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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. :iagree: Same here, but I would expect to be cast as the mean one...again.
  2. We have a Nook with e-ink. Wonderful on the eyes; I can read for hours and hours with no eye strain, tearing, dryness or headache/migraines. We are able to download books from the library easily with it. Touch screens are not for me; I can't stand reading through a ton of fingerprints:tongue_smilie:. *We will be getting a Kindle for Christmas, just to have another option with e-ink. *DD will be getting the color Nook for her gift. Enjoy which ever you choose, I was so resistant to an ereader, but I'm a convert it easier on my eyes than a regular book.
  3. I'm so sorry, big hug and prayers. (I was hoping this wasn't you posting :(.)
  4. I'm too chicken to try either:confused:, but I'm seriously considering which would be better for my sensitive scalp.
  5. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm so sorry; that's such a heartbreaking decision. If there was no hope, I'd want he passing to be as gentle as possible.
  6. Walmart, K-mart and Target all set trio-lamp sets for between $25-50. Many come with a three-way bulb option for the standing lamps. I'd consider switching out the curtains to a lighter color or tossing them if privacy isn't an issue. Light-bulbs...The old fashioned give off more light than the twist, and will be banned in January. They're beginning with the 100 & 100+ watt bulbs. Enjoy your new home:001_smile:.
  7. Chicken Chili, my guys love it. You can make white or regular chili. Serve in bread-bowl or with cornbread. yummy:)
  8. Aww, she's beautiful. Congratulations!
  9. Sunglasses when outside. What kind of indoor lighting do you have? Glasses for eyestrain? Any neck or spinal issues? Chiropractor? Allergies? I hope she finds the trigger(s) and gets some relief.:grouphug:
  10. :iagree::lol::lol::lol:"You crack me up.":lol::lol::lol: Never get into a debate with crazy. I've been know to suffer hearing loss in these situations too. "Could you repeat that?"...Wash, rinse and repeat.
  11. Raising my hand sheepishly:001_huh:. I'd rather shop at midnight than get up for the 5am door busters.
  12. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Is shooting a gun out the window frowned upon under those conditions?
  13. Are you asking for coping strategies, sympathy or a general validation that it will be okay?
  14. In the toilet, but I always place a trash can with a clean plastic liner next to the bed just in case. The sink would be the place of last resort if the person was still able to move. Cleaning up the stuff really icks me out, with a bag it's just tie and toss.
  15. Icky for me; I prefer pets to have their own dishes. It may just be me, but I wont return & eat or drink out of pet dishes if I can help it. I'll just be thirsty or hungry until I get home.
  16. http://www.bravewriter.com/ http://www.pottersschool.org/ http://time4writing.com/ http://www.write4homeschool.com/ http://writeathome.com/ http://www.writeguide.com/ http://www.kolbe.org/standardized_testing/ http://www.home2teach.com/ http://www.setonhome.org/tuition/ Abeka BJU K12 American School http://keystoneschoolonline.com/
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