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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Big shudder, bleck. Regular little snails geeb me out. Thank goodness, they're slow, but I can't imagine that thing sliding along my property all day long.
  2. We use them here as needed, but not daily.
  3. I'm happy it's done and hope your cramping ends soon.
  4. Honestly, we can't afford all organic; it's just too expensive. That said, I do try to as much as possible. Unfortunately, our growing season is short here (had more snow two days ago) and local stores, and markets don't sell a lot of organic stuff that isn't processed. The actual organic produce around here is super expensive and is usually not very fresh.
  5. If a guest did that, I would definitely think it was rude. However, a teen at home who has not been taught yet...needs more seasoning. :smash:
  6. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  7. I would never make those exceptions for anyone other than family; and then I'd know we were getting into a mess because we loved them.
  8. :grouphug: Aww, that's a tough one. My mom would have said something along the lines of...Well girl, that's your opinion and I'm sure one day you'll look back and think...why did I ever think or say that. So many teens just have no big picture experience and often don't understand just how good they have it.
  9. We had a similar experience with our local CSA doing a 1/2 share; there are only two locally btw and only in the summer season. We loved the quality of organic produce, but it just wasn't worth the money, as we still needed to purchase regular salad veggies weekly. I almost switched to the other one, but after reading the on-line blog from last year that mentioned what was in the box each week; that was pretty much the same as the other CSA... Well, we would be pretty much in the same boat. My family is pretty adventuresome, but we are daily salad eaters.
  10. Oh my. I'm sorry, I know you both wanted this to work out. It's likely better to know this stuff sooner rather than later, but it's too bad it didn't work out.
  11. I'm a bit late, but you sound like a pretty good mil to me.
  12. :grouphug: I'm so sorry for your loss. :grouphug:
  13. I'm going to run a Mom experiment here. I've always found natural deodorants to work better in the non-sweaty months and not effective during our humid summers.
  14. Yummy! One of my favorite summer veg meals. I serve it with fresh baked or cheesy-garlic bread. Dh loves it along side a bbq meat of his choice.
  15. Since it's part of a set, I would definately try to fix it.
  16. You are having a very stressful time right now, and that in and of itself can lead to weight loss. :grouphug: Please pay attention to how your ankle, foot/other foot, knees and back react.
  17. Poor baby. Sadly, thre are so many hospitals who have a rushed approached to labor and delivery.
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