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Everything posted by SnMomof7

  1. I'm really liking writing the WTM way for my grammar student (easy!) I've been looking at the writing components of TOG and it seems...so...much...more. Even at the lower levels. So, talk to me TOG moms. Are you using the TOG writing component, or are you just blithely WTMing away at copywork, narration, dictation across the curriculum for grammar aged students? Is anyone else feeling like ...woah! when you read the TOG writing assignments for the various levels, or is it just me? If you are using it, how's it going? How do you feel it meshes with SWBs pedagogy? You know we needed another TOG thread today....;)
  2. I think SL is a great fit for distractible moms (I'm one), but I hear you on the multiple cores issue. We are doing core K this year, with core 1+2 on the shelf for as soon as we are done. I see you are using SL science too (we aren't, we use Apologia). In any case, one way to streamline might be to double up on your readings so you don't waste time mentally switching gears/books/finding supplies etc. When I tried to do history AND science daily, I failed. Now I do two days of history, two days of science. So, I do 2-3 days of SL each day we do history, then 2 days of Apologia each day we do science. Another thought - your DDs are only 1 year apart in age, right? 8 and 7? Ignore their grades for a moment - at 1 year apart I think you COULD easily continue to combine them in SL cores, I don't see why not? 1-2 years age difference normally is fine for combining, 3 years starts to push it. That being said, we're going to TOG for 4th because we have a bunch of littles all spread out. FWIW, the grammar levels can actually be lighter in TOG than in Sonlight for reading aloud load. Don't know if this helps, but that's what I'm thinking so far.
  3. Yep - have you noticed the EXTENSIVE use of multi-quotes on this thread!!!:D Yep, I think there is some serious TOG-voyeurism going on on this board.... :lol: :drool:
  4. :iagree: I love SL, and am only just scoping out TOG. These are two of my main draws, PLUS I think it will do a better job of developing a biblical worldview in the D/R years. I have four on the ground now, and they are often 2 - 3 years apart. The thought of having to juggle multiple time periods makes my brain want to explode. :001_huh: I'm not to good with jumping mental tracks like that. :lol: There's a reason we do history two days, then science two days instead of every subject every day! It takes my brain a long time to switch gears. :confused:
  5. Homeschooled for 8th and 9th using correspondence courses through the province of Alberta. Ugh. Read textbook, answer mindless regurgitation multiple choice and short answer problems. I hate literature anthologies to this day...real books, please! My mom worked so I was just left to it, failed math, and went on to never succeed at math again more or less. Each of my siblings has been homeschooled for increasing amounts of time, ending with my half-brother who has homeschooled from the start. He got to use MUS for the early grades which my mom passed on to us (yay!). She's still in the trenches (he's 13), and is very unschooly. We do EVERYTHING differently. I'm intensively involved in all subjects, NO multiple choice ;), real books, and I'm now a Christian! I'm understanding the classical model more each day and as I learn more, my love for it increases; it just makes sense.
  6. WOW! Me too, my first multi-quote! Never know what you'll find in a TOG thread! :D And woohoo! Downloading this, we have CHOW here for SL 1+2 already :).
  7. Whew. The deep south! Okay, but only in the winter :P. I'd be heading north in the summer, I don't do too well with intense heat :).
  8. What are you interested in writing? :) It is a big help to connect with and network with other writers. Marketing is 9/10ths of a successful curriculum. You need to be prepared to either learn how to, or outsource website creation, social networking, e-book creation, simple graphics skills etc. It is a LOT of work up front, and pays off slowly over the long-run. Definitely not a get rich quick proposition! We started by writing titles for our own children, and I'll often make copywork for my daughter that I later convert into levels and penmanship styles that she doesn't use so that others can use it.
  9. Awww, just marginally warmer! We've had an odd winter here in Alberta, a week of -30 to -35 C, a week of -5 to -15 C on and off! We need to find a warm place to form a TOG neighborhood....:D
  10. :party: I bet it is warmer where you live too!! I think we'll start Year 1 in 2012/2013 :).
  11. Hi AngelBee! We only have a small rural library, not so great, and inter-library loan takes 2+months often..you really can't count on it! For next year, grade 3 - 2011/2012 - I have SL 1+2, and I need to stick in some basic Canadian studies for littles sometime over the next year. Then I think we're going TOG!! :) Feel free to keep sharing on this thread though :).
  12. All right, where's the groovy smiley? Nothing seems to quite fit the bill... :coolgleamA: Groovy smiley needed...:lol:
  13. Wow - too many to list! Only 3? Raising my dc to love and honor God. Not bring chained to a bizarre and developmentally questionable scope and sequence. Flexible schedule/location!
  14. The Story of Ferdinand is very fun, The Story About Ping - classic picture books they love. The Boxcar Children - my youngers love these if you're looking for chapter books. They also ADORE the Magic School Bus books :).
  15. I grabbed the teaching thinking skills one when they had a free coupon for it last year. I plan to buy the entire set when I order my print Y1 in 2012. Out of the Shrink Wrap looks wonderful! Yes - I did say 'when'! :lol: I'm done for!
  16. Ah, if only you knew how accurate that drooly smiley is! :lol: I'm all: :001_tt1::drool: Over TOG now! I'm so surprised by myself, but the more I look, the more it makes sense to me, particularly for the long haul (already have 4 dc on the ground!)
  17. Have you looked at the Rainbow science course for 7th/8th grade? We aren't there yet, but it certainly looks groovy :).
  18. I don't make any money from this, and neither does anyone else, except for the Red Cross. ;) Just a quick heads-up. CurrClick is having a fundraiser for the NZ relief efforts following the big earthquake in Christchurch. They are selling a BIG bundle for $20, all proceeds going to the Red Cross. http://www.currclick.com/product_info.php?products_id=44622&it=1 Hope this gives you an opportunity to be a blessing and to be blessed at the same time! We just bought a bundle this morning and thought some of you who'd like to donate might want to as well :D
  19. Sob. I do want it! I bought 1+2, a fly-through of world history/geography in a single year. I still think it will be great fun, and a good foundation to build on when we start a deeper/slower history cycle, hopefully with TOG in ...grade 4...2012/2013. At least by then they'll have the yr 1 overhaul done!
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