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Everything posted by acurtis75

  1. If you still have a headache I would suggest going to a chiropractor or doctor and getting checked out. Chances are you're just bruised and sore and will feel better in a few days but because of the headache and tingling it is better to be cautious and get checked out. It could be a simple pinched nerve or you could have fractured something. I might be overly cautious about this sort of thing because I know someone who had similar symptoms and ended up partially paralyzed and having to learn to walk again because the injury cause swelling on his brain. He was fine but sore for a few days after the initial injury and then just collapsed in the middle of the day several days later.
  2. I like sketchers flip flops. They have a thick sole for support and are very comfortable. I live in Texas and it is almost always flip flop weather here. They are thick enough that my toes don't get dirty walking around outside which is a plus. They are also comfortable enough to wear daily. My feet hurt if I wear flip flops that are thin. They also seem to be made of some sort of indestructible material and don't stink so they go from pool to beach to grocery store just fine.
  3. Dd is almost 8 and I am still finding the need to re-evaluate every few months. I have only totally scrapped a few things. Mostly I just supplement or accelerate. Ther are probably some things I could have dropped sooner than I did. Spelling is a good example. I tried 3 or 4 programs over a few years and finally decided it was okay not to waste time doing worksheets when dd never got a word wrong and it was just busywork.
  4. Another. The for living math books (dd loves sir Cumference books and biographies about mathematicians) as well as supplementing. We use mus as our spine, beast academy, life of Fred (currently on fractions but dd read the whole elementary series first for fun), Singapore CWP, and a pre-algebra puzzle book, games on the iPad, khan academy videos on the iPad, books from the library like murderous maths We jump around primarily because dd hated math even though it came easily to her. After getting a lot of advice here we starting rapidly accelerating her spine and doing all the other stuff to add some enjoyment. She told me las week she is enjoying mus zeta/decimals and it's probably becaus right now I'm learning something new every week instead of doing twelve months of the same problems over and over.
  5. We only use CWP because dd just didn't click with Singapore. I think part of the problem was that she already understood some things intuitively but the Singapore method wasn't as intuitive for her. We just found other things she liked better that were easier to accelerate. If she were in school I would have spent a of time explaining what the worksheets were asking her to do and why so her grades wouldn't suffer. Eta: for context...dd is about to turn 8 and we're just about done with LOF fractions and started mus zeta to learn decimals. It normally takes her 2-4 months to finish a mus book. We did 6 chapters in the last week and a half. We will probably start pre-algebra in a few months. Math has always been her least favorite subject but rapidly accelerating the last 2 years has improved her attitude about it. She is a very fast learner and would be even further ahead if her teacher/mommy was a little more organized and less tired and pregnant over the last few months.
  6. There are definately benefits to staying on the same platform so you can share music, books, etc across your devices. I'm personally a fan of the larger screen of the regular iPad because we do quite a bit of PDF curriculum on it and I use it a lot but everyone I know who bought the mini loves it as well. Also, I know 2 people who purchased and returned the nook hd after Christmas. Friends bought them for their sons no there were several problems with both devices. They ended up with kindle fires instead because they were not willing to pay more than $200. The other friend had charging problems with her Nook so returned it and got an iPad instead. She is very happy with the iPad.
  7. I agree. Dd loves the D'Aulaires books and re-reads them regularly. I believe sotw ancients is where we first came across mythology. There were tons of nicely illustrated picture books on Egyptian, Greek & Roman mythology. Dd enjoyed them so much she's become a little mythology expert. We started sotw early so she was first introduced to the stories when she was 4 or 5 (my memory is getting fuzzy) and is now almost 8. She read the Mary Pope Osbourne Oddyssey books but after getting some reviews here I decided against letting her read the Percy Jackson ones for now. For those of you who use Netflix, one interesting things that has come out of her being a mythology buff is that dh showed her the classic avengers cartoons and something called super-hero squad and shelved the episodes. The current movie would be way to scary and intense for her because she's very sensitive but I think she has watched all the classic cartoons along with a few others that came up in "you might also like" after watching the avengers. She compares the different ways Thor & Loki look and talk in the various versions and gets a kick out of it.
  8. I would say it depends on what the homemade food is and how it was prepared. I like the definitions on the blog 100 days of real food and we've been trying to move towards the definition given there of unprocessed. We have good weeks and bad weeks but we're working on it.
  9. I have 9 weeks to go and haven't bought anything yet. My cousin talked me in to a shower so I guess I'll wait to buy everything but the car seat after the shower. I might buy the pack n play/cradle that we will have in our room for two months from Amazon. I haven't been able to focus on getting my act together yet. First it was the holidays, now it is travel. We visited friends 3 hours away for new years from dec 30 - Jan 2nd, left on the 4th a business meeting 5 hours away and got back home on the 6th, I'm on an airplane right now on my way to Atlanta and we be there until Monday and then we have to leave Tuesday for a other business meeting 5 hours away. After that I have a break until feb 1st when I'll be flying for my last allowed trip before the doctor shuts down travel. On top of that dd and dh have both been sick off and on for 2 weeks. Needless to say, I think we've switched our schooling method from pretty rigorous classical studies to unschooling for the last 30 days or so. I'm at the point where we do memory work, math and one other thing a day and she mostly does it on her own. I am hoping to get us back on some sort of schedule in February even if I have to do school from the recliner with my feet up :). I did make myself feel a little better about the lack off planning by making a few to-do lists this week. Hopefully I will get some stuff done between the 17th and Feb. 1st!
