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Everything posted by acurtis75

  1. The more I look at it the less it makes sense:confused: I thought about the twice 1600 but couldn't figure out what it meant and even if I could it wouldn't explain the next two lines: Year 2-3: $.95/sf - $3,800 + NNN Year 4-5: $1.05/sf - $4,200 + NNN There should be rules against faxing something confusing to a potential client and immediately leaving for the day so you're not available to answer questions.
  2. Okay, if 40+ people on here look at this and don't understand what it means then I guess it's not just confusing to me.
  3. We're in the middle of negotiating a lease on a new office/retail space. How would you interpret this quote from the building owner Base monthly rent for 1,600 squares feet shall be: Year 1: .$.85/sf - $3,400 + NNN I get the per square foot cost and understand the NNN refers to triple net which is a separate cost listed later in the lease but can't figure out what the heck they mean by -$3,400...any ideas? They are gone for the day and this is driving me nuts:glare:
  4. After 15 years+ on sinus meds I was able to stop them early this year. I went on a 14 day juice fast and continued daily juicing after the fast and switched to a more whole foods based diet. The allergies aren't gone. I still get congested occasionally but not to the point that I have to take medicine anymore. After I did the fast and was off meds for a month I went on vacation for two weeks without the juicer and then took two weeks after I got back to get back in my routine. After 3 weeks of no juicing I had to take meds again so I did another juice fast and got back in my routine. I have now been medicine free since March in one of the worst allergy seasons in years where I live in Texas.
  5. You might try juicing. I'm 37 and still get acne but juicing has helped making and allergies a lot. I started the juicing to address allergy issues so I haven't really researched the best veggies & fruit to use for skin issues but I do know ginger is good. Also, juicing helps with hydration & joint issues which are sometimes issues for serious ballerinas.
  6. We use mus, beast academy, LOF and iPad games. Life is much better for dd and mommy since we started mixing it up a bit. No more tears and no more 2 hours of delay tactics and unfocused effort for 1 worksheet to get completed.
  7. Do you have an iPad? We downloaded dragonbox which is an algebra app/game and dd loves it. If you haven't already you might try it. My dd is a more reluctant math student than yours but she played that for hours. This is confirming my suspicion that we should move faster & get to algebra because she's bored with arithmetic.
  8. I juice daily. I have done it off and on for years but really became more disciplined starting this February. After a month of consistent juicing I was able to stop taking the daily allergy/sinus medicine I've taken for years. I juice once a day in the morning and take juice with me to the office. I don't have time to make it 3 or 4 times a day so I just make it once and keep it in the refridgerator. I find it keeps me from snacking so I just sip on it all day. Sometimes I eat breakfast or lunch and other times I just have juice. I normally add kale, cucumber, apple, celery, carrots, lemon & ginger. If I have other stuff on hand I'll throw it in there also. I have blood sugar issues if I have sweets early in the day but juice doesn't cause a problem.
  9. I spent most of June frustrated and disappointed because we were "behind" my plans for the summer. The towards the end of the month I had an epiphany. It is not the end of the world if we take a longer break this summer. We are trying to close on a house (which is a serious project because we're self-employed and the paperwork requirements are crazy), we've been out of town 6 times already this year and have two more trips planned in the next 45 days, we are in the middle of negotiating a lease on a new office, dh wants to open a satellite office several states away and to top it all of I just found out I'm pregnant which was suprise:tongue_smilie: So, things not going as planned this summer is a big understatement but I've decided to go with the flow and restart later this month or in August and to stop beating myself up about it.
  10. Dd just finished all the levels in the dragon box app and loved it so I'm looking for similar apps that others have tried.
