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Everything posted by idnib

  1. Add me to the list of people who think the writing sample looks fine for her age and I love the story to boot! Also agree with Mad Libs. Have you checked out Grammar Island? I found it a painless way to teach grammar. Here's a link to sample PDF and you can see if she likes it. There are a few novels about Mud, the main character, too.
  2. I haven't find it that tedious. I did make some mistakes figuring out how to use it, but I didn;t have experience so that's to be expected, I guess. The biggest flaw, to me, is that I can have a library of resources, but only 1 resource for each subject. So I had to keep track of my supplemental resources on a printout.
  3. I never used HST tracker plus but I signed up for the online version. I like it but I don't know how similar it is.
  4. I take this one. What I like about it is that it's an assay to test whether you need zinc or not. So it has zinc in it, and if it tastes mineral-y to you, you don't need it. If it tastes like water, you have a zinc deficiency and can take a teaspoon or so a day until you can taste it.
  5. I can't find the big complaints thread, but here's a smaller one: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/423377-refund-from-my-well-planned-day/
  6. Quoting myself to clarify: I agree with the responses that came after mine. For household tasks and my requests, there's no questioning. The kids might remind me of something, like we're out of laundry detergent so they can't run a load, but otherwise they do what they're told the first time. The disagreements I was referring to are respectful and more open for discussion, such as what we're going to do this weekend or what to listen to in the car. So if DS and I have different ideas of what to listen to in the car, he might formulate his best argument into one sentence: "We should listen to history because we're going to a concert tomorrow night and we'd get more out of it if we knew the background of that time period." Good argument, I turn off Bruce Springsteen. :) Not everything is open for discussion, even with well-crafted sentences. That would drive me crazy and I would probably raise kids who drove everyone else crazy as well. I'm doing everyone a service here. ;)
  7. :sad: There's a federal U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and a state Department of Fish and Wildlife or Game. Maybe try the state one first for a faster more local response. It definitely sounds suspicious.
  8. We had this problem. I told DS that if we disagreed and he wanted to change my mind, he had to give me a summary of his reasoning in one sentence. I know that sounds harsh, but he was fine with it because I couched it in terms of writing and being able to summarize your points. It became like a game: how to communicate your best point(s) in the most succinct manner possible, using correct grammar. Bonus for sneaking in homeschool! I would then either give him an answer, or tell him to tell me more, if I was up for it.
  9. Had to look up what "cargo cult" meant. It's my new favorite phrase!
  10. I gave up, came back a year later, and it took 15 minutes for him to grasp it. Sometimes earlier is not better. ;)
  11. To introduce them to the richness of the world. To help them understand their place in the world and their stories, at the end of a long line of important events and people. To expose them to various cultures. To give them a sound spiritual base. To give them a more rigorous education than the one I received.
  12. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  13. You can make scrambled eggs in the microwave. Will he eat cottage cheese? It's quite high in protein.
  14. I'm glad it says it will be online for a short time following the broadcast. I was worried I would have another incidence of regret over not having a TV. :thumbup:
  15. Praying for rest and ease for him, and strength for you. :grouphug:
  16. Both, but I'll mostly be doing it with the 5th grader. 8Fills said it's what she considered knowledge for 3rd-5th grade, and he's in 5th. He's done WWE and some MCT so we'll move more quickly over some parts, but I'm taking a year between WWE and WWS and finishing MCT, doing TC, and W&R Narrative 1. Wow, that's a lot of acronyms. Basically, I love WWE and he got a lot out of it, but I want to bridge the gap with more work on sentence and paragraph work. I'm hoping to use WTM Academy for WWS 1 next year, when he's more ready. There's a good thread on TC here, if you haven't seen it yet.
  17. I got them from Amazon and if you click on the Amazon seller you can see they have different sets available. The quality and clarity of the slides is very good, and none arrived broken.
  18. Wow, good luck! It's wonderful you can offer this to him. Also, I keep forgetting to tell you I like your avatar. I always feel like you're my neighbor, leaning over the fence to chat.
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