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Everything posted by Mynyel

  1. I think we have the same binders! Mine are black and blue (Certainly not from me bashing them :glare:) as well....I use double sided tape to keep them on. It works! :grouphug::grouphug:
  2. Tell her to come to this board and read :) I would recommend The Well Trained Mind.... I would also let her know that it isn't uncommon for kids to not like certain curriculum. My kids hated BJU. They love LLATL and SOTW. Also let her know that she might have to go through one more more curriculum's to find a good match! I certainly did! Hope this helps! :grouphug::grouphug:
  3. Pull him. He is only a child (even at 15) once...he doesn't need that kind of stress at his age. What's the point of keeping him in? Whats the point of talking with teachers? In my experience it does nothing but cause more strife for the child in question. I wouldn't tolerate that kind of behavior towards my child. My daughter..and she was only 7...understood her teacher didn't like her...and she didn't we went round and round with the school. She started getting a twitch...a literal twitch and would feel sick every day on the way to school. She would tell me her tummy hurts....I pulled her. No way should he be left. If the other wants to stay I would certainly explain what is going on and what could happen, just so he goes in with his eyes open. *steps off soap box* I have strong opinions about how others are with my own :) :grouphug::grouphug:
  4. Depending on what your looking for imdb.com has shows online you can watch for free. :) :grouphug::grouphug:
  5. Ok I have been skimming the posts, I see a lot use shred. My sister uses power sculpt. Here are my questions and perhaps a few of you could answer??? Stats: 5'4" 204.4lbs...so I need/want to drop at least 40lbs. It has been months (years) since I last officially exercised. I used to run (was doing couch to 5k) but logistics keep me from that, not to mention finding something to run in and buying shoes to run in (Im an over prorater). So what am I looking for? I want Cardio....most definitely. I want muscle tone. If I feel sore all over I know I have done well. So power sculpt or shred? Can you use shred past 30 days or is it only for 30? Thanks hive minds! :grouphug::grouphug:
  6. Apparently I was. My mom took me out of middle school in the 6th grade and put me in a private school until 8th grade. I don't remember it but my mom says I had my books stolen, my lunches taken or my lunch money taken. My husband grew up really poor. Trailer park poor. He never had nice clothes and they were always hand-me downs (this was in a time when hand me downs were bad, they are shabby chic now! :glare:). He always needed hair cuts. So he was always picked on about his clothes and hair. My daughter was bullied a bit before I took her out of ps and she was only in 2nd grade! :grouphug::grouphug:
  7. There have been lots of gift ideas, but let me put in my 2 cents. I would get a gift and sent it, like a lot have said been a teen and pregnant isn't easy. My grandma had my mom at 15 and my sister had her first at 16. When you get the gift give her something that she can use after the first 6 months. Babies grow out of things sooo fast that she will received a gazillion things for a small baby then be left with nothing and have to get things! So I would say 6 months plus! :grouphug::grouphug:
  8. Honestly? It is because of people like that I don't go to church nor ever intend to :) I can walk with the Lord just as good at home. :) :grouphug: :grouphug:
