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Everything posted by MrsBasil

  1. Both of the women in that scenario were released from prison after 5 years. One went on to become a mystery writer. The other is now a devout(in the words of her sister) Roman Catholic and runs a riding school in England. They have never been in legal trouble again. It's troubling to me to think of a 12 year old being jailed for the rest of their life, but it's also troubling to think they could be free in 6 years. Glad I'm not a judge. I can not even begin to sort this out.
  2. He's my biggest supporter. He is the one working so we can afford to do it. He's so on board with me arranging family trips to coincide with an interest or topic. He listens to my vents without trying to fix the issue(which is REALLY hard on him). He takes the kids out of the house for 5-6 hours every few weeks so I can have down time or organizing time or planning time or veg out to Netflix time. He does normal father stuff.
  3. I can not even begin to wrap my mind around the idea that only cute diapers should be showing. It's a diaper. They are all doing the same thing and will end up crappy. My thoughts for my kid still in diapers is that I don't care. Half the time getting her to keep a diaper on is an accomplishment. At home if she's in a diaper and t-shirt or a diaper and super hero cape or a diaper and socks, great! . I put pants, a dress, or a skirt on her when we leave the house/yard, but if her skirt rides up or something? Still don't care.
  4. I usher my very friendly 2.5 year old daughter away from whoever she tries to glom onto. She's the kid who waves and introduces herself to everyone at the store from her perch in the cart. Who follows strangers into bathrooms when I'm cleaning up her brother's scraped knee. Who runs as fast as she can to the other side of the park to see if the people picnicking will share their food. And so on. For me, I can tell the other moms or dads aren't normally bothered when mine shows up to say hi, but it's a habit that makes me a little nervous. She's just so open and friendly and willing to go anywhere if there's people or dogs. Plus, there have been those times when someone is royally annoyed. I try to be mindful of that. I'll push another kid in the swing if I'm standing right there and they ask. I figure the other parent is either relaxing for a few or busy with another kid. Plus, once my kid is done the other kid is on their own.
  5. Seems like a frugal, less wasteful, and easier way to track attending/decline to me. It wouldn't bother me at all if I got an evite for a wedding.
  6. I once had someone test my front door(turn my front door knob) while I was home. My dog wents nuts and they ran away. I did call the police that time, but I wouldn't normally. People leaving fliers do make me feel a little uncomfortable though.
  7. It's loud, the lights are sometimes obnoxious, it's pricy, the food is OK, they do serve alcohol which I feel is a significant step up from Chuck E. Cheese, and I can play Skee-ball, pinball, and shooting and racing games. We enjoy it sometimes. It sounds like it may not be your thing, but if you go during the day(particularly during the school year) it's a lot less crowded and a lot less noisy. The one time I went right when it opened on a week day, it was dead for the first 2 hours. To save money or lessen the time spent, go right after a meal. Ear plugs could probably help. The nearest one to us is kind of near an outdoor mall, so we cap our spending and leave once we've hit out limit. Check the location and see if you can slip out to an in ice cream shop or a bookstore or something once you or your kids have had enough. They seem to be in a pretty high retail area. -Most definitely not the most mature 32 year old around. ;)
  8. I liked it for you. I also liked it myself, but that like shall count as two. Because reasons.
  9. I remember watching the 1930s version with Mickey Rooney as Puck and Olivia de Haviland when I was in 5th or 6th grade in a language arts class. It would have to have been pretty tame. And there seems to be a bunch of clips available for preview.
  10. What ages have you all used KONOS for? I looked through it and felt like(for our family)....it could wait a few years. I like the idea of it, just seemed a bit much for one 5 year old. I am on the lazy side of relaxed for K compared to a lot of you here though. ;)
  11. I don't know if it's OCD or pickiness, but either way I hope you don't have to rent to them. Sounds like a nightmare waiting to happen.
  12. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  13. :grouphug: :grouphug: I am so very, very sorry for your loss.
  14. I'm just gonna stay put. No magical doors for me thanks.
  15. We did a sturdy metal flashing along the area of the roof the woodpecker(a *^%$#@*(&^ Northern Flicker) was pecking at. Left last year and they haven't come back here this year, but they are still in the neighborhood. The birds in this area seem mainly attracted to siding instead of the hundreds of trees we have around. Various neighbors have reported success with a cedar bird house, shiny metal strips, and a teenage boy with BB gun.** **Reports do not necessarily equal an endorsement. Probably illegal.
  16. Does he like lapbooking? Homeschool Share has a bunch of free animal lap books with some of the information included in the PDF and some things that require additional research. http://www.homeschoolshare.com/index_animal_studies.php
  17. Ceviche, lasagna, cheesecake, blueberry peach pie, pineapple upside down cake, stuffed pepper, prime rib, steak, orange roughy, salmon, halibut, shark, trout, perch, roast chicken, and Stouffers. She went to work once her youngest(my dad) was in school and she worked for Stouffers while my Grandpa worked a night shift at the newspaper(Chicago Tribune). She was a BIG fan of frozen food. :)
  18. I was not around when it came out in theaters, but I watched it a few times on VHS. The only message I really took from it, "Wow, would it ever suck to get pregnant in high school!" As a kid I thought the ending signified that Danny was trying to take an interest in Sandy's life by trying to be a jock and Sandy was trying to take an interest in Danny's life by dressing up like...that. :lol: All the other stuff; Greased Lightning lyrics, the "did she put up a fight" etc. just kinda sailed over my head until I was older.
  19. I've used my Kindle as a bookmark before. :leaving:
  20. They are all individually wrapped and clearly labeled to show they contain THC as another poster said. In addition, the only place they can be legally purchased is a store that is specifically licensed to sell marijuana and related products. You need a photo ID to just get in the front door of those places and you have to be 21 to enter and purchase. In Colorado you will not find edibles for sale at a 7-11 or a grocery store, liquor store, corner store, food truck...legally. As for the two 10 year olds caught dealing. It's concerning, but it was 2 related incidents in which Student A bought some actual marijuana to school that he got from a grandparent's unlocked stash. He sold it to 3 kids and one of those kids brought an edible from one of his grandparent's unsecured stash to school the next day and gave it to the original seller. While very, very concerning it wasn't a large scale dealing incident. The school picked up on it and had a letter to parents out quickly. I live in the area this happened, it's a school my kids could go to. I'm pleased with the way the school and district have handled it. The problem was not so much the marijuana as it was adults being irresponsible-same as when kids get into guns, alcohol, prescription drugs that an adult has failed to secure.
  21. Neither of those were it, but they have some great suggestions and ideas. Thank you!
  22. There was a post here, I thought, with a simple list of questions to ask a younger child(4-7 maybe) after finishing a book to attempt to start a discussion. My search skills are failing me! Does anyone have a list like this or remember the post and have a link?
  23. I had a Schwinn. My dad worked for Schwinn for close to 20 years. We never, ever had Huffys. :lol: Mine was purple with white stars, streamer handles, and had a white banana seat with silver stars. I had a basket too, but I don't recall the design.
  24. DH has to work. I'm taking the kids to my in laws and we'll have breakfast. I don't know what all they're making, I was told to bring nothing but the kids, myself, and 2 baskets. Then on to my parent's house where we have thrown tradition out the window and are ordering Chinese. Or throwing tradition out the window might be our new tradition. For Christmas we had lasagna for lunch and everyone was ready to leave around 3, completely not how things used to be done. :)
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