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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. I'm sorry and will pray here. :grouphug:
  2. Difficult decision. I'd only go if it helped dh or his living family.
  3. Depends on the child and the funeral. No vote option for me. I've known children to do well and some others have been distressted, bored and or disruptive. I've also attended funerals that went on for hours and were stressful to adults attending. Parents should always have a plan in place to ensure the child has someone to take them out if they need to leave.
  4. Very interesting...It almost sounds like a science experiment.
  5. :grouphug: I hope you both feel better soon, and your ds stays virus free.
  6. I think a throw blanket would be nice. If you crochet or knitt it would be very special. I'm kind of serious about the ear plugs, not them exactly but something that would offer noise reduction and privacy. (We stayed for a three week vacation with my in-laws and their schedule nearly drove me insane. Imagine fil crushing cans at 4am right next to our bedroom.) That said, I'm kind of flummoxed trying to figure out what that is. I'm thinking they will want to make their bedroom a place to retreat and anything that would make it feel like their own place/space would be helpful.
  7. Ear plugs... Their own set of special sheets might be nice.
  8. Expect to feel a little uncomfortable, but it sounds pretty ordinary for an exceptionally talented/tracked student in many sports and fields. Try not to feel like you are doing something wrong; you are just doing what is best for your dd.
  9. :iagree: That is a very good price for lessons. That said, I think the instructor owes you an apology and a set schedule along with a set cancellation policy for both the student and instructor. Personally, I believe it's up to the instructor to mentions things at the end of a lesson like...(No lesson next week due to abc.) and have written yearly schedule with holidays written to each student/family. Talk to him about it, and if it isn't worked out...talk to the owners or another teacher. My two took piano and violin for years and we never had a teacher not show up. We had reschedules, and make-up dates written into our yearly calendar. Is your teacher young or new?
  10. :grouphug: It will happen, sooner or later, it will happen. I'd recommend the training pants and simply keep working on it. Do this no matter where you are, kindly but with honesty. Oh, you didn't make it to the potty; that's too bad. "Aww too bad, now we will have to leave the the (fun place or what ever else he is doing) and go get you changed at home." After he is changed, say something like... Oh, I think you'll make next time; help me put these into the wash. He may be beyond the fun reward stage, and many times doing abc is more engaging than a trip to the potty for a little reward. *Big tip....Take a few days and eat lots of things that make you thirsty. (Pretzels, popcorn etc. and have lots of drinks available.) I wouldn't spend lots of time having him sit and wait on the potty. Reminders and helping him know when he needs to stop and go will work eventually. My sister used digital timers that were set for a few minutes after snack and meals.
  11. I've pretty much given up on buying used; it just isn't worth the risk vs. purchasing new and being able to return or exchange an item. I do always try to find sales and free shipping to offset the cost. Due to the huge cost of shipping, tracking and insuring I also rarely sell anything now. Both make me sad, as I know I always appreciated a good deal and knowing someone was using our old stuff.
  12. Twice I've had a similar experience with a postal employee insisting they couldn't insure my test envelope... The first time, I listened and went over to UPS but, the next time...I grabbed an if it fits it ships Priority mailer, popped my BJU envelope inside and insured away.
  13. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  14. Oh, my word...Op :grouphug: She sounds lovely :cursing: .
  15. Our local VS does a nice job with fittings and helping you find the correct bra for you. I had myself measured again to help decrease my dd's embarrassment in getting a fitting. I was surprised at how reasonably priced the two bras I purchased there were; yes they were on sale, but I now wont wear any of my other bras. Along with my purchase came a coupon/card for $10 off my next purchase, and yes I'll be purchasing more. (I'm pretty picky about fittings btw; in college I worked in a lingerie shop and know how they should be done.) Wear a bra with a tank over it; that way you can feel comfortable during the fitting and popping in and out of the dressing room for more options. Strangely, not all companies measure the same way.
  16. Please don't quote me, but I think the legislation was something to the effect of not holding the gmo companies liable for a period of time; they are already using gmo seeds all over the US. Someone linked something here on the board a week or so ago. I'll see if I can find it. I can't link it, but you can do a search for... Speaking of Monsanto posted by Elinor Everywhere
  17. Tammyla


    Use Permanent markers and you can mark the toe seam in a color for each person.
  18. Disclaimer...I don't use facebook, but many of my family and friends do. One thing that will clue someone in is the you might like updates. I'm not sure what it says, but my sister can always tell who has checked out her page this way. (She has a special page for her adopted son, and is clued in by the little notices.)
  19. No, I wouldn't personally ask a guest to do anything. That said, this is bothering the op a lot, and I truly wouldn't be offended if someone asked me to help with the dishes. I imagine they are all under a bit of pressure right now and getting to know each other can be a difficult road to navigate. OP, after reading your update. Do include him in the household expectations as you do the rest of your family. I think it would help him feel more comfortable.
  20. I hope, (not there yet) that I would try to react with grace. I agree with asking him to xyz on anything that is bothering. Then you can see if he reacts and responds with kindness. He may just be uncomfortable, tired and clueless of how to make a good impression; he is under a bit of pressure meeting the family who will be his in-laws.
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