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Everything posted by idnib

  1. Did you see this yet? http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/530923-cool-middle-school-engineering-resource-kit-for-free/
  2. Were you the person who said you were worried in the other thread?
  3. I think the mother thinks her kid is special. I say this based on other incidents as well, including one in which the girl became angry with the choir director for feeding her some words she already knew from another program and the mother didn't step in when the girl was rude. There's another mom there who I've never spoken to or even really looked at, but when the girl got out her food that woman turned to me and rolled her eyes so I know I'm not alone. I know I shouldn't be annoyed as annoyed as I am but it's adding up with this girl and her mother. Sigh...
  4. 6.5 hours of school time and I guess some might count 1.5 hours for choir (does driving count?) but I just sat there reading my phone for that while tapping my feet. I'm also counting read aloud time.
  5. I could see someone in my area paying $1k for such a service. I think a lot of it depends on the circumstance. I could see someone hiring help for the day so they can enjoy their out-of-town guests, especially if they're short on helpful people. There's a big difference between a younger bride who has childless sisters and a mom in town, vs. an older bride whose parents have passed and has one brother who lives a thousand miles away.
  6. Maybe she is really busy, but then it seems she could eat and then join the group, or wait a bit? I'm not sure what the deal is with keeping food at her feet and then pulling it out and eating it while singing. No, her mom doesn't say anything. She's a stage-mom type who thinks her daughter is special.
  7. Today during children's chorus a child pulled out food and started eating during the singing. When the perplexed choir director asked her to put her food away as she needed her mouth for singing, she refused. The mom just acted helpless (not the first time) and the choir director eventually told her to sit away from the group until she was finished. I doubt she's diabetic or anything; it seems if she needed to eat for medical reasons the choir director would have been made aware of that ahead of time and would not have looked so surprised. What is it with people eating anywhere and everywhere? I'm over some of the things that have become commonplace, but really? Pulling out food and eating in the middle of a singing rehearsal? I'm turning crotchety in my old age, it seems.
  8. I didn't get that there's no point in testing people until they show symptoms. I took away the idea that by the time people come in with symptoms, the test usually works. But the opposite is not necessarily untrue: it may also be that if a long enough exposure time happens the test will still work even without symptoms. In other words, a certain amount of time as to pass for the test to work, but that doesn't mean you have to have symptoms. It's possible to have ebola in your blood and not develop symptoms, it's also possible they had none in their blood. If enough time passed and they didn't show symptoms, a test could be used to rule out the presence of ebola without waiting 21 days. As for the Jallahs not understanding why they can't go back to work, I can't answer. Either it was explained to them and they didn't understand, or it wasn't communicated to them, or they don't want to share with the press. Who knows? But I do know it doesn't make any sense for the CDC to release them unless they felt confident and I'm more likely to believe they are confident than to think they're releasing infected people to go to their healthcare jobs. Why would they, when their butts are on the line?
  9. I don't understand why people are confused. 21 days is the amount of time it takes to be clear without testing, and is a good measure for people who have possibly been exposed or who have traveled. For example, if I went to West Africa and got sick 30 days later, I could rule out ebola. However there are tests that will give you a result sooner than that. Rather than testing everyone, it's good to publicize the 21-day timeframe. OTOH, for people with a known close exposure, they can test them and clear them earlier. Marth posted this link earlier in this thread showing how the testing works. So, 21 days unless a test clears you earlier and you lack symptoms. If you have symptoms or were not tested, 21 days is a good timeframe. I'm sure the person who has been cleared was tested and shown to not have the virus.
  10. I forgot: Step-by-step instructions if you're new to this. They tell you the optimal things to select for each field.
  11. Just a reminder if you homeschool as a private school in CA, Oct 1- Oct 15 is the time to file your affidavit.
  12. Yeah, there was probably a delay between lab results and getting a doctor to tell her. It turns out he didn't want to tell her, so perhaps he dawdled. In the meantime, someone in the know called the media because it's big news. Still, what a way for her to find out.
  13. Some news from Spain on the nurse. She is stating she touched her face with her gloves. She sounds well and says she found out the Ebola news from the media.
  14. I can think of many threads that talk about teaching things that defy factual knowledge, however I can think of none that have been supported here without issue. Can you link to one in which this has happened? In all the ones I recall people step in and say something. (Not that that's a bad thing, I'm just saying I can't recall one that went uncontested, ever.) (I had an emergency root canal and am medicated so sorry if I don't make sense.)
  15. MCT, although I really like it, can be a bit confusing to implement. I found this file (pdf) to be most helpful.
  16. I agree with you about this definition of unschooling. :iagree: What would you call it if the children are eager to learn and nobody is taking the time to make that happen?
  17. We make stuffing using bread cubes from a GF bakery. Is that an option?
  18. I've been through this too. It was really difficult. I'm also the go-to place for Thanksgiving and I went ahead and made small cheats for a few things and had people take the cheat food home. I didn't go nuts, but a tablespoon of honey in a pie would have been okay for me for a day. I knew the people around me were supportive, especially because my son was having dietary problems, but still felt they had expectations and it was important for me to meet them partway. Now I do serve things I don't eat myself, things which are not even semi-cheats but total cheats. It's been a long trip, though. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  19. I know you're looking for ideas, but honestly I think you should consider providing something you don't eat yourself. It's much easier than jumping through all these hoops. We don't eat some of the things I set out and it's fine. I just ignore it and then pack it up to send home with whoever can eat it so I'm not tempted. And I wouldn't do modifications for everyone for every dish. For example, you might make veggies with cheese on top and just pull some out for the non-dairy person before adding the cheese for everyone else. That said: Turkey Big platter of roasted vegetables Big bowl of salad Spiced nuts made without sugar and with oil instead of butter Sugar-free Jello-type pudding? Check paleo recipes.
  20. Be safe! Didn't you have a big storm right before one of your science fairs too?
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