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Everything posted by idnib

  1. Maybe if the pie fed multitudes I could consider it?
  2. They're on a 24-hour expiration. So if you used some 24 hours ago they're back now. Don't go nuts with them! You may only have a couple. Do not "Like" this post no matter how wonderful and helpful you may find it. :laugh:
  3. I'm not a cake person either. If anything I'm in it for the frosting. I buy two cakes per year for the same reason as you. But I enjoy the social aspects of my online cake group here. So I take a thin slice and well...don't ask, don't tell. ;)
  4. Are you still in the leopard skin pants? Don't get cake on them, they're not yours!
  5. Fine, have a small bite. Okay, take another. Have some more. Here, take the rest of this slice. I'll cut you another one. Coffee?
  6. OK, but remember, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's cake. So back off. :glare:
  7. Well I'm sure something as simple as a civil law won't stand in the way of him practicing his beliefs, nor should it. Right? Right? :sneaky2:
  8. You don't happen to be against the people who supposedly want Shariah law in the U.S.?
  9. Yes, the Washington Times, thank you. I'll add The Hill as another conservative DC source I just thought of.
  10. It was a statement about how the country would look if religious laws superseded civil ones and every person could pick and choose which laws to follow based on their religion. Combined with the (understandably) low threshold for creating a religion, what would stop people from creating their own religions based upon beliefs against particular laws? Nothing at all. (And that would be fine as long as they didn't act upon them.)
  11. The original question posed directly to you was whether co-habitating unmarried couples are considered sinners in your religion. When you say "it is permissible" can you please clarify if you're talking about your religion or in some other way?
  12. I'm glad my schedule is pretty open tomorrow. I'll have time to make a list of laws I don't like to follow and start a new religion against them so I don't have to. Cool. :coolgleamA: Note to self: Bring up the "cake for gay weddings" issue to steer away any conversation thread from its original topic. Handy for those pesky threads.
  13. I haven't done it myself, but I noticed yesterday that WTM Academy has added a Geography class as a one-semester option for middle school.
  14. I am re-wrapping yards of dental floss around a tiny spool. How much is my time worth, anyway?!

    1. EndOfOrdinary


      You are just a homeschool mom. It's not like you were going to actually do anything today but sit on the couch, eat bonbons, and have the kids play video games...right? ;)

    2. idnib


      Sigh...I had to put my bonbon down to wrap the floss.

    3. EndOfOrdinary
  15. Dagnabbit, I have so much to do today and instead I'm sitting here trying to figure how to tell DH we're not married. He'll be back from lunch any moment! (Should I be referring to him as "DH" now?) P.S. Can you make a gluten-free gingerbread house? (Spin-off thread?)
  16. We don't celebrate Christmas so I can't comment about the topic, but I had to post that I thought it was the cutest thing this thread was started by "Night Elf"--perfect!
  17. Al-Jazeera is fairly neutral but I think it would appear to be progressive to people in the US because its reporting on the Islamic world is more neutral than typical US-based news sources. LA Times has a left-wing slant but is more neutral than many major US newspapers. Chicago Sun Times is conservative-leaning, as is Washington Post. Breitbart leans towards Tea Party conservatism. Ha'aretz out of Israel strikes me as liberal-leaning compared to the Jerusalem Post.
  18. Given the current state of things, they're probably in my back room. My apologies. Please have them bill me directly. :D
  19. DS is the same way. I considered adding it to the "chores" section of Homeschool Tracker online but was wondering what they would think if they ever came across it, esp since he's listed as 5th grade. :blush: I did manage to get in a homeschool science lesson on water/oil mixing and the miracle of soap micelles, so there's that.
  20. Check Amazon Fresh. They deliver groceries and items from local shops, plus restaurants. It's not in all areas, but you can check by entering the zip code. You could send a pre-paid card such as Amex or (I think) an Amazon card to pay. Thinking outside the box, and I'm not sure what your budget is, but you can find personal chefs who come in once/week having done the shopping and cook and freeze meals for the entire week. Maybe a couple of weeks of a service like this? My other ideas have already been listed.
  21. Tell them they have to pick out books from certain categories (science, history, poetry etc) if they also want the junk. And then have time to read the good books assigned in your day. Having "assigned silent reading time" is basically the only way I get stuff done individually with each child in topics for which they require my full attention.
  22. Read this and thought to myself this poster must be in CA. Checked username. Yep!
  23. We generate an average of one load/day. In one week we have: 2 loads of darks 1 load lights 1 load whites 1 load towels/dishcloths/napkins 2 loads bedding I said 2-3 times/week because we often do multiple loads on the same day. I try to get caught up Fridays so we're not tied to the laundry weekends. We used to do it all on the weekends and it seemed we couldn't get out of the house for more than a couple of hours because there was always something needing to be washed, dried, or folded. We all do laundry. I usually sort it and get it into the basket, the kids usually run it and move it to the dryer, DH or I fold, and everyone puts theirs away.
  24. I'm not familiar with the companies y'all are talking about for Singapore, but one time I missed a Black Friday sale with a small company and when I called them Monday and explained they gave me the Black Friday price.
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