  9. Does anyone have an LLC in North Carolina? I need to pick someones brain! ;) Thank you!
  10. Pancakes, waffles and french toast all freeze easily and reheat easily. We do it all the time. You can find that stuff in the freezer section of the store so is no problem when making it yourself! Meats I have no idea about, I haven't ever frozen cooked meat, but I figure it can be done if you can freeze meatballs! Oooo for dairy free options try Almond Milk! OMG it is sooo good. I had to avoid milk when my youngest was in his first year. I was (and still am) nursing him and he had bad gas so I avoided dairy. But I could do almond milk. I would use it in my cereal. It comes in plain, vanilla and chocolate. very yummy! HTH! :grouphug::grouphug:
  11. No thoughts on it but thanks for the thread link Michele... It is similar to Amish White Bread which is what we make all the time (to the tune of a loaf a day! 6 cups flour 3/4 cup sugar (we use 1 cup we like our bread a little sweeter) 1/2 tsp salt 1/4 cup oil 2 pkgs yeast 2 cups water (110 degrees) Make like normal bread... Mix water and sugar till dissolved..add yeast wait for froth. Add oil, sal and flour...mix. The original recipe said to coat a bowl with oil turn it over to coat and let it rise...we skip this step and haven't noticed a difference. Let rise to double. Turn out onto floured surface. Knead smooth. Place in bread pan or pans and let rise again. Bake at 350 for about 30 mins. Viola! :grouphug::grouphug:
  12. I am looking to get a used fridge or freezer, it will be an additional one. Does anyone else have one? Are they worth it? I am looking to get one so I don't have to go shopping every week. I would like to only go every 10 days or so. 2 weeks would be optimum but don't know if I could go that long! Reading the grocery thread got me thinking :) I don't spend much on food....maybe $550 a month (more during the holidays, I love to bake for everyone!) but I still feel like I spend too much. I am hoping by "stocking up" I can eliminate spending so much! :grouphug::grouphug:
  13. I agree the baking soda and butter. One thing to do too...I do this all the time...is to refrigerate the dough for a bit before baking them. Especially in the summer when it is warm. The dough gets warm to quickly and the cookies flatten out prematurely. When they are cold it helps with that. At least it does with my cookies! Oh if you like chocolate mint cookies try using semi-sweet chips with the peppermint crunch from Andes. YUM! :grouphug::grouphug:
  14. If the person is will to pay for it and it is going to help you or even potentially help you I might take it. I can't really help in that department. In the school department I wouldn't even worry about being "behind". We homeschool can we really be "behind"? I am in the same boat school wise. We are doing things we should have been doing in December and we aren't doing school today. Very gloomy and overall cruddy and no one has any motivation today. Remember that you don't have to do it all! Take the time during the summer to catch up. Even if you don't also remember that they retain waaaaay more than you think! HTH! :grouphug::grouphug:
  15. For ours it is a matter of puberty. Once our daughter started showing signs of the impeding "doom" of girls we decided her and her brother didn't need to share a room. However it is "to each his own". Some aren't bothered by it, some are. If it is girls sharing or boys sharing, I don't see a problem. It is when your mixing and matching ;). I don't live in Cali anymore, but if I remember right you can't brothers and sisters sharing a room after the age of 7. At least in rentals. So if you have 3 kids and you have a boy who is 9 and a girl who is 7, you can't rent a 2 bedroom apartment/house. You have to rent a 3 bedroom, by law. At least that is the way it was. :confused: :grouphug::grouphug:
  16. My dd is only 12 but I have always included her in the choice, after all she is the one who is learning it. I would talk about it with her and she would say..nah don't like it or yes that sounds great! My ds doesn't give two figs......yet. :D
  17. I use the workfolders (instead of workboxes :001_smile:). I prepare in the morning while drinking my coffee. It takes me a sum total of..oh...15 mins. Then they kids sit down and work on folder one through...well however much we have that day. I also mix things into the folders so they are having fun too. Maze sheets, free time, snacks, dot to dot, coloring, etc... They like it and ever since I started it we get double the amount of work done as before! :grouphug::grouphug:
  18. Anything that isn't KJV..bleh. I don't really know, I own a NKJV but don't really like it either but it is what we have. It is have to find anything that isn't KJV, NKJV or NIV. Reading others posts I may look into the English one and see what it all about!
  19. I use mine all the time. I use it to slice carrots and baby carrots to cook for dinner or lunch. I use it to shred potatoes for hash browns, and to grate cheese. I use it to chop onions. Make guacamole. Make homemade butter. And various other things I can't think of but I know I am always washing it!
  20. I would go with a HP or a Dell. Before anyone bashes my Dell recommendation I have 3 dell computers and 2 dell printers with minimal issues. I did have a hard drive crash but it was 6 years old! Anyhow :) Those are the only brands I would own for printers. Well maybe a Canon as well. They have good cameras! :)
  21. Definitely a stick shift! I have a Civic and a Caravan. I love both but for different reasons. If I could get a minivan with a manual transmission I would!
