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Everything posted by idnib

  1. You have no way of knowing what they thought, but you do know that it's still more likely you will be killed in a car accident that from ebola. If that changes, I will apologize on my (digital) hands and knees. Until then, I'm not taking the bait.
  2. How many people do you think have died in car crashes in the U.S. since Mr. Duncan arrived at the hospital?
  3. I agree. Yellowish gray hair doesn't look as nice as silver. Those special shampoos deposit a small amount of bluish/purplish dye in the hair and cover up the yellow.
  4. Pass me spray bottle of ebola, willya? I'll be right back. :driving:
  5. She had a deep v-neck. She had huge...tracts of land. (Apologies if you're not a Monty Python fan.) My first thought was about the copyright on the picture and whether it was okay to post. :lol:
  6. Yeah, but with some maple syrup.... :drool: OK, maybe not. But I do love me some maple syrup.
  7. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Here's a pintrest link with more ideas for the future.
  8. We use both Singapore and Beast. We like the basics of Singapore and enjoy the challenge of Beast. Beast adds 2 hours/week, an hour each Saturday and Sunday. We do Singapore during the week. We use Beast as review, too, plus spending limited time on it keeps us from catching up with its too-slow-for-us publication schedule.
  9. I really like their bold BBQ sauce. It's not spicy and it's well-balanced. I also like their Buerre Maniere popcorn and their tomato and red bell pepper soup (not the low salt one). In fact I'm sprinkling the popcorn on the soup for lunch as we speak. Lots of good suggestions on this list. I feel guilty for living walking distance to a TJs now. :p
  10. Some sort of mixed vegetable curry with coconut cream? Eat with whatever grain you're allowed to have or just straight.
  11. I agree Austin sounds great. I've never been there but DH has been many times and he loves it. If I had to move sight-unseen to another state, I would go to Austin. :) If this thread has you concerned about droughts, keep in mind Texas is also very drought-prone, though.
  12. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  13. Thanks for listing what you consider the stupid environmental policies. Before you did that, I was thinking you must be referring to the idea that farmers should grow high water crops like rice and almonds in a state naturally prone to droughts. OP, homeschooling in CA is easy and without oversight if you register as a private school every October. It's a simple online form. If you choose to homeschool under a charter, there is more oversight in the form of annual testing and monthly check-ins with the charter, but you are given money for approved (non-religious) materials and activities. The Bay area has a high concentration of Buddhists but we also have a high concentration of Asians (~24% of the population) so I can't speak to how many temples are mostly set up for people speaking a particular language. This link may be of assistance in looking at different states (scroll down). The Bay area is very expensive so if you get an offer to move here and you think the salary looks really good, be sure to check it against a cost of living calculator. The cost of housing can be incredible unless you live inland a bit. Rents are particularly high right now, even higher than the cost of owning. Homeschooling acceptance is good. While there aren't tons of coops like in some areas, people are generally positive and there are social and field trip groups.
  14. They probably don't have the foundational basics themselves, or they'd know they are important. A slightly more generous view is that they were taught the same way but have a natural intuition for math and think others can figure out the same concepts as they did.
  15. Wow, way to over-simplify the extremely complex water issue while simultaneously not saying anything about OP's actual requested homeschooling criteria. I'm impressed.
  16. I don't have any feathered friends but I do this for my children. Am I more or less weird?
  17. This was posted in the other ebola thread.
  18. Well I was predicting the next region to have a case of ebola outside Africa to be the UK. I was thinking about where people might have relatives, good healthcare, and standing visas. Another approach would be to see which countries are sending the most aid workers. Anyone got a list? I found an interesting WSJ article about how Cuba is sending lots of people but it seems to have become password-protected.
  19. Two unrelated things I've been pondering on and off: 1) Why has ebola not showed up in a country such as India or China or Canada? I have some ideas in mind but I'd like to hear what others think. 2) The NBC cameraman's friends/family had to start a online donation campaign for his $500k in bills. Apparently his insurance didn't cover this illness and as he was a contractor for NBC, he wasn't covered under their health plan either. This publicity wrt the campaign caused pressure to be applied to NBC, which has agreed to cover his expenses. Does a public health crisis such as this allow us to move closer to universal health care? Do people want to band together to pay for the healthcare of people who have contracted easily spread and highly fatal illnesses? Are people concerned that uninsured people will not seek help as soon as they could have, causing them to appear at the hospital in later, more contagious phases? Like I said, just some things that keep popping into my mind.
  20. Hmm. I didn't get the email and now I'm wondering if they got my registration.
  21. Kaiser is asking people to call a number if they are experiencing symptoms, rather than just showing up at the ER, unless there's a 911-level emergency in progress. I think that's a good plan.
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