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Everything posted by idnib

  1. What a great opportunity to interview for this position. Best of luck!
  2. I wouldn't have thought it was that expensive. The big cruise ship companies avoid a lot of regulation through loopholes, flagging, etc. Maybe the river cruises are subject to much more regulation and taxation? The Mississippi is iconic; can you find something on a smaller, lesser known river?
  3. Do you know anyone who has seen them in person recently? Not necessarily family: a neighbor, clergy, etc.
  4. We're box checkers but I think it's because of the ages of my kids. I really do feel we have to do the basics: spelling, handwriting, phonics, etc. everyday and if I don't have them on lists, they won't get done. I believe language and math have to be done everyday and we're still doing spelling. Other things, like McGuffey readers, also lend themselves to one lesson/day. It's easy to just get them done and check 'em off. I'm not checking boxes with content. So for science and history, we either get to something or we don't, but we try to stay on a general schedule. I'm much looser here. I'm planning to be less of a box checker later. When it's all content and not skill (except math) I'm hoping to switch away from detailed checklists and move to more general goals. Ten year olds seem to be trapped in the transition of this process.
  5. Finished our list and made up the Latin lesson we didn't get to yesterday. We'll make up the missed writing lesson over the weekend. We do fewer things on Wednesdays due to a couple of standing appointments. DH is back in town. :hurray:
  6. This was the first day since Labor Day that we didn't get everything done. :( I have a chronic illness and I just ran out of steam around 2:30 and had to lie down. DH has been out of town and I wore out, I guess. We had about an hour left, just a bit of writing and our Latin lesson, both for DS. DD finished all her work at least. Guess what we're going to be doing this weekend? :nopity:
  7. We had much better success with Mapping the World with Art than I thought we would. By this, I mean I bought it for DS10 and DD6 decided she wanted to draw Mesopotamia. It actually came out pretty well! And there was enough map labeling I gave her credit for handwriting practice instead of having her do her Zaner sheet.
  8. Today was a bit of a rough start because I thought it was Wednesday, a day when we do fewer things due to two standing appointments in the afternoon. After going over the day with the kids, I realized today is actually a full day and had to re-adjust expectations. On the brighter side, DD really enjoyed her math and did double what I assigned. I don't get it; sometimes it's pulling teeth and other times she's sad when we have to stop, even within the same math topic. :confused:
  9. We got everything done but the end was chaotic as the neighbor had an emergency and I watched her kids for her.
  10. Thanks. I did know that from watching SWB's WWS video, but I'm glad you posted this.
  11. I am planning to use WTM Academy for WWS 1 next year. I feel I could do it without guidance, but not as well as if I first watch it done. It's the difference between reading a recipe and watching it made. Sometimes I have to make a recipe several times before I get it the way I want it. I don't have the luxury of teaching WWS 1 several times to each kid, so I'm going to watch and be grateful.
  12. After the further information, I would add that the alcohol thing would not fly with me. The rest of it, I would honestly put up with for the sake of her kids. It just sounds like she drives people away and they pay the price. I would tell her the next trip has to be alcohol free. If she breaks that, I wouldn't do further trips unless it was just the kids.
  13. I did see the movie, mostly because of Philip Seymour Hoffman. That made me want to read the book. It's actually my first Le Carre novel. :)
  14. Be sure to spend time on the High School board. Wonderful information there.
  15. We are using Oxford University Press (OUP board tag) for Ancients-Early Modern. Then we'll go back and use Hakim's History of US for American history, and then in 8th move to a selection of Pages from History, also OUP. More information For high school I'm hoping we can remain behind the publishing schedule for SWB's series.
  16. Was coming here to mention Lee Child's Reacher series; now I'm here to second it. I am currently enjoying Le Carre's A Most Wanted Man.
  17. Today is going okay. I unplugged the phone and put my cell on airplane mode. Lots of dinging and ringing noises today, driving me crazy. DS struggled with some of those exercises in which a box with labeled sides is unfolded and you have to label the sides on the flat box. I can't complain; I'm really bad at those too. We forgot our online class until 1 minute before it started and were late. We remembered in the middle of McGuffey so we abandoned that too. We'll have to pick it up after lunch. Onward...
  18. I would keep doing it. It's just two weekends per year and the kids will grow up and move on, so it's not like it's forever. Try to think longer term: some day you and your sister will be gone. Do you want your kids to have a relationship with their cousins after that happens?
  19. We Bay area people understand. ;) I don't trust engineers that much unless I have to. And I don't have to in this case. I would be willing to go in for an hour and do a tour or something, but I wouldn't buy it or live in it even if I could afford it.
  20. We've decided to tweak our history schedule a bit and slip in some Big History. We did Unit 1 last week. Both kids are watching the videos and DS is only generating a bit of output from the program. I don't want to spend more than 4 weeks on it so I'll be picking and choosing; I actually had a full Ancients program planned before hearing about BH and slipping it in because I couldn't resist! I'm looking forward to a productive week!
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