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Everything posted by SnMomof7

  1. When you are going through life-changes it's just best not to stress about output. We moved twice last year, pregnant/new baby, I struggle with mood disorders (full blown PPD for oldest DDs grade 1), and we live off-grid with no running water, our house is in a perpetual state of building/reorganizing/upgrading as we finish it. NOT that I'm trying to one-up you here! :) I just wanted to say that hard times can be persevered through if you are dedicated to homeschooling. Things don't have to be 'perfect' in your homeschool or else you put the kids back in school, KWIM? Honestly, just having a responsive adult around to chat with yields better educational results in the early years than any public school can. So...even if your ducks aren't all in a row - no need to fret! You can do it!!!
  2. I'm thinking of getting it for the future, it is a GREAT price. So I'm listening for actual reviews here as well.
  3. Brighty of the Grand Canyon by Marguerite Henry! (donkey, but pretty close to a horse, and a GREAT read!) Any of the Clara Dillingham Pierson nature books.
  4. DD 7 has a "Latin Countdown" on the go - "Only 5 more days until I get to learn Latin!!!" I told her she can't start Latin until her phonics lessons are finished up!
  5. How old is your child? There are 24 lessons, and we did around 1 lesson/week with my 7-year-old, but we had to go back and review some. It is a mastery-based program so you take as long as you need for each lesson! It really depends on how much work you want to get done/how many times a week you do spelling/how long you want your sessions to be etc.
  6. Heehee Julie! Good idea! I'm in Canada, so no free shipping for me! Those legal exhibit tabs look great, 1-50 sets go for $8.76 here in Canada, and I can get free shipping :).
  7. Thanks for all the ideas ladies! And thanks for the 1-9 hint about TOG, we're doing SL this year and next, THEN TOG :). That made me think I could do 1-9s quarterly with SL too if I wanted to instead of 1-36!
  8. Like the ones Sonlight and Tapestry of Grace sell? Has anyone ever found these locally or online at a better price? I'd like to buy....several sets ;). One for me, one for DD, one for my BIG binder etc. Thanks in advance!:D
  9. When they haven't learned that learning isn't cool. DD after reading a simple historical fiction about Vikings grabbed the encyclopedias to do her own research...and had fun doing it.
  10. Not sure if I'm a veteran - we're only a couple of years in....! BUT, we have looked at/tried quite a few things...it feels like! I'd go with: Reading - A Beka - A Handbook for Reading and their leveled readers Math - Math Mammoth (we use MUS with Math Mammoth, but if you could ONLY have one with no supplements, I'd go MM) English - Rod and Staff - it's a great gap filler, throw in the free skills of narration/copywork/dictation and you are set to go!
  11. We only have the Blue series (so far, I'm planning on buying the farm at HSBC later this month), but there are a LOT of links and game suggestions at the beginning of each book.
  12. Good point....we can't get blue out of our printer anymore! We just use our laser if we need quality color prints, and our inkjet for cheap jobs!
  13. Have you looked into buying bulk ink and doing your own refills? That's what my DH does for me!
  14. Another thing to consider is that here in Alberta at least, and it sounds like in B.C. too, unless you register as a traditional homeschooler, you aren't legally considered to be homeschooling. Instead you are considered to be enrolled with a school that chooses the curriculum, and you as the parent aren't in control, you are only administering the program of studies. I know that when the rubber hits the road, the parents are still often planning the program of studies, but LEGALLY, the school is. We don't want to have our legal freedoms hampered in any way, so we just take less $$! I'm a control freak - I'M the boss of this homeschool! :LOL:
  15. Ah, we are used to traditional funding, but I ALWAYS spend more than that (left you a comment on your blog saying how I always go WAY over!) I only have 1 formally funded, so it's $770 or so/yr. BUT, it's worth us not to have people trying to dictate what we need to cover, so much less stress for me :). I get to determine, together with my children how much we get done, what materials we cover, what approach/philosophy we take etc. :) I'm a big fan of traditional, I could never go aligned!
  16. Heehee. I just dropped in to spy on what you are ordering ;). I've never purchased from Spalding at all, but when I saw the words UPS, I had a bit of a freak out! Mommy4ever - we're in our second year with Education Unlimited, another traditional board. I'm happy with how things have gone, but they are very basic. They send a newsletter 2x/yr, we see our facilitator twice, and that's about it! I'm thinking of Wisdom because they have...more. They do more fellowshipping together as a board and associated families, send out a magazine more frequently, hold workshops, online courses, and they have a classical philosophy backbone. Education Unlimited is very easy to work with, and they've been great, but I'm looking for a bit...more for next year as I get more serious about a classical education.
  17. As a supplement? Get the blue series. That way you can pick and choose which focused topics you'd like your child to learn, and when. Fo example, there is a book in the Blue Series called "Clock", one called "Early Geometry", one called "Measurements" etc.
  18. For some children it might be busy work, but my DD loves the cutting/pasting type activities. It actually works to cement learning for her if we can talk/read while doing these sorts of activities. Sometimes I get her cutting and pasting while I read to her. She can't just sit and listen ;).
  19. We like Artistic Pursuits for art instruction!
  20. Hey, I'm considering Wisdom too for next year! Hello fellow Albertan!
  21. Canada Post/USPS = Woohoo! Either $5 or $8 plus G.S.T. - that's it UPS = WAY too expensive!!! Normally 50 - 100% of your order total RUN AWAY!!!!!! HIDDEN COSTS! CHARGE YOU FOR EVERYTHING!!! Whew. Bad memories.
  22. We supplement MUS Alpha with Math Mammoth. My DD wanted more Clock than she could get in either Primer or Alpha. She's doing early geometry right now with MM.
  23. I haven't used it. I looked, then I ran away. Why? I am NOT organized enough to keep track of all those manipulatives....and with so many little people running around who'd put designs on them...I'd need a locked chest!!! And I almost always have a baby in arms, so my hands aren't too free to manage all the 'gear'.
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