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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Nobody likes dealing with it. :grouphug: Many of us gag our way through it and just do what we have to. I agree, you shouldn't beat yourself up over this. Quarantine:confused:...Maybe just put the sick one in a separate bedroom and have everyone else use another bathroom. There is no guarantee either way. You may put them together and nobody else will get it or you could enact the strictest standards of sterilization and everyone could. Deal with it the best way you can. That's all anyone can do. :grouphug: Coping ideas. Double sheet the beds with a towel layer between for quick clean up. Cover the pillow cases with a big towel. Bucket lined with a thick plastic bag. Gloves and a mask to deal with anything.
  2. Prayers for your dad and the others. That storm looks pretty bad.
  3. I'm a happier, nicer, more patient person with a 8 or 9 hours. Now, of course I can live and function on much less, but then I'm a grump.
  4. English Comp. Spelling & Voc. Literature History Science Math Piano Lessons (Only older student) * Art Lessons locally * EFTRU (review now) Spanish Winter Astronomy Night Sky Unit Study Fall, spring and summer session swim & gym classes * * Outsourced classes that I do not teach
  5. I use a damp cloth or Windex and a paper towel most of the time. Like the others for a big mess, I pull out the razor blade scraper and then shine it with the special cleaner. Target and Walmart sell the the stove top cleaner too. I'm going to try the baking soda someone mentioned.
  6. :grouphug: You're missed, but it sounds like a very nice time on your end. Enjoy the fam.
  7. We made those years ago and I'm pretty sure it was with good old Elmer's. They smell amazing, but don't let the little ones eat em...Don't ask.
  8. Ria,

    How is the new kitty settling in? I've just been curious about the little thing. Looks like I'm considering a pet as our Lady has been gone for nearly two years now. The house feels empty without something furry.

  9. :grouphug: Thanks for the update, I'm so happy he is on the mend. I'll be sending prayers your way for a full and speedy healing as well as a little mom to mom encouragement for you.
  10. My ds finds likes it and finds parts of it funny. He loves working independently and the instruction are clear and easy to follow. Now for me, he is writing without fussing, making progress and that works for me. There will be negative experiences with any curriculum and many seem like the "In thing..." for a while and then another is all the rage. I like to get ideas, opinions and look at samples of any program. And imo, I've got two kids and what works wonderfully for one isn't a good fit for the other. I've come to believe that using what gets done and works in your house is the best curriculum.;)
  11. :grouphug:Sending prayers for a safe trip home and a very good test day.
  12. Plain old condition in a spray bottle mixed with water was the best solution at our house. (I haven't read the entire thread, so sorry if this has been suggested.)
  13. I'm so thankful for heat this morning too. The temp is 2'F and the windchill is -26'...Negative temperatures make me want to cry...:nopity:
  14. :grouphug:Big hug...my oldest is 14 and I'm shaken by how fast it happened.
  15. Well, that make for an interesting afternoon. Eeeww, cut yet oh so stinky.
  16. :grouphug: Stay warm, I am not a fan of being cold especially inside. Weather proofing our imperfect home has helped a lot here, but I need the heat up & on. I thought a newer home wouldn't have so many issues, but our house does.
  17. I think there are so many version because of updates. Time marches on and updates happen. Edition choice is up to you. Some love the old and many would use nothing but the new. We've had one here for years and love it.
  18. :grouphug:Oh, how frightening, thank goodness your teens caught it and no one was hurt.:grouphug: Is it going to be a loss? I had a dishwasher flood my kitchen and drip through to the basement while I was home. So, I completely understand your new policy on the wash. I'm even into unplugging anything possible for safety and the dollar savings.
  19. Good for him, and congratulations all around.:hurray:
  20. I might approach the conversation in a different way, more of a positive discussion of who we are and what we want to be. My experience has been that those/these stereotypes can be found in all walks of life. jm2cents.
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