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Everything posted by SnMomof7

  1. We have wrap ups, but where do you find the rap?
  2. There is definitely a market for an open and go Christian classical memory program. I'd buy it - I'm so bad at memory work (because I'm not very organized). :(
  3. We did the NT one when my oldest DD was 5 - I had to do a lot of it, but she has remembered SO much, still to this day. Whenever we are discussing parables she whips out her completed lapbook and opens up her little parable book that she illustrated. The retention has been really good, I just wish we had done it when she was a bit older ;).
  4. I am waiting for our Ziggy to arrive. Tap tap tap. We are doing the free activity books until then, but I'm sure we'll run out of activities, my 4-year-old DD loves them so much! Thanks for sharing your first thoughts!
  5. OH YEAAAAAAHHHH!!! Leather -woot! I picked up an '80s set of World Book (not leather) for $10 last year. After DD read an easy chapter book about Vikings, I found her on the floor with the 'V' volume trying to find out more. Totally worth it! Nothing beats a set of paper encyclopedias for browsing :). Everything in them is good general knowledge, only the demographics/political boundaries might be out of date a wee bit :).
  6. I'm waiting for a copy of Spelling Power to arrive...just to check it out (heehee), BUT --- All About Spelling definitely reinforces phonics like gangbusters!
  7. We use MUS and it teaches place value VERY well :). OR, if you use another curriculum you could get the Math Mammoth Blue series titles just on place value for a very economical option :).
  8. Yep, if you are preggo they'll likely make you want to heave, but they are GREAT value, much cheaper than most other multis for what you get!!
  9. Does any MM expert know where Roman Numerals are taught? DD was asking me last night for Roman Numerals worksheets. :P
  10. I'm easing my 7-year old into independent Bible reading. She has her own NiRV and I get her to read me one column of text aloud each day. We talk about it together etc. She REALLY likes the name/geneaology lists?? :P I'm not giving her a full reading schedule, because I don't want reading the Bible to be tedious! We were reading The Beginner's Bible storybook until she decided it was too baby-ish and wanted the real thing :).
  11. :lol: You're NOT the only one girl! My daughter loves it though, so I'm stuck!
  12. We have the CD and don't use it. We pulled it out a couple of times for fun, but...meh.
  13. A whole hog is very, very big. It is a lot to eat for one person. :lol:
  14. I have two years of Latin, but I'm about to start brushing it off and re-learning it in anticipation of starting Latin with my oldest in a few months. I looked at Henle, but I need a bit more hand-holding, so I'm going with First Form Latin. I'm eagerly waiting for it to arrive! It's a bit slower, and has far more for teacher helps...AND DD can use it when she gets to fifth grade :).
  15. We're using SL, but it is quite limited in age range IMO. The grad-daddy of them all is TOG because you get a full program on the same topic on four distinct levels, with some overlap for family times :).
  16. Thanks Miss MOE, I was needing some reassurance and a voice of reason. I'll just take it easy and keep plugging away without doing hours and hours of unnecessary curriculum research. (Sigh, I know I'm not the only one who does this for a hobby!) Heh. I agree Lisa!
  17. We school, whenever. And yes - that does include weekends! We take off around 2 days/week, but it's only sometimes those fall on weekends at the moment. Normally one of those days is in the middle of the week for a trip to town :). Sometimes the other day off is on the weekend. That being said, our weekends look like our regular weekdays around here.
  18. Well, we've never been a textbook/workbook kind if family, but we did cut back to just the 'Rs' last year (moving twice, pregnancy etc.) and it wasn't good for love of learning around here. We added SL in, and we had joy again! Here's an extensive post on my blog if you want all the details: http://quiverfullfamily.com/2011/01/13/using-sonlight-for-real/ We are on week 10 or so of Core K (started this January), and have 1+2 lined up for as soon as we're finished :).
  19. We are doing Rod and Staff in a pretty FLL way because we do most of it orally - that way the lessons are short. (Brethren hung DD up too!) I really appreciate the Christian worldview built into the lessons. So gar, so good. I can't see us switching in the future, it's just too easy for me to use, and has enough of the other 'general LA' subjects for me to feel like it's my great gap-catcher! It teaches alphabetization for example - something I might not remember to do if left to my own devices!
  20. I love SWB too, and I've just been wondering if I'm missing something or if the board is just generally over-enthusiastic about writing programs in general! I've had the hardcover out from the library, and am waiting for my own copy (used) to show up in the mail. Taptaptap.
  21. Thanks ladies! No worries Lisa, we are essentially doing WWE work, but on our own across our subject areas. I should really see if I can find a Rod and Staff English scope and sequence. We are just blindly toodling our way through 2, and I have 3 on the way, but maybe that would help me 'get' where we're going.
  22. Yep, we download, print, and stick in a binder, then pull out the relevant sheets when we want them. Very, very cost effective.
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