  10. We are on our second used Volvo and really like it. We bought a 1998 Volvo in 2007 and just sold it last month and bought a 2005. The 1998 had 90,000 miles on it and we added 100,000 more . It was still running but starting to need a little more work than we wanted to put in to it. I love the new 2005 s80. It is the premier model and has the most comfortable seats I've ever been in. I'm 31 weeks pregnant and I sware riding in the car makes my back feel better. We took a 3 hour road trip last weekend and got 28 mpg which is nice also.
  11. She didn't mention location so I probably incorrectly assumed it would be at my house. At someone else's house would be better I guess but it still doesn't sound appealing to me.
  12. I'd never heard the term until this Christmas. I am 30 weeks pregnant and my cousins asked me if I wanted her to host a shower. I told her I had been indecisive about the idea of having one since this is our second baby. She asked if I would rather have a sip and see. Had to ask her what it was. When she told me I said a shower sounded better :). Dd is about to turn 8 so it's been a long time since I've had a baby to care for but I'm pretty sure I won't be feeling like sipping with nor seeing a bunch of people in my house very soon after giving birth.
  13. In sometimes move things around in PDF expert and then email/export it back to notability
  14. These are some ideas I saved for whenever we get around to this project http://www.hgtvremodels.com/interiors/wardrobes-that-wow/pictures/index.html?affiliate=blocker&omnisource=SEM&c1=Slideshows&c2=Taboola
  15. I am almost 29 weeks now. I am flying to Florida in 4 weeks when I'll be 33 weeks. My doctor said all travel is okay up to 36 weeks. When I was pregnant with dd 7 we had a trip scheduled when I was right at 36 weeks (company incentive trip that we didn't have control over dates). She suggested I not go because there was a chance of going on to labor. She said flying wasn't dangerous and wouldn't cause me to go in to labor but there was a chance I would deliver in Florida. Because it was so far away from home (Texas) dh took his dad instead. I went in to labor about 10 days after he was home from the trip so I probably would have been safe but since I was huge and uncomfortable and didn't get off the couch the entire 4 days he was gone I didn't regret staying home. If I were your daughter I wouldn't be concerned about driving to see you at all. In the unlikely event she went in to labor there's family around and driving with a newborn is not as big of an issue as flying.
  16. I have it right now due to pregnancy. I'm not sure I have much I'm the way of advice. Basically, it drives me nuts but I have found the best thing for me is just to push through and do whatever I'm supposed to be doing. When I am busy I am a little less distracted by it. It is mostly in my right ear and sometimes sleeping on my left side and or leaning over towards my left offers some relief. Basically, I have it most of the time so laying down until it goes away isn't really an option. The more I lay down the worse I feel physically from the pregnancy so I just suffer through. I noticed when I exercise it stops for a while also.
  17. Dd enjoyed the storyline so I saw book A as a fun supplement for her but I really just let her work though it on her own and considered it way too easy. We finished her latest mus book a few weeks ago and i decided to wait until January to start the new one so we recently started reviewing Beast Academy together. We are doing CWP and Beast Academy everyday right now. We are in the middle of book B now and I'm starting to see why everyone is so excited about the books. Dd knows how to multiply and divide very well but the challenging problems in each section are requiring her to think differently and I'm noticing her patience for having to think and try more than one approach improving. She also thoroughly enjoys doing the problems which is refreshing since despite her obvious natural abilities math is her least favorite subject. I bought book C for dd for Christmas and plan to get D when it comes out.
  18. You might want to check out options that aren't through schools if you don't end up in a state that allows school participation. I'm in a big city in Texas where school participation isn't allowed but there are homeschool teams for almost everything that play against privte schools.
  19. I was coming here to post this because I missed the last sale and have been checking every few days. I missed the coupon but I'm happy to pay $26 instead of $48 which was the cost yesterday.
  20. Another vote for sotw. Dd loved it from the first lesson. Especially the first book because we used the activity guide and read lots of the suggested library books. For a kid who loves hands-on the projects in the activity guide are great. We also had less of a struggle once we switched to Handwriting without Tears.
  21. I agree with others about saving for an emergency fund first then retirement. I would pay the absolute minimum on all debts. I can't answer in great detail on a public forum becaus dh and I have a business in the financial arena and there are licensing restrictions about what can be posted in a place that can be seen outside of Texas where we are licensed. Feel free to pm me if you would like some additional ideas or specifics on what we would suggest to clients in your financial position. We are in the same general area and would not charge for anything.
  22. That's what I figured based on your more detailed response. Until you mentioned it I forgot that we were not following the instructions exactly. Dd doesn't have a problem formulating her own sentences and putting them on paper. She rarely makes spelling or punctuation errors. She occasionally struggles with her effort/desire level (I.e. let me see how short we can make these sentences so I don't have to write much) but not with the ability to do it. I'm thinking we'll finish up wwe3 with her doing the narrations only and double up on FLL to get through that book faster. Since loves reading the stories in WWE so since she seems to be on pace and possibly even ahead with her ability to narrate I'm going to let her finish and enjoy it. Now I'm off to research some of these other writing programs to see if we want to add some supplementation.
  23. When I saw this response and re-read my question I laughed at the thought if dd answering those questions. I meant are you writing the narrations for him but wasn't very clear. We took a break this week and did our state's reading, math & writing tests to gauge her level so I'm still thinking over where to go from here. We did the 8th grade reading test and as per my other thread scored high enough to be in the top 2 percent of 8th graders. I knew her writing wouldn't be as far along so we did the 4th grade exam and she did well (despite completing most if it in a store while dh and I were furniture shopping). I'm going to research some of the programs you and others have mentioned and maybe we'll just add or supplement.
  24. Here's the the link http://www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/released-tests/ The tests for younger grades are under the archives link because they stopped releasing the newer ones. There are additional links on the left of the page to explain scoring.
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