  22. "The students are in school for 13 years," said Garland. "They certainly are taught U.S. and North Carolina history in middle school." And in 13 years you can't teach them about history? Like we homeschoolers do? "We are certainly not trying to go away from American history," Rebecca Garland, the chief academic officer for North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, told Fox News. "What we are trying to do is figure out a way to teach it where students are connected to it, where they see the big idea, where they are able to make connections and draw relationships between parts of our history and the present day." Maybe if you think about changing the teaching style or curriculum you might be able to do something like this, instead of teach less material. Under the proposed change, the ninth-graders would take a course called global studies, focusing in part on issues such as the environment. The 10th grade still would study civics and economics, but 11th-graders would take U.S. history only from 1877 onward. So they expect the stuff that they are taught when they are 7 to stick when they are 15? Right, I sure remember a lot from school when I was 7. Or even 11 for that matter. They also said 11th graders would start at 1877 and go onward. Well what about 12th grade? Can they not break it up? What are they going to do in another 20 years when there is even more "modern" history to teach? Take out WWI? WWII? Why is it that homeschoolers can accomplish to much more than ps even if given the same amount of time? And don't tel lme about student to teacher ratio's I know that. That is only part of it. It is because school is boring. They push and push kids through even if they don't need to be and then kids can't understand because it is over their heads and they get bored. For instance I read on article ( I think it was in Washington State) about a school that wanted to get rid of Huckleberry Finn as a study book because kids couldn't understand it (oh and apparently the racial slurs in it are too much as well). My daughter is 11 and has read Tom Sawyer and loves it. Yes I know Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn are different books but they are by the same author. Anyhow, that is what I think. They need to rethink their teaching strategy not lessen the material.
  23. :iagree: Ohhh you so hit it on the nail head. Again :iagree: I wanted to get my daughter a phone for certain times but paying for it has kept us from doing it. I have a cell phone, with unlimited texting. If I could I wouldn't talk to anyone on the phone I would text them. Talking on a cell phone isn't good for you anyway...so "they" say. :glare: I can say though, with some authority, that grammar is bad with texting...however I don't think it is because of texting. It isn't just phones where kids truncate their speech. It is in emails and instant messengers as well. Everyone sees cell phones as the bad guy and blame it on an inanimate object. If a cell phone was not in someones hand it would just sit there. It wouldn't call anyone or text. Cell phones are bad, so I am not going to let my kid have one. It isn't the cell phone that is bad, it is behavior that can be learned, if not corrected, that is bad. If you teach your kids responsibly then there should be a problem with them having a phone. Now all that being said. I do think that perhaps a 10yo is a bit young. Shoot I didn't ever talk on a phone when I was that age. However in this world, not the one I lived in when I was 10, it is the norm. I wore florescent pink socks :D at 10 and that was normal, today it isn't (ok well maybe some could get away with it but you know what I mean.) OTOH, you get cases like a pp that said a school let out early and the school didn't call parents, how was a child to get a hold of someone to pick them up? I guess wait in line at the school office to use a landline. It is a personal preference when it comes to giving each ones child a cell phone, I however would have no problem giving my daughter one as I know she would be responsible with it (well if I could afford the extra cost). So when she is able to work and get her own paycheck, she is welcome to get a phone on my plan and pay me for her usage. :grouphug::grouphug:
  24. I can't help much in the food department. I love to cook and bake. However for exercise, have you or can you try aquatic exercise? Swimming is a very good exercise and there is no impact so you won't have to worry about your feet or legs. Just a thought. I did Couch to 5k too....I would love to get back to it but I have no where to run without traveling 20 minutes...and before anyone says anything I can't run in my neighborhood. I live in the sticks and we call our road the gauntlet. If I was to walk down my street everyone would be poking their heads out, I don't wanna deal with that! :grouphug::grouphug:
  25. I don't fully understand the who GE stuff, but I do know whenever you "mess with nature" there is going to be h*ll to pay somewhere. I don't think they should be able to GE anything, from food to people. Why oh why do people think they can play "God" and things will be fine?? :grouphug::grouphug:
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