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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. What a grandma:confused:. I think you did the right thing too. Happy Birthday to your ds.
  2. You're asking us/me:confused: This morning aunt Flo arrived, I took a Tylenol and I'm slowly going through the motions. I've promised myself a nap later. Carrot and stick... (I miss caffeine and chocolate today more than ever.)
  3. I would mention the trip, send pictures and avoid the subject of payment...If they bring it up, redirect with laughter and honesty...I generally now ask...WHY DO YOU ASK???:confused: Laugh and change the subject. Imo...If they really wanted to be different they would make an effort. It's easy to justify their actions by quilting you into feeling bad.
  4. Snort! I guess, he'll pay one way or the other...He gets to suffer through a wedding or with digestive distress.
  5. The hotel is not going to wash the bedding daily, that would mean the child who was dry gets the bed. I feel bad for your guy, and hope everything works out as time goes by.
  6. What you mention makes me uncomfortable, but it happens. I'm comfy giving to a charity or fund. I have a personal experience of knowing a widow, who didn't pay for the funeral expenses (Her ds and dd did.) and simply enjoyed the money.
  7. "No, I'm sorry it's not possible, but thank you for asking/thinking of us/me." That is my go to...Don't fuss over having an excuse or reason that is justifiable... I've dealt too many years with a mil and friend who counter every reason on the planet and will feel slighted/po'd no matter the reason. A simple honest no thank you...is best in most situations.
  8. If I'm reading the unspoken here of who she is... Please pray, seek the counseling of your clergy and therapist before you act on any impulses to seek her out.
  9. No, it isn't. Our home is a two-story and the stairs are slowly getting more difficult for me to handle, especially during the winter months.
  10. Family fights (if they get physical) in your home often result in an arrest. I would be sure to set firm boundaries for all in person visits. (The book Boundaries) is a wonderful resource. :iagree:He may need to see a doctor, but protecting your family is more important; as you may not be able to force him to see one.
  11. I did, my sister did, my neighbor did, my LLL leader did, my other LLL leader did, and we were all a little surprised.
  12. I'm sorry, but it sounds intentional to me too. I can understand (well almost) being a Grinch to you the dil, but to her very own grand-kids...no way. It's pretty heartbreaking to watch your kids realize their grandma is that mean. Again, I'm sorry.:grouphug:
  13. Donate....It blesses someone else and you can even write it off your taxes.
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