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Everything posted by acurtis75

  1. In our situation, too easy means she is bored with it and therefore daydreaming about tinkerbell in the middle of a multi-step multiplication or division problem. I always sit with her while doing math and correct the problems as she makes errors. When it is too easy she just isn't engaged. I can see her drifting mentally in the middle of the problems. There's a fine line between too easy and too hard. I wouldn't say we've perfected it yet.
  2. Dd7 just took our state exam for reading comprehension for 8th graders. She got 45 out of 48 answers correct. (This was last year's test so the the test and answers are available online) I expected her to do reasonably well but according to the score report out of 30 thousand eighth graders in our state only 2 percent score high enough for commendation with a score of 788. Her score was 850. We really just did this for fun to have something different for schoolwork today. She loves reading and enjoyed the process. I'm waffling between thinking the test must be too darn easy and an indictment on our public schools and thinking dd is really that smart. We're going to do writing and math later this week so we'll see how that goes. I just picked 8th grade because it was the last pre-high school level and I figured she could do reasonably well. For writing and math I think we're going to do 5th grade.
  3. My dh is 5'11and 185 and wears a large even though he has rather broad shoulders. I would think a large is fine. Eta: he also has really long arms...which is never an issue when buying things like hoodies. Large is always okay. Dress shirts are another issue altogether.
  4. I have purchased Singapore books to add to our mus 2 times now after reading 1 too many posts about how good it is. We just don't care for the format and end up back with mus. I am on the opposite end of the spectrum in that I am working way ahead with an accelerated learner but ended up making the same poor choices always looking for something better. I have now decided that I don't care what is best for other kids. We're finishing mus before we move to anything else as our math spine.
  5. In Texas the birthday cutoff for school registration is either August or September which means dd missed it by 6 months. She would have had to wait to register for Kindergarten until she was 5 1/2. She was reading at 3 so the birthday issue was just one contributing factor to our decision to homeschool. There's no registration with a district or charter or any of the other things that are required in other states so grade level really doesn't matter here. At the pace she is moving I imagine she'll move the the actual National Latin Exam instead of the exploratory exam before the number of years she has taken the exam becomes an issue but I figure we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. For the other competitions (so far math & spelling) we've entered I specifically asked the people hosting it what to do and they said just enter her in to 3rd since she's younger and she could either stay in 3rd next year or move to the higher level. It is equivalent to the sports policy around here. It is acceptable to play "up" with older kids but not "down" with younger kids where you might have an unfair advantage.
  6. When dd was doing this I realized it was because I was moving too slowly. It was too easy and she was bored. What you describe is exactly what we were going through (minus the love for word problems...she just hated all math). After getting some input here we starting testing out of chapters and accelerating at a more rapid pace. Basically, I agreed to let her move faster/work less problems on a particular subject and she agreed to do her best and have a better attitude. It hasn't been a perfect solution but it's better. We also started supplementing with some stuff she considered fun a few days a week (LOF, beast academy, a book of algebra puzzles, etc)
  7. I am planning to do it with my 7 year old. She turns 8 in Feb but would technically be in 2nd grade if we went by public school ages. I entered her in a spelling bee and math competition earlier this year for 3rd grade and up and both hosting organizations were fine with it. Generally moving up a grade is fine they just don't let older kids participate in a lower grade.
  8. I considered switching to wws when it first came out but decided to finish wwe3 before making a decision between wwe4 and wws. I really liked the samples of the grammar program which was shelved and planning to do that after fll3 but now don't really have a plan. I am really struggling and torn between the idea that we don't really need to rush (I saw SWB speak at the Houston conference in August and the talk seemed to validate this position) and the idea that I need to challenge and encourage her to progress to the best of her abilities. I am all over the place right now in my thinking on this and readily admit that pregnancy brain might be a contributing factor.
  9. Out of curiosity, why the change from KISS to R & S? What did you like/dislike about each. When you say your son wasn't writing original sentences do you mean outside of wwe or that he was still giving you the answers orally and you wrote them? I forgot that the instructions are to do it that way. I stopped writing them for her several months ago. At this point she is reading the story and writing her own sentences for the narration. She doesn't love the physical act of writing but she's capable of doing it. Sometimes I write in other subjects (I.e if we are doing a lot of Latin translations and she gets tired I write half the answers for her) but since she is capable of doing the narrations on her own I've been letting her.
  10. I haven't looked at it but will check it out. My primary concern isn't where she is based on grade level or acceleration but that she is learning something and it challenges her. Everything comes so easy for her I think I'm doing her a disservice with the easy busywork.
