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Everything posted by SnMomof7

  1. Thanks TXMary2! I was considering doing the botany, it sounds like you consider it one of the easier books?
  2. So if we do zoo 1, is it best to follow with zoo 2 and 3, or to take a break and do...botany in between? Also, is Apologia ever going to release a book dealing with magnets/light/electricity etc?
  3. Well, the family has voted to stay with mastery based science. We're currently doing Apologia Astronomy, which title would you do next? I've heard some are more difficult than others. :confused:
  4. For Christians, Teaching the Trivium is wonderful. It's more relaxed classical, but I think EVERY Christian homeschooler should read it. The introductory portions are the best apologetic I've ever ready for the 'why' we should homeschool :).
  5. No, we're doing K, then 1+2 this fall. I have to admit that 5 looks a wee bit scary with that whole EHE thing, but I can't say personally!
  6. Well, here's a thought. My DC are younger than yours and we are Canadian so we do our history cycle a bit differently. In any case... We really like SL, if you like it, and it seems you do. Why not just add a TruthQuest guide for the period you are doing It would help with commentary and might give YOU as the teacher the extra background/perspective you feel you need to make your SL readings more meaningful. (Haven't tried TQ, but it came to mind based on what you were saying.)
  7. I'm hearing you. It's an organizational thing for me - I never feel 'pulled together' enough to do science. My DD is desperate for experiments though, so Im pulling out the Apologia Astronomy. We've tried to get started 2-3 times before... Maybe this time...
  8. All of the above :). DD 7 is on grade level in penmanship, is ahead in reading (but was behind until two months ago), behind in math and spelling because we use a different approach than public school (mastery), and likely ahead in all knowledge subjects because ps isn't great at those. I don't put a lot of stock in 'grade levels' though, we work until she really GETS it, won't move on until she does, then keep going :).
  9. Well, OP, if it's any consolation, I think the WTM forums tend to pull in curriculum junkies ;). I don't think ALL hs moms jump around so much as we tend to do here!
  10. Ack. Good point Jay3fer. I am in love with my laptop...
  11. When something doesn't work for us, we just drop it, and don't necessarily sub anything else in. I wait a while, surf the net (heehee), maybe pull out some things we already have at home, weren't using, but could potentially use. Sometimes I decide to buy something new, but sometimes that is to add in a new subject. We started grammar this semester so I bought a book for that. I've been considering adding a more structured/planned out writing program - WWE - for most of the month, but today I'm almost convinced just to do it all myself from our content subjects, so I'm not buying....quite yet ;). Something I DO want to say is I think phonics is the MOST hopped! Most parents do 3-4 programs before their child learns to read, but it isn't often the program, it's readiness to blend ;). If a child can't 'get' reading, stop. Wait. DON'T BUY. Then just try again. Wish I'd had that advice! Also, if a program doesn't work for ME (it needs to be pretty laid out and straight forward) then it just isn't going to happen. I'm a bit of a scatterbrain!
  12. We sing hymns, but not in a really structured way :). We have the Kids Hymnal DVD - around $10. It has 80 songs, not all are hymns, some are Sunday school type songs, some are choruses, some are based on scripture etc. You can get the hymnals too (we have 2) and the CDs (don't have them). I figure 80 is manageable for my little ones to learn over their school years :). They put the DVD in - they ASK for it, we call it "Jesus Songs Time", then we sing and dance - they can get a bit wild actually. My 7 year old is picking up a LOT, even though it's so informal. They really like "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms". Not all my favorites are in there, but there are some great ones!
  13. A Beka's Handbook for Reading. Might seem like a boring choice, but paired with their leveled readers this is what gave DD her reading wings and took her beyond c-v-c.
  14. Oh maybe look at Simply Charlotte Mason 106 Days... science book. It is a living books and experiments overview/intro to the life sciences. Also, their Bible/history/geo could be used as a multi-aged Bible curric ;).
  15. Hmm, I think there IS a Bible curric like this! Anne Elliot, google her :). Foundations is the name of the first year.
  16. That is a clever idea AngelBee! I could ask DH to make me some if I knew the dimensions.
  17. Ah, another question. We use MUS and already have those blocks. Could I sub them for the Cuisenaire type so my DD doesn't have to relearn the blocks later? Has anyone tried doing this with the cuis. book they recommend?
  18. Ooooh, sounds like I NEED it....!!!!! Curriculum longing has struck!!
  19. I'm looking ahead for my 4-yr-old who will be turning 5 in April. She already knows most if her short letter sounds but isn't yet blending...well, she sort of is, she blends her 3 letter words but then gets excited and blurts out an entirely different word, LOL. In any case, would MFW K be too boring for her since she already knows her sounds? Also - how does it work with the picture books? Our local library isn't very good, so would we need to buy the recommended titles for each week? (Eek?) Must you have then, or are they optional, and can I find a list of them somewhere? I think MFW 1st would be too advanced for her, but correct me if I'm wrong. I like the idea of having a more integrated K year for her, but if her reading just doesn't match up with MFW K I'm willing to just keep piecing it together :).
  20. We just used a cookie sheet for level 1 and got by okay ;).
  21. It just doesn't seem as peachy as the testimonials on their website. Thanks for the real feedback ladies! I think I might just keep my money for the RightStart math games since they cost around the same :).
  22. I had my DD do the quartermile math sample and it just freaked her out - too much pressure to perform. No magic bullet! Gasp! Sigh. I really like the look of the RightStart math games, I just don't know how often I'll get to doing them with my DD with so many little ones running around.
  23. My DD really wants one (after she looked over my shoulder as I was scoping one out online). We are trying to master addition facts right now and it seems to be taking...a while. Is it REALLY as good as their testimonials make out? Anyone find it DIDN'T work for their dc? :bigear:
  24. Congrats Mamma! I only have 4 so far, but have gone through PPD a couple of times with them, moved twice this year, constantly building/renos etc. Pare back to basics :). If you can get those done then I think you'll have time for reading when you nurse. I do with my latest singleton, it's really lovely. In any case, you may want to get an e-reader, load it up with good, classic content, and go to it. That way you won't have a bunch of different books to keep track of! Mix it up, use the AO reading list - lots of good reads there that you can easily find on the internet. Maybe download the free recordings of the public domain books from the AO lists at librivox.org and let the dc listen to those if you feel too busy to read :). Then call it good! 3rs plus books = a good thing! (I think twins are so neat!)
  25. Congrats Mamma! I only have 4 so far, but have gone through PPD a couple of times with them, moved twice this year, constantly building/renos etc. Pare back to basics :). If you can get those done then I think you'll have time for reading when you nurse. I do with my latest singleton, it's really lovely. In any case, you may want to get an e-reader, load it up with good, classic content, and go to it. That way you won't have a bunch of different books to keep track of! Mix it up, use the AO reading list - lots of good reads there that you can easily find on the internet. Maybe download the free recordings of the public domain books from the AO lists at librivox.org and let the dc listen to those if you feel too busy to read :). Then call it good! 3rs plus books = a good thing! (I think twins are so neat!)
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