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Everything posted by SnMomof7

  1. So, LG TOG moms...a couple of questions. Does TOG integrate readings from the Bible or a story Bible for Yr. 1? Does it integrate mapping of Bible history with Map Aids? These are super-duper important to me :). You girls are all so...tempting me...to...go over...to the...TOG...side! But not until grade 4...seriously...must not....buy....more...already...purchased...SL...for...grade 3!!!!
  2. Is there a BIG difference between 3rd and 4th editions? I've found a used 3rd for a great prices, but wondering if it would somehow be...less than? :confused: Has anyone seen them both?
  3. Thinking about TOG for UG in grade 4 so listening in...
  4. Yep, MM = Math Mammoth We are starting to supplement our MUS with MM, and I'm actually toying with the idea of switching. Seems like we've been in Alpha FOR-E-VER!
  5. I think they just haven't updated their images. Their light blue image actually says 1-5, but their text descrption says 1-6 :). I want the whole set...I've been working on DH for a few days already....maybe in a few more he'll be ready :). We have been using the blue to supplement, but I'd like to try out the light blue too :).
  6. Yep, check it out here for details on the bundles they are offering. https://www.homeschoolbuyersco-op.org/index.php?option=com_hsbc_epp_order&Itemid=1447 Looks like ALL the blues, ALL the light blues, etc. They aren't divided up by grades. I want the whole set! :)
  7. If you visit the MP forums, a few LC II users are bailing in favor of First Form Latin and are happy with the change. That is how they are teaching it in their privates schools now: PL, LC I, First Form. Another option to consider apart from Henle. I don't have it yet, but am planning to self-teach from it to get a jump on DD. I like that it has more hand-holding than Henle :).
  8. Thanks Kristi and Marie! I too, ideally want to do all of history - Canada included - chronologically, but I don't know if I have the planning skills to pull it off. Seems all the good cycle-based history programs are very US-centric. I definitely want the dc to learn US history, just not SO much :).
  9. Hi Folks! I have a couple of quick questions re: TOG. We are currently using SL, but I'm only formally educating my oldest. I already have 4 on the ground, so I can see that things will likely need to change as I fold more dc into the mix. I reviewed TOG Y1U1 DE when DD #1 was younger and it was just like...WOW, way too much for us (and I wasn't at all ready to customize at that point in time, I think a hard copy would also help.) So in a way, I'm surprised I'm asking :tongue_smilie:. So, two questions. 1. Does TOG start to incorporate original source documents for history in the rhetoric years? I love the idea of doing this, but it is kind of overwhelming to me since I'm not too good at planning...and I definitely need hand holding for this. 2. For years 3 and 4, is it heavy American content? I'm a Canadian, and I'm not sure how this would work out for us? Any Canadian TOGers want to chime in here? I'm thinking we'd need to take gap years to just do Canadian history, making more like a ...5 year cycle? Thoughts? Thanks!
  10. We use KJV because it is EASIER to memorize. It isn't work-a-day language, so it's more memorable, it doesn't get mixed up with stray/random pieces of language floating around in the brain. The most important thing though, is to be consistent. Scripture memory CDs that draw from...5 different versions drive me bonkers :O!
  11. My daughter thinks the PL DVDs are funny/cool :), almost like she's in a class interacting with a teacher. She likes to 'play' school ;).
  12. Our children think the Drive Thru History guy is hilarious. I love that it is on location! It is a bit intense/fast (we've only watched the ancients stuff), but it is a GREAT supplement I think!
  13. FWIW, I think TOG is too much for K. We have the digital Y1 U1, but have never used it - definitely better for older children. SL Core K is even possibly too much for Kindergarten. If you visit the SL forums it is often recommended for the higher end of the age range. We are doing it right now with dds 7 and 4 (just tagging along for fun), they will be 8 and 5 in April. It is good if maybe a tad easy for oldest DD, it is too much for DD 4, she leaves to do her own thing most times during history readings, but she loves the read alouds. For K, all you really need is some good read alouds :).
  14. Added to my cart - $6.50 here in Canada. We really struggle to be consistent in this!!
  15. I'm impressed! I love his sense of humor, he's already got some of his own style shining through!
  16. I'm no writing expert, but I do know public schools often have different ideas of what is developmentally appropriate work for different ages than homeschoolers might. It really depends on educational philosophy. BUT I did want to say - awww, he loves you, he wants to give you chocolate :). You have to love that!
  17. We have had great success with the A Beka readers, because they are so nicely phonetically leveled!
  18. Do it girl! I skipped gravy pretty much until my oldest was 7.5!
  19. They are planning to produce a First Form Greek curriculum. If you hit their forums you'll see some dates being thrown around, but they do tend to bump things back a few times before it finally gets produced. It seems like they test out their curriculum in their private schools before hitting beta stage that the public can buy. I am looking forward to it!
  20. The CD should be in color. I don't have one (just downloads), but they should be the same files! The printed copies are the black and whites I think.
  21. Just as a bit of an FYI, Illuminations is actually doing the two years of AAH before it does MOH IV in it's chronological plan. Another idea of how to do things chronologically.
  22. We really like AP! I'm in Canada, so I never bought any of the kits, I had to piece them together from companies that would ship to Canada and local stores, or else I likely would have. The books ARE expensive, but include art appreciation/art history as well, and are totally non-consumable. Likely my daughter's favorite subject, I should do it more often (I'm not a very projecty mom and my supplies are so scattered after several moves)!!
  23. Illuminations DOES have a LOT in it. I don't know if you'd want to combine it with something else :).
  24. Debra at Notebooking Pages has some free basic lined pages in her freebie section too, with different line spacings..I think..
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