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Everything posted by idnib

  1. :iagree: When we first started homeschooling we went on a couple of field trips with groups and while people did show up, I was so appalled by the other kids' behavior (and the way their parents didn't handle it) that I never went again. I was so embarrassed and I didn't want to be associated with this group in the eyes of the public or the staff at the locations.
  2. I think that's pretty clear. It's a sensitive thread and topic, so maybe spend some time reading it before jumping in? It's not like she asked for chicken recipes. Maybe reading the thread won't change your mind, but you'll have more credibility than tearing into a sensitive thread that contains a lot of information after the first post, admit you didn't read it, and state a strong opinion. And if you want it to die, why bump it with your input? Or did you want your word to be the last?
  3. A large part of fighting disease is social. If people feel cut off, isolated, abandoned, etc or if their economy is impacted more than necessary, it can lead to unrest, making it more difficult to fight the disease on the ground. It also makes people more likely to hide and/or try to escape through alternate routes. It's easier to lose track of people that way. Overall, I think it's very possible that a strict ban could make us less safe in the long run in exchange for a feeling of temporary safety. To those who are in favor of the travel ban, why do you think one has not been put in place already?
  4. What do you clean fresh (store bought) vegetables with? An old rag from the hamper, usually.
  5. Bumping for others who may be celebrating!
  6. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I also homeschool with chronic illness. There was a time when I couldn't do it, but luckily my kids were young. After trying different things I'm in a better place, but it took awhile to get there. For the 12 yo, WWS is written to the student and tells them what to do, although they are instructed to check in with you if they're stuck. However it also comes with a teacher's manual to tell you what to say and what questions to ask. Here's an overview from SWB: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNs2ImH27E0
  7. :001_rolleyes: Sure, why would they be worried if their temperatures spike after possible exposure to ebola? It's all good, right?
  8. We used OPGTR with McGuffey for DS and we're using AAR with DD along with McGuffey. OPGTR worked well but I was ready for something different for myself.
  9. It's not that easy to get a U.S. visa. Has he been here before and had an unexpired multiple entry visa? Dual citizenship? Sorry if I missed this earlier.
  10. I was going to look into it, so thanks for saving me the effort. I guess I can move to a round state. Maybe a Hawaiian island?
  11. My experience here in the SF Bay area is that there are lots of tech jobs, particularly at higher levels, say Director-level the most. Some positions have been open for a while. Many companies are briskly hiring. The salaries and stock options have made it very expensive, though. Some friends of mine in Indiana say it's pretty bad there, and that lots of young talent is leaving the state.
  12. I would go to the doctor. It's possible to have a bladder infection that doesn't hurt when you pee. Also, if it's mild, you might not run a fever or have a slight one. There's also the ovarian cyst possibility mentioned above.
  13. I'm continuing with our "we're supposed to be off school this week" semi-school. We had a couple of presents lined up to give the kids on Saturday but I broke them out early and let them have at it. One was this electronics lab and the kids have gone nuts over it. DS stayed up until 10:30 last night (usually in bed at 9:00) and was up before breakfast working on it. DD joined him and they've been working away, troubleshooting and trying to figure it out. They worked on it until now, stopping for lunch. The only things I've had to really do today were breakfast and lunch and enforcing a clean-up period. :thumbup1:
  14. I live in a high COL area and have spent 50% on housing because that's just how it is. Luckily I don't do that now. I would say it depends on several factors: --How much you have in savings for emergencies. Good savings can offset an average income; bad savings can be detrimental to even a high income. --How far the distance is. I would find it more worth it if we would be very far apart than if we could get together weekends. Take the travel costs into account when comparing. --Whether you can get a month-to-month lease, so if it doesn't work out financially, you can easily get out of you lease and move home. I wouldn't sign a year lease in this situation. In our area it's difficult to get monthly leases right now, at least in decent areas.
  15. :( :grouphug: I've heard good things about Duolingo but haven't used it myself. DH loves it.
  16. Looks fantastic! I would love an examination of science writing! Swoon....
  17. I think it was just a comment about the labeling, ie no "Christian beheading!!!" headlines. I'm sure the content explained the religious angle once you dig down though. :)
  18. We had scheduled this entire week off because this coming Saturday is a religious holiday for us. Well it turns out we're not traveling so we have bonus school days. I thought we would spend the day doing fun stuff we often don't get to: music appreciation, art appreciation, poetry, cartography, etc. What was I thinking? It's been chaos and we've probably done a total of 3 hours of work. It's been like herding cats. They're not good at changing to a different schedule, I guess. They like their daily checklists so much; I should have known. One the one hand, I feel I could have just done a full school day and gotten ahead. On the other, we were supposed to be off so I'm trying to feel happy anything got done.
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