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Everything posted by idnib

  1. I'll go ahead and say it. :D If the teachers are younger and went through high school during NCLB, we may also have reached a point where they are incapable of teaching the harder books. It may be possible that they are not catering to the students' lower ability, but their own. Or both.
  2. Eh, these people are always around and are a combination of those who truly believe in what they're saying, opportunists and hangers-on, and people who get a thrill out of getting away with things in a chaotic situation they normally wouldn't get away with.
  3. :lol: :lol: :lol: Let's hope that's the worst example you'll have to deal with!
  4. No, but I did find this on reddit, which has some info including a link to a Mam dictionary in PDF that's not working, so don't bother with it. I found a link to another dictionary and some helpful phrases. This reminds me of the time we were visiting a country where we spoke none of the language and we needed a steam iron. We were making ironing motions in the store, which was funny enough, but miming the big clouds of hot steam was hilarious.
  5. Can we just hear a rain forecast without the reminder it's not enough to end the drought?

    1. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      I'm just waiting for a rain forecast that actually pans out! We were supposed to get 5" this weekend - we're waiting!

    2. idnib


      The system broke apart a bit and the second part is delayed. The heavier rain will be later in the week. SoCal will get heavy rain; the delay has allowed the system to tap into tropical moisture coming from Hawaii. If it hadn't been delayed they would have received much less rain, so that's good at least.

    3. idnib


      I think you're in the north bay? If so you're probably going to get some thunder/lightning this evening.

  6. We're using OUP and love it, although we've stopped to do Big History for a bit. OP, here's the thread in which I got some OUP guidance.
  7. I used to have a lot of movies I watched over and over, most of which have already been mentioned in this thread. But now I'm down to The Godfather and Watchmen. :) <--- Inserted for Watchmen reference
  8. Are you using print or did you try Spreeder online? I can do it online when presented with one word at a time, but with print my eyes just slide over without taking in the words if I don't hear them in my head.
  9. I voted 68/69 but we have individual heaters in each room and that's only for the 2 rooms in which we spend most of our time. The other heaters are left off and those rooms are heated incidentally and are 4-5 degrees cooler. I run the heat in the kids' bedroom for a few minutes before bed and turn it off after they fall asleep, so about 20-30 minutes total. ETA: No heaters at night, but it's rarely below 40 at night here.
  10. Good point. I'm picturing sweet scrambled eggs. :ack2:
  11. :thumbup1: I usually use raw milk whey to lacto-ferment things but since this recipe calls for 2 cups of milk I'm thinking of just mixing the oats and the raw milk tonight and letting it sit out. I'll have to melt the butter, I guess.
  12. Check out the link I posted above. As you go faster you can still take in the words without saying them in your head.
  13. I can hear it my head. But I've heard the fastest readers do not. They take in the words/meanings without hearing the sounds. Taking the time to hear the words is apparently what slows people down. I can't speak to the brain injuries though. You might find spreeder interesting. It shows the words one at a time and as you get faster there is no time for making the sound in your head ("subvocalization"), only time for taking he word in before the next appears.
  14. It depends on the age of the stove. If it's really old, you light it with a match. Turn the knob so gas is flowing out and stick a match near the burner. Do it quickly as the longer you wait the more unburned gas will come out. More likely you have an electric ignition. You turn the knob to "light" or "lite" and you'll hear a clicking noise. This is an electrical spark being created to light the gas. The gas will start flowing and will be automatically lit by the electric spark. Once it's lit turn the knob to stop the sparking/clicking and set the flame you want. It can be dangerous to have the gas flowing and no flame. The gas slowly fills the room and if there's a spark from anything, like plugging in an outlet, or even static electricity can set it off. That's how you get explosions. The only ways to avoid this are to have the stove completely off or to be sure there's a flame if the gas is running. If the gas is running without a flame, you will smell it. If you think it's been running awhile, open the windows and don't light any matches. If it's really strong, or you smell it for no reason like when you just wake up in the morning, call the fire department. The gas line to the stove should have an accessible valve on it so you can turn off the gas at that point as well. One of the good things about gas stoves is you can cook on them even when there's no power. Just turn on the gas and stick a match near the burner and the flame should come on, even in a stove with an electric ignition. Lastly, if you're going to be in earthquake country, make sure you know how to turn off the gas for the entire house. A lot of post-earthquake damage is been done with houses catching fire due to damaged gas lines which were leaking. ETA: In re-reading this it all sounds so dangerous. It's not. The key thing to remember is gas with no flame for more than a few minutes is bad. Otherwise, you'll probably love it. I love my gas stove and would have a hard time going back to electric. It has seriously superior temperature control.
  15. Wow,the answers are overwhelmingly for cool/cold. I thought it was a warm drink but I don't celebrate Christmas and as you can see, should probably just stay out of this crazy eggnog business. :D
  16. TNG=The Next Generation DS9=Deep Space 9 Why do I even know this? I'm not a fan of the show. Weird. ETA: Just realized it can be explained by Borg assimilation. Carry on.
  17. Can you choose a recipe that's between kid food and squid with wine and leave her in the kitchen while remaining in the house? I basically learned to cook at about her age due to my desire to have a hot meal waiting for my parents when they came home from work. Over time I've developed my skills and maintained my interest in cooking. It might also be good to let her pick a difficult and unusual recipe. Success would be wonderful and failure would teach her many things too.
  18. A very important topic. :lurk5:
  19. I've left a group over one person. I could have detached myself enough to deal with her sense of entitlement, lack of respect for others, and a possible personality disorder. :rolleyes: However when I finally came to the realization that her presence would keep the group from achieving the actual goal of he group, I left. They did eventually reach their goal, bit only after removing her, going through mediation, and giving her money back although she was not legally entitled to it at that point. A lot of bad stuff happened between when I left and she left. I'm glad I missed it in person, though I did provide support to others still in the group so I was privy to the sordid tale.
  20. I use cup4cup but it's quite expensive. I only use one bag/year though since I only use it for Thanksgiving and the kids' birthday cakes. It works like a charm and the only time I've seen it not work perfectly in a recipe is when the recipe has a lot of butter. For example if a brownie recipe calls for 12 TBSP (!) it's better to go with 8-9. There's a limit to how much fat this flour can absorb. Other than that it's a gift from the gods. It even smells like raw flour in the bag. Here's a cup4cup knockoff I haven't tried but someone I know swears it works great. The author is really good at gf baking; she even managed puff pastry!
  21. No, I cannot be getting another cold. Absolutely not.

  22. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I'm sorry. Please try to keep realistic expectations for yourself and cut out anything you can. Try and fit in even 20 minutes of exercise each day or a bath before bed.
  23. Faith, I'm sorry you're going through this. I wish I lived nearby. I would be over this afternoon with dinner and take over whatever you could hand off. :grouphug:
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