  11. I am trying to decide what to do about language arts. dd is 7 and due to various life circumstances (I.e we've traveled out of town 7 times since the end of June...I am six months pregnant and spent some time in September & October being too tired and nauseous to get much done, etc) we aren't as far along as we thought we would be at this point in FLL3 and WWE 3. Really, they are probably both too easy for her but I was trying to complete the books before we moved on to something else. Now I'm thinking it might be best to skip ahead and/or just move on. I was considering just doing several lessons a day in FLL because dd likes diagramming and doesn't need all the repetition of definitions, etc. with WWE I was thinking we would do the narrations and skip the dictation. She gets the dictations right 99 percent of the time with no assistance from me for spelling or punctuation so I don't know that needs any more practice. She does well with the narrations and enjoys reading the stories. She told me the FLL is too easy but she likes the diagramming. Does that sound like a reasonable plan or should we just move on to something else. If/when we move on were should we go? A little background on dd. She does Latin for Children A and has no problem with the grammar. We did mct island last summer and she found is easy also. She has been reading on an adult level for several years. We stopped spelling curriculum after trying 4 different programs because she always spelled everything right on the pre-tests every week. Eta: I should have probably mentioned that I'm aware we're not really "behind" because she would only be in 2nd grade in school but I feel behind because we're not where we would be if we were more consistent lately and I know she's not challenged.
  12. We haven't started formal logic but when we do I was leaning towards Art of Arguement. Maybe someone else uses Memoria and could better answer about logic level. Even though my dd is very advanced because we have a pretty full schedule i haven't added formal logic lessons yet. We have just been supplementing with things like Mindbenders from Critical Thinking Company.
  13. Mathusee and math mammoth are good options for filling gaps. MM is a lot cheaper fom what I understand. Since I started with mus and have a SIL with 5 kids who uses my books when I'm done I was willing to spend the money on mus because dd liked it and it's easy to accelerate through. Whichever you choose the method I have been using after suggestions for others here is watching the lesson for a chapter. Dd then decides whether she wants 1 practice page and the test or can just do the test to test out of that chapters work. If she struggles ith the worksheet practice we do an extra worksheet or two and spend a few days on the topic before doing the test.
  14. You didn't mention where your students are currently in math but based on grade level it sounds like they will be starting preAlgebra early. There are a lot of threads lately about options for young students doing pre-algebra which you probably want to search/review but here's a list of what I recall. Mathusee - not a popular choice for parents here but I like it because it was very easy for me to accelerate. We use it as a spine and have completed the alpha - epsilon books over the last couple of years. At the pace we are moving we will finish Zeta and pre-algebra fairly quickly and then we'll probably switch to Aops. Aops - beast academy is very popular for elementary. We use it as a supplement and dd loves it. Once you move in to their pre-algebra and above books they are way more challenging and really designed for kids who enjoy math. Singapore - lots of people use and love it so you should look at it. We just didn't like the format. We do use the challenging word problems as a supplement. Teaching textbooks and Life of Fred have also been suggested for young pre-algebra students. There are others but these are the ones that come to mind first.
  15. Two good resources for Latin and Logic materials are Classical Academic Press and Memoria. I prefer the Classical Academic Press materials but have used Memoria Press and their materials are good as well.
  16. We have some of the same issues. My dd7 loves playing the 10 days in Africa game and we're getting the 10 Days in the U.S. version for Christmas. It has really helped her visualize the map. Also, we bought a big book of geography worksheets (I can't remember the brand and I'm not at home now) that has map exercises and it seems to be helping.
  17. I pm'd you. Hopefully it worked because I'm still getting used to this new system.
  18. You might try educational apps for "school" for your 2 year old. I have an iPad not a nook but there are lots of apps on the iPad to entertain and stimulate a precocious toddler. There are multiple threads with suggested apps. I would check those out and take advantage of them to help provide some stimulation. The baby could watch as well.
  19. These are things i have dd do on ipad as "school" when i'm having a bad day. Khan Academy Brainpop on the iPad (free video of the day) Sat question of the day Sat vocabulary xE elements app Mathletics 360 science I have Latin review stuff in notability and she works on pdf's Geography songs cd Stack the states & countries
  20. My daughter is also too young at this point but we plan to participate in a few years. What promoted my investigation in to the program was that a few local colleges and museums have special Duke TIP classes and camps that sounded interesting for dd. I also would like for her to do the explore text next year. If you are near a major metropolitan area with lots of museums and colleges you might do some googling to see what is available. Eta: the programs at our local museums were offered several times a year not just during the summer.
  21. Dh and I have MacArthur study bibles and really like them. The notes are thorough and clear. I would go for the MacArthur because I like the idea of having two options available to review since your dh already has the Ryrie.
  22. I have a ninja and use it for smoothies. It works great. We use Greek yogurt instead of protein powder.
  23. I agree that you shouldn't have to hear it in your house. I wouldn't restrict and an 18 year old from listening in their headphones. This thread reminded me of a rule my mother-in-law made when dh was a teenager. He was not allowed to listen to any rap music in the house on Sunday. Inappropriate lyrics weren't an issue because she wouldn't have gone for that at any time but we always were amused by the Sunday rules.:lol:
  24. This is dh's go to meal but he subs French toast for the pancakes usually. He really likes bacon and since we're cutting meat consumption down he really enjoys this not so healthy meal when he gets it.
  25. Even though we now try to eat healthy/unprocessed food we still occasionally have to have frito chili pie!
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