. I am excited because it's the first time he has been able to attend. I missed last year but went the year before just to browse. This time we plan to attend a lot of workshops including at least one by SWB.
  14. Dd7 upon seeing Paul McCartney appear on the TV screen during the opening ceremonies, "oh my gosh...what happened to him? When did he get so old?" I guess she expected him to look like the Beatles album covers on iTunes.:lol:
  15. My Volvo was "totaled" two years ago by the insurance company. It was already paid for and cost less than what they gave us to repair it so we just repaired it and have saved (so far) two years of unnecessary car payments.
  16. We took dd when she was 9 months old and we all had a blast. The only issue is children over six months are ticketed like adults. Fortunately my fil is military & we booked her as his cabin mate and saved some money. We had no problems at all and I would do it again.
  17. The lady I talked to today said you might have to be patient. There are limited numbers available daily.
  18. If you don't plan to sign up for 3G get the wifi version instead. It is less expensive and you can afford more memory. Lately every time I look the apple store only had 3G not the wifi. I called and asked today and they said check first thing in the morning every days. They are selling out daily on the refurbished ones right now.
  19. Today I got the bill from dh's dermotologist visit in May. He played the $35 co-pay when he saw the doctor and since we haven't met the family share (deductible) I have been expecting the bill. What I didn't know/expect was that medi-share negotiates the bill down for you before you get it. I knew they helped you get a discount but I figured it was something I had to initiate. I tried to take a picture but I guess it's not possible to link from the iPad. The bill said: Office Visit $148 credits - $35 patient payment (the co-pay) $20 medi-share adjustment Balance due: $83.24 It looks like we received about a 20% discount. If I remember when the urgent care bills from my stitches come in I'll post those details?
  20. This is a little off topic but if you are saving for an office outside of your house definately check in to executive suites. We are in the process of planning an office move and I was surprised how inexpensive a lot of the executive suite options are. In our are most of them have Internet, someone to answer the phone and conference rooms to share. There were options for $500 a month close to us and in some areas even less than that. It wouldn't work for us because our needs were pretty specific but if I were working in my bedroom and looking for an office it would be at the top of my list.
  21. We just can't bring ourselves to do McDonalds but Whataburger is where we end up if we don't plan. Dh and I sat down last night and discussed getting back on track so we're doing salads every night this week. We use eggs & beans and lots of cut up veggies for protein and I also add olives and chia seeds for a little fat which helps us to stay full longer. We also juice and I make extra to carry with me during the day to stave off he hunger and keep me out of the Whataburger line. The 100 days of real food blog has a great recipe for homemade Lara bars which we sometimes take for protein snacks. They are really easy to make and taste good. We've done the peanut butter and date version and the one with dates and sunflower seeds. Th were really easy to make, taste good and made for great snacks. What a really need is a magic kitchen fairy to come to my house and do all th meal planning and shopping. The cooking is no problem it's the planning that gets me every time:tongue_smilie:
  22. If you have an iPad the iMovie app is perfect for that. If not, I've used PowerPoint or with the music separate.
  23. Check out the blog 100 Days of Realp Food. It really helped me clarify the concept. Theoretically fresh pico de gallo shouldn't be processed if it was made in the store without preservatives. http://www.100daysofrealfood.com/ All the recipes I've tried from the blog are good also. In the spirit of full disclosure I just told dh tonight we are the worst flexitarians ( a word I recently learned for people eating less meat and dairy) ever and I would give our efforts to cut out processed foods about a C+ right now. We're trying but it's a slow process. I do okay with meals at home but it's the planning ahead that kills me. I've got to get better about lunch and snack food for on the go and when we travel.
  24. I put eggs in the blender with spinach or kale before I cook them. Dd thinks green eggs are cool and it's one of the things that will keep her from being hungry 5 minutes later. We also make smoothies with banana, whatever frozen fruit is on hand, kale or spinach, chia seeds, Greek yogurt and milk. Sometimes this is breakfast and other times snack but either way it keeps dh and dd full for a while.
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