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Everything posted by kitten18

  1. I haven't read that book. I read Dumbing Us Down, 2.5 years ago. I had just pulled my DD out of preschool because of a temporary financial crisis. I had never really considered homeschooling but I decided I would do "preschool at home" (I used to teach middle school and preschool). So I went to the library and got some homeschooling books and happened to pick up Dumbing Us Down. I honestly don't remember the specifics of the book, I just know that I was :001_huh:, and as a former teacher, his observations really rang true for me. I just had this feeling of, "oh my goodness, I can't put my kids in school". I don't know the specifics of his views now, I wonder if his views have become more extreme throughout the years?
  2. I have a Nook, I really like it. I got mine in late April and they are now approximately $100 less than what I paid, and I'm a tiny bit bitter about it.:glare::tongue_smilie:
  3. I like mine. Mine (GE) don't seem to show a lot of fingerprints, it's more general dirtiness (like sticky door handles from little fingers). By far the best stainless cleaner I have found is made by 3M. It is an aerosol in a can. It can be a little hard to find, I bought it at a restaurant supply store and I think maybe you can get it at Bed Bath and Beyond, or Lowe's.
  4. Office Depot has them on their website and it says that they sell them in their stores so I went there to buy them and they didn't have any paper mate wood pencils.:glare: They don't have them at my Walmarts. I did buy a box of 72 at Sam's, they are the Mirado classic. eta - I bought a couple boxes last year at Dollar General or Big Lots.
  5. :lol: I'm pretty sure there are a few of those gals on every online forum. My favorite: "My kids like goldfish crackers" "That would make my children want to vomit" :D
  6. Bumping for this ??? There are so many models and prices, any advice?
  7. If you can swing it, I would get the AG doll. In our family the AG will be kept forever and I'm just not sure another doll would be the same. My DD got an AG doll last year for her b-day and MIL is getting her another one this year for a combo b-day/Christmas present. I wanted MIL to get this one for her because she will always remember "my Grandma gave me that doll when I was 7".
  8. Have you looked at charter schools that have a homestudy option? I know in Southern CA there are a lot of charter options. They may be able to provide testing and support options for you. There is one charter school in our town that has a regular brick and mortar school and also a homestudy option. The homestudy kids can go in one day/week for classes and they are invited to participate in school activites and be as much a part of the school community as they would LIKE to be.
  9. I have only used K and Grade 1, but I HATE it!!! It's definitely a solid program but it is soooo overly complicated. We use FLL instead. If we used the K12 LA, it would take 30-45 minutes and 3 worksheets to accomplish the same objectives that we can cover in 5 minutes with FLL. Hope that helps.
  10. I have a few colors of Fiesta Ware. I find, that I like to use the red more than the yellow. I don't like to use the yellow for neutral colored food (potatoes, granola, etc.), I reach for the red more often.:tongue_smilie:
  11. I agree. I printed (b&w laser printer) the whole year, then 3 hole punched the pages and put them in a binder. When I'm getting ready for the week, I just pull out pages we will need and put them in the Math folder. This week I put the math folder in my tote bag and yesterday DD did her Math at DS's dance class and she did it today at the orthodontist's office. I also like to be able to just reprint a page. Sometimes DD gets frustrated with her handwriting and wants to start over.
  12. I agree, we just repeat as much as needed. I love FLL because it is so quick and easy.
  13. I read fiction for entertainment and pleasure. I do almost all of my reading before I go to sleep and honestly, I just don't want to have to think very hard. Before the kids were born, I was more ambitious in the types of books I chose, now I just want to read books that are fast and easy.:leaving:
  14. Maybe I'm just oblivious, but I cannot ever remember being in a restaurant with a screaming child. It could be that I'm too absorbed with keeping my own children under control too notice what others are doing.
  15. Add to that a PA. My SIL is just finishing her PA schooling, she has had several job offers and she will be able to choose a job with quite a bit of flexibility (the best hours and money for her would probably be in dermatology).
  16. If I could go back to my freshman year of college, I would go into nursing. I know a lot of moms who have good part-time nursing jobs and I think I would be good at/enjoy the work. Before I had kids, I was a teacher (middle school/high school). There is so much wrong with schools/education, I will never go back to teaching.
  17. I had to give my Golden a lot of large pills. The thing that ALWAYS worked for us, was to put a glob of peanut butter on your finger, put the pill on top and smear the whole thing on the roof of their mouth (far back toward the throat). They start working at the pb with their tongue and in the process, they swallow the pill.
  18. This is probably the biggest thing for me. Also, the exercise. If I'm exercising and eating well it makes me feel so much better about myself and that makes me feel much sexier. I also sometimes shower in the evening, put on nice lotion and pajamas or a nightgown that makes me feel sexy. (this is all kind of signal to DH)
  19. I love my Fiestaware. I have 8 place settings in white and I have been adding some colored plates and bowls. I love opening the cupboard and seeing the colors, it's so cheery.:001_smile:
  20. I received http://www.amazon.com/Wheres-Mom-Now-That-Need/dp/0961539011/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1283229003&sr=8-1 this book as a wedding shower gift, 15 years ago. I have used it a lot for very simple things like how long to boil an egg.:001_huh: If you want something a little more complicated, I like "How to Cook Everything" by Mark Bittman.
  21. Do you mind if I hijack a bit? This seems like an appropriate place to say: "Yellow is the Suuuun" Can somebody please make it stop, and get this song out of my head???:lol:
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