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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Congratulations. You've got my vote too. I still remember those pictures from your window in China. Amazing...You have such a great eye.
  2. 1. My dishwasher isn't working and I don't want to deal with a plumber or the fuss of purchasing a new one. 2. The house doesn't heat evenly upstairs and downstairs. 3. I need a bigger freezer. I'm always pulling everything out and then trying to squeeze it back in. Shopping is affected.
  3. Honestly, I'd work on one room for 15 minutes to a half hour and throw in a load of laundry. Then as a reward, I'd plop myself down with a cup of something wonderful and a snack to read or rest a while. When I can't get out or away having a comfy, clean spot where I can put my feet up helps me re-energize a bit. Chocolate is always welcome. Rinse and repeat. I know your hubby is gone and the likely hood of finding a good sitter isn't always doable. Don't go cleaning crazy getting ready for the cleaning lady either. Tidy and make a good list for her if you don't have one. I've been know to hire a teen to keep the kids watched and go wild cleaning. Now that mine are older they help, and I've been know to pay well for pitching in. Get the laundry out of sight and just do it a load or two at a time. It's never completely done anyway. You know, people just keep making more. Sometimes making a list and checking it off helps me see how much is getting done and provides a sense of accomplishment. Eating well taking vitamins and the occasional cup caffeine has helped me through many a long spell. ( I also love having a book I love to read on hand for the longer days and getting out for a walk is always wonderful.) Sending hugs and lots of virtual dark chocolate.:grouphug:
  4. Those little hands can be covered in baby mitts. If any part of him was cold to the touch, I'd find a way to keep him comfy. I know when pregnant or with a young baby, my body thermostat seemed to go hay wire....Hot...I was just hot all the time. Noses, hands and feet along with their tummies was where I checked. He sounds like a little bundle of love.:grouphug:
  5. My grocery bill took the biggest hit next to the gas tank. I'm so glad that gas has gone down. I'm still limiting our trips, and being very conscientious about our groceries. Sales, coupons, stocking up and making more and more from scratch are priorities. Less fruit and organics are another less plentiful option here and I know how much milk we need. I get all fussed out if it goes to waste now and I'm the same way with bread. Using what is here and on hand is my mantra from the kitchen to the closets. I'm experimenting with freezing some refrigerator items this winter to save gas, and money. http://www.foodsafety.gov/~fsg/f01chart.html
  6. My house is for the most part neat and tidy, but not spotless and sanitized. I've learned to go for a balance. There are days when the floor needs to be vacuumed (mostly shampooed) or the bathrooms need a serious scrubbing, but I have a routine and it works. You could drop in in me and I wouldn't be embarrassed. I think once you reach the point of embarrassment things begin to feel out of control. That said, my kids are not littles and keeping the house up is easier.
  7. I am not going to answer your poll..:crying: Now, if you had asked which ones don't work...GE and Kenmore are on my list. I'm doing dishes by hand as a protest right now. The Kenmore Elite dw is only three years old and already shot. (I'd love to actually shoot it, but I don't own a firearm.) My mom's Maytag has run for years and years. She almost replaced it to match, but her appliance guy recommend a new panel because the new ones aren't as good.:w00t: If I have to get another new one, I'm leaning toward the Maytag and gulp...an extended warranty.
  8. :grouphug: Oh, you're still plenty young...Just get some concealer and enjoy looking well rested. A good moisturizer can be your best friend too.
  9. They have lots of free shipping offers throughout the year. You can rec. them on-line or with the catalog. I need to order more pointelle silk long johns. Thanks for the reminder.
  10. I would have smiled and said something like thank you, or I know. :grouphug: That's the beauty of homeschooling, you can be different and do what works for your children/students. I've also made it a self policy not to complain if I don't want criticism or advice. I'm very choosy with my sounding boards or those I solicit for help. kwim?
  11. You know, I'll be honest and say that the only time I resented or felt slighted was after receiving the same Christmas gift my sister did...But mine was marked Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday... and was in Christmas wrap. My little sister laughed and said...Hahaha...I got two presents. :confused: I'm happy to say I don't need therapy, but I still remember it. Do you decorate for birthdays? If you do, I double decorate for him and your dd. He may be trying to protect your dd from feeling slighted. Imho..fwiw...I think your hubby is lucky to have you looking out for him and your dd. No one forgets my birthday and what could have been a drag is such a blessing.
  12. Peela, you have lots of company. My ds is still 11, but already has him moments. Since this is new to me too...I wont offer any advice, but send a hug.:grouphug:
  13. You're too funny, isn't it a little early here for happy hour...But then... if Gretchen is having one and it is Friday...It could be a good thing...You know, like the start of new tradition, but I'll need lots of olives..
  14. I ordered a set off e-bay a long time ago. The set I purchased came in so many colors and each had a cold sac. They are squared at the bottom, stand up and hold a ton.
  15. Thanks for the links. I try to purchase made in the USA or other non-China made countries. btw..Mirado, Black Warrior pencils are Made in the USA and are our favorites.
  16. Normally, I'd most likely say no. However, because of his age, respectful attitude and the suggested age of STOW... I'd say yes.
  17. My husband is my best friend, and I still adore and love him after so many years.
  18. My big day is the 25th and I love it, love it, but I think my mom deserves the credit. :grouphug:
  19. :grouphug: Thanks for updating us. Sending prayers your way.
  20. :grouphug:I'm sending Happy Birthday Wishes and prayers for a speedy recovery your way. :grouphug:
  21. Thanks...Right back at you!***********************************************

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