  11. At 3 dd was whiney and frustrated and insisted on being "played with" all day unless we did some structured things daily. Because dh and I have our own business and dd came to the office with me everyday I found doing some "lessons" together a few times per day made for a better day for both of us. Here's what that looked like on an average day at age 3 When we arrived at the office around 9 am we spent 10-20 minutes doing handwriting & Bible. We did HWOT for a few minutes and then did a Bible curriculum which involved me reading her a story from a Bible story book, some corresponding scripture and then her practicing a memory verse. Her attention span was long for Bible story but short for handwriting which is why the time spent varied. She would then play happily by herself for anywhere between 1 & 2 hours. Around 11 we had lunch and did ETC and math for 15 or 20 minutes (at the time Horizon but we later switched to MUS and when I do it again with another child we'll use the Primer at this stage) She would then play for an hour or two until she got sleepy. After nap we did Song School Latin and eventually SOTW (I think we added history when she was about 4 1/2 but my memory is fuzzy since she's 7 now) Eta: I would add 15 to 30 minutes of iPad educational game time if I had a 3 year old today. I used to be totally against screen time for young kids but I've kind of softened my view on the iPad because it is a cool fun tool for learning. Dd7 is currently spending all her allowed screen time (around 30 minutes) to play the dragonbox game on my iPad and has no idea she's learning algebra. By the time she was 4 she was spending a good bit of her free time reading on her own in addition to schoolwork.
  12. I had never made one before and used the recipe in this link and it turned out great. http://www.100daysofrealfood.com/2011/02/25/recipe-the-best-whole-chicken-in-a-crock-pot/
  13. I use a product called mixed chicks leave in conditioner for dd's hair and it works well. I used to have to buy it online at their website but now they sell it at Target. I would still check out the website for tips on dealing with frizz.
  14. I was tempted to ask about pregnancy too...I was researching this topic last week before discovering Monday that I'm pregnant. I'm 37 and have a history of early menopause in my family. I was sure my symptoms were peri menopause related:001_huh: Since I took 4 tests I'm pretty sure they were accurate. Still in a bit of shock here. We've been discussing maybe having another baby for a few years but not sure we would ever have actively tried. Apparently God thought we waited long enough and decided to intervene a bit.
  15. Dd travels with dh and I and sometimes with just grandparents. If I'm there I usually take math and one or two other subjects. She reads on her own most days so I don't formally assign that. The last few times she's traveled with my parents I sent math only and then instructed them to make her write one letter to someone back home or her pen pal everyday. They make sure it is formatted properly and has proper grammar and spelling and I consider that "language arts". Now that we have an iPad I generally have the worksheets in PDF and books on the iPad so all we take is paper for letters and some pencils.
  16. We spend more than two hours schooling most days but I think that is more instruction time than children get in school. A few years ago I helped a family member who was being challenged by an ex-husband in court about her ability to homeschool because she had two toddlers at home in addition to the older kids she planned to school. Her lawyer showed a report from the state she lived in showing that the average instructional time in elementary school was 2 1/2 to 3 hours and they included p.e. as instructional time.
  17. Going gluten and dairy free cuts out a lot of additives and preservatives that are in processed foods these days. Any of a number of these things cause allergies. I have a good friend who had th exact itching problem you referred to. He and his wife initially thought it was wheat or gluten because changing diet fixed it but later discovered it was processed food additives. You might try the blog 100 days of real food for ideas about cutting processed foods which might allow you to figure out whether or not some dairy and gluten would be okay.
  18. I've always enjoyed the conference in previous years. I am from Texas and agree with pp that there really arent't public transportation options in the area where the conference is held. However, you could stay at the hotel where the conference is located and there are restaurants and things right there so you wouldn't necessarily need a car. The hotel might even have an airport shuttle from IAH.
  19. I have iplan lessons from home educators. I haven't started trying to use it but it is in the app store. I'm hoping to start using it in the next few weeks as I start planning to start up in August.
  20. My mom had a kindle for years and when she got the ipad kept the kindle because she said she would never read on the ipad because she liked e-ink. Turns out she only used the kindle 1 time in 3 months because the ipad had her kindle app and she just adjusted the brightness on the screen when she wanted to read. If at all possible I would go with the refurbished ipad over a Kindle or Nook. The size and availability of apps made the ipad a much better option for me. I've converted a lot of tasks I previously completed on the laptop to the ipad and love it. The first generation can come with 3g but it doesn't have a camera for facetime if that's something you're interested in. If not, we have a first generation and a new one and they both work great.
  21. I travel with dd7 often and she's never been asked for an id. We just give them her boarding pass along with mine and my id and it's fine. Also, now younger children don't have to take off their shoes for security. I'm not sure what the age cut-off is but your younger two won't have to take them off for sure.
  22. This is exactly what I do also. I make juice one time a day in the morning.
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