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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. :grouphug:Aw, Melissa. Hope you all feel better quickly. Hugs and prayers for all.
  2. Land's End will custom make jeans for you. Lee jeans come in a no-gap waist that are nice. Good luck to, and don't give up. Then when you find a nice pair...buy two or three.;)
  3. Could you go with a simple not now doc. How about we postpone that option for now, because things are improving, winter is here and darn it I'm feeling a bit better.
  4. I'd look into the allergy possibilities as well as having her eyes evaluated. Are they dry or sensitive to bright light?
  5. :grouphug:Melissa:grouphug: I'm so sorry, and sending prayers your way.
  6. Happy Birthday... Enjoy your snow, we get it so often around here it just isn't special and that's a crying shame. I grew up in the west and each and every snowflake was celebrated.;)
  7. :iagree: Especially with guys, do not be subtle. They will not give a moments thought to what your really feeling or thinking. Be direct... I found one helping tip from a wonderful mom when I was pg on bed rest. Make a to-do-wish-list and stick it on your refrigerator. Anyone who wants to can just pick something and bless you with one less thing to do. I'd take the kiddos, wrap the gifts, do the dishes or give you some free time to do it or nothing... anything for the opportunity to hold a baby and help another mom.
  8. Do what makes you happy and you'll enjoy looking at. I liked the pictures posted here.
  9. I've got one...When you're a homeschooling mom and expected to teach it.:001_huh: QUOTE=Pamela H in Texas;685445]a couple times (in real life) when I would need to know the length between two points on a 3D plane. I'm sure I'm missing some really good examples. So far, I've come up with: 1) trying to fit something in a sphere (never done that, btw). 2) trying to put a stick/rod in a box that is too short length wise. 3) when I googled it, I got a lot of video game design. 4) the shortest distance between 2 points? like how far, straight shot, is it from here to the valley on the other side of that mountain? Anyone got any better reasons? NOTE: I lied. I have put a hamster in one of those hamster balls before :)
  10. The Prairie Primer would have been a fun study for her. She sounds sweet. My dd, just didn't fall in love with the Little House books like I had way back when. My best friend owned the entire set, and I remember looking at it thinking she was so lucky.:D
  11. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/charlottemason.php Link to an article from Susan, way back on the dear old board.
  12. Flylady has a great moving section. Check out her web site or the back of the book. (It's available at many libraries.) She has check lists!
  13. :grouphug: We remember and send many congratulations! Great job. Enjoy the fruits of your labors.;)
  14. I second the question, is it back ordered? We purchased and received our package in less than four days. Hope your stuff makes it sooner. You might e-mail and ask what the delay is.
  15. Did your purchase come with the Teacher Manuals? The guides aren't necessary, in fact A Beka sells the curriculum without the DVD program. We are using it with the Video guides, but they aren't necessary unless you're using the DVDs. We did 7th grade in the standard text program.. The Grammar and Comp does flip back and forth in the book in both formats alternating between grammar and composition exercises. Spelling, Science, Math, and History progress in the standard lesson format. (IE..Do the next page, exercise, lesson etc.)
  16. :grouphug: Check your library for books titles. The Out of Sync Child, Left Brain World Right Brained Child, and Mel Levine's One Mind at a Time. I'm blessed to know a number of children and young adults with ADHD and Autism.
  17. Big hug:grouphug:. Board troll...:smash: That seems like a long way to go just to leave a stinky, he/she must have really needed to go.:ack2: Oh, and didn't someone (computer guru) post on the old board how to out them?
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