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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. :iagree: I second the text or e-mail option along with a phone call. To me that always feels so desperate or demanding. "Like, hey it's me, are you coming to my party or what?"
  2. I think sizing is so inconsistent now. Try on, and don't take the tags off until you've tried on each pair; even if they are the same brand, style, size and color. There just don't seem to be any standards. Buying jeans shouldn't be so hard, but a good pair is worth the effort! Congrats on the weight loss.
  3. :iagree: I hope it works out, but be prepared one or the other for the next payment. What a nightmare.
  4. I want to bake something, honestly I do, but I don't want to mess up the kitchen. I'm thinking maybe this weekend we'll do a major baking session, but for right now, I'm just not owning it.
  5. Name: Tammy age of dc: 16 and 13 how long homeschooling? Forever have you taught these ages/grades before? Yes & no. Oldest is my trail balloon. Do you follow a particular style of education? My kids don't match up to my ideal style and philosophy. So, our home school is as classical as I am able to make it. I'm most comfortable with a combination of WTM and on-line or dvd classes. Do you plan to home school high school? Yes. As a matter of fact, I'm doing it right now. Any favorite quotes or wisdom that get you through the day? Just do the lessons, day after day; this is a marathon not a race. Kelly used to say...."GET ER DONE!"
  6. :w00t: Thank you so very, very much. I was feeling a teeny-weeny bit guilty for not doing mine. I've had that oven for two years and just don't want to go there.
  7. You must be ready to pull your hair out, and you do seem to be the only one behaving in a professional way. QUOTE=unsinkable;2236020]Thanks, Tammy. It is so hard on ds. I specifically meant it was so difficult for me to make this type of decision. I can't think straight after a while.
  8. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I hope you feel better soon.
  9. Cream of Wheat has iron in it, and was recommended to me during pregnancy.
  10. I write grey, but both spellings read the same to me. Oh, and grey hair is silvery-white looking to me...What's up with that?
  11. :grouphug:Lisa:grouphug: I'm so sorry for your loss.
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