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Everything posted by Kebo

  1. You are welcome : ) I hope they work for him!
  2. Here they are on Etsy for you: https://www.etsy.com/listing/246102716/raw-handle-mugs?ref=shop_home_active_5 They are made to order, so there is a 3-4 week lag time.
  3. I have heard good things about Benjamin Moore Aura Bath & Spa paint and it's washability, but haven't used it yet myself. You could head over to the Gardenweb paint forums for a look-see, if you have a week to spend : )
  4. I'll repeat my recommendation from another thread for White Collar. Lots of humor, and an emphasis on people and relationships, but plenty of tension too.
  5. Not BBC, but we enjoyed the series White Collar, and it was a fairly clean show. There is some violence, but it's tamer than a lot of shows of it's type. Common sense media rates it suitable for 13+.
  6. A something of the month club for a year? Wine, cheese, beer, chocolate, coffee, fruit, tea, cheesecake....?
  7. I definitely notice more problems with raw fruits and vegetables, and I have read information to that effect. When I did an elimination diet I made sure everything I ate was cooked, even apples and peaches. Then I tested them separately in raw form later. I had a chart that listed foods from most to least allergenic and I recall that raw carrots were very allergenic, but cooked carrots were not.
  8. I would take him in to be seen. It's important to rule out problems like intussusception (functional blockage of the intestines, due to telescoping), which can occur post-virus. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases_conditions/hic_intussusception
  9. I had skin testing done (both inhaled allergies and food -- I've been on allergy shots for 3 years), but the elimination diet was a lot more helpful. It was very difficult to find a professional interested in dealing with food allergies, and I've seen 4 different allergists. Finally I just researched and did it on my own.
  10. I've been through that feeling in the throat, too. For five years. What finally made it go away was doing an elimination diet. The meds didn't touch it. I still avoid dairy (mostly), and certain other foods that I found out that I reacted to. ETA: don't let anyone convince you it's all in your head. That's a cop-out when they don't know what to do about it.
  11. Has she been assessed for anxiety? She may be feeling anxious/panicky and putting the blame on where she is staying.
  12. I have had good luck with iGourmet. They have themed food baskets or you can make your own.
  13. My daughter is enjoying an app called Bedtime Math. I read and work on it with her, and she considers it fun and asks to do it. It starts with a fact/story, then ties in some easy math. Oh, cooking is good for easy, fun math as well, as long as you are a patient teacher and don't mind messes.
  14. Kebo

    New Dog!

    Sounds like you picked a good one! Have you named him yet?
  15. I have this one, too! Still going strong after 2 years of daily use. I would buy it again if it broke.
  16. Some of these are PG rather than G, but I personally don't have any problem with my 8 year old watching them: The Princess Bride (or course!) The Secret Garden The Little Rascals Nanny McPhee The Sound of Music The Pink Panther (with Steve Martin) The original Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (Gene Wilder)
  17. My son suggests My Family and Other Animals by Gerald Durrell. It's about a 10 year old boy who moves with his eccentric family to the island of Corfu. Lots of nature and humor.
  18. We've had it in the past, so all of my information is several years old. It does a good job of filtering, but the (older) kids objected that it interfered with the flow of the movie. We did have the filters set pretty high, though. There are different categories that you can choose to filter, based on your comfort level -- so swearing can be set separately from violence, etc. I did have problems with downloading the filters on my Mac, though my husband's PC didn't have a problem (hopefully that's gotten better). You will need to download new filters regularly to keep up with new releases. It was a very useful tool during a period in our life.
  19. Has he tried an elimination diet to look into food allergies as a cause? It can be really hard to find a professional to help with this -- I ended up doing it on my own, and it made a big difference. There is a lot of information online, some of it contradictory, but it is possible to do it on your own with good results.
  20. The exterior reminds me a lot of the house my grandparents used to own. Since they were actual farmers, it was a farmhouse. I agree that redoing the kitchen would go a long ways towards getting the idealized farmhouse look, and you could decorate in a way to play it up as well.
  21. I would suggest that the puppy should have a workup, including a full thyroid panel. Congenital hypothyroidism is rare, but among it's symptoms are physical changes (smaller stature, etc), lethargy, and aggression. Even low normal thyroid levels would be suspect. Under the circumstances, I would be very wary of keeping the puppy unless a treatable cause is identified. Best of luck to you.
  22. How about a horseshoe necklace: http://www.amazon.com/Sterling-Silver-Horseshoe-Pendant-Necklace/dp/B00CXHEWWU/ref=sr_1_1?s=apparel&ie=UTF8&qid=1418084757&sr=1-1&keywords=horseshoe+necklace Oops, missed the next couple of hours part! Do you have any jewelry you can regift that is nearly new? Or maybe a pretty bracelet or necklace from Kohls or Target, etc?
  23. Really good bagels, with cream cheese, smoked salmon, capers